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Posts posted by Harrison

  1. Awesome Squid. I recently made a change in diet too, feel amazingly different. It blows my mind how a change so simple to make can pay off so quick. This diet is not so popular here it seems, but it makes sense to me. And if you feel good doing what your doing and your getting positive results.... HK (who cares) what others think.


    Keep it going pal. May have a hard time recognizing you down at the launch now a days huh?


    edit.. diet is a bad word... more of a lifestyle change.

  2. A friend gave me a "Fish'n Canada" cheap knock off "somethingorother" telescopic rod as a gift a few years ago now. I blew up a Loomis frog rod and grabbed this one as the spare one day in a T. I could horse anything in with it, cast a mile too, loved it. I didn't put it down for the next few years. That cheapo rod cashed more cheques for me then any other one rod I owned at the time. Ceramic popped out of the top eyelit, still gav'er. We were actually "with" Gloomis at the time too ;) My bro got cut up pretty bad from a crucial that blew up on hookset. Fished the full day and got a few stiches that night. Prettys sure he still has some graphite in his bottom lip beside the tip of a balsa stream float :)

  3. If you can get your hands on a C3 you'll be impressed. Myself and a couple "avid" anglers pounded them hard and really liked them compared to other in the same price point.


    Biased as I may be, with folks like Scott Martin and Rocky Crawford using these rods it is only time until they hit the mainstream like other amazingly marketed products. The quality is all there.

  4. My bro and I did it.


    IT is very easy for "newer" folks to this game to be taken advantage of. There is nothing wrong with being "wide eyed", enthusiastic and full of dreams.

    However, as with any industry there are those that will prey on it


    I am actually glad for the experience, it opened my eyes the reality of this biz.

  5. When I opened this thread a memory popped into my head of a day prefishing for a T with my late Dad. We were in an area that had big fish written all over it... I flipped in and I saw her turn on the jig. I would of shook her off but I knew my Dad would of loved to see a nice fish.


    He took this pic with an old 35mm a few years ago...probably 12 or so now. Funny how I used to remember the day for the size of fish that were caught, now I could careless about that.


    Scugog bog_zps1bfa46b7.jpg


    Never to early to think BASS!

  6. That's a bit of a grey area...


    I've been doing training courses for my new job and offering free guided trips for tournament funding/sponsorship might not look to good from an outsider standpoint... this can also get the person deciding whether or not to donate in trouble because a guided day of fishing is valuable enough to be considered a bribe... If they accept a "gift" of that value and it influences where they spend advertising money from their company.... That's bad news...


    I'll take a stab.... to clarify... you offer the "corporation" not the "person" as part of the "Business Agreement" package.

  7. Honestly. Join a bass club. Fish their events. Minimum investment which you will be more then likely dontating until you get sometime in the T environment if you fish partner T's.


    Most club are Boater/Non boater. Cut your learning curve 95%


    Downtown Bass in Oshawa has a good club. CBAF I "think" still has a club out of Durham too.


    I am a Port Perry Bass member, we meet in Bowmanville. Great group.

  8. To add... something else you have in your pocket if I remember correctly is you are a licensed guide.


    When I was going thru all this hoopla years ago I pitched a large Gas company. They were semi intetested in what I was throwing at them, but as soon as I uped the ante with a few guided trips for them and their clients....bingo.


    It turned from only advertising budget to including funds from other budgets. Easier to swallow for them.


    So there's a tip, hold that in your back pocket to use if needed ;)

  9. Well said Craig.


    Sponsorship is an awful word. It is more a business parntership or an employment agreement.


    If I can add a little something to the mix, go outside the fishing industry. Keep it local if you can - Coffee shops, insurance brokerages, large manufacturing corporation in town etc..


    If you are looking for little grab bags items just ask around. You should get them.


    Things are way different now a days then even 10 years ago. Things are tight.


    Focusing outside the industry is a better use of you time for the T you are pitching. IMO.


    Garnets right too... very small.


    Good Luck,

  10. I'll always remember the episode where Charlie was trolling for muskies on LSC. He hooked a fish and before he landed it a minute later he'd advertised 6 different products.


    Started off immediately by saying if it hadn't been for his extra quiet Honda he'd never have been able to sneak up on the fish and they were OK on the big lake because of his super safe Crestliner. He knew the fish was hooked solid because of his extra sharp Mustads and he'd have no problem cranking it in with his Okuma reel and his Okuma rod could handle the strain and when it got to the boat he'd land it easily with his fantastic Frabil net...whew !!!!


    Pure spam fest, but sadly that's the way alot of the shows are now and the main reason I seldom watch any fishing shows anymore.



    You forgot to mention the extra tough Seagaur leader Lew!


    I'd say it worked! :):lol:

  11. I have two experiences to share about this.


    1. Saw a jeep go through on Scugog. They drove out to the crack and stopped. It was night and next thing I knew their headlights went down, then straight again. It took about 15 secs for the jeep doors to get below ice level where they couldn't be opened. Friends of ours were closer to them and grabbed them as they came out. I would not of wanted my float suit on that is for sure. Hole in the ice was about the same size as the jeep.


    2. Scugog, my buddies truck. Hit thin ice during a thaw and the back end dropped. He instantly gunned it and I was out of the truck in 3.6 secs with no suit on. I JUST made it.... truck leveled out, then went down grill first. He crawled out the back sliding window.


    So for me..... no suit.


    Just to add to both stories... it wasn't the normal ice level that stops the doors from opening, but it was the busted ice in both cases. So that being said, most likely you'll have to jump out the window and not thru an open door.

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