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Posts posted by Harrison

  1. Ha Rick! Can I borrow your knife? I bet it's well broken in now.


    Nice jumbos. I'm shocked that Phil actually fishes though.


    I hear ya Mike, few hours on the ice AND a few on the river this weekend. It was needed. That being said, it took me late intot the night to catch up with work, but well worth it! ;)


    Fishing with Greg makes it easy. He is a good friend and there is little doubt if he is on the fish.


    Suprised my eyes are open in that shot with the 50k winds in my face :)

  2. seems to be no end in sight for forcasted NW & NE winds... :wallbash:


    Phil which leadcore is that ?


    also don't forget folks, the St Catharines Game and Fish Association's 38th annual Spring Salmon gets underway in a few weeks!





    PM me .. bout that .. Im a hard core -lead-core speck fisherman .... if you've got some fancy new 'micro' version .. I'd love to try it


    Hey gents. Yes it is the Tuf-Line Micro Leadcore. Moving a bunch to speck anglers in Quebec Camillj. Can't touch the Big American corporation prices, but I have some in stock.



  3. I've fished Duffins basically my whole life, same with my bro and more then a few friends. I have yet to hear of a true Atlantic caught in the river.


    But I guess for $250,000 the weir on Duffins will let us know how many there are in that river. Those resources alone would cover approx.one CO's salary/benefits for 4 years. OR put that $250k into steelhead stock or better yet... Cohos

  4. Seriously, we're counting Atlantics on Duffs now?


    I'll save them the $250K - I just counted....oh look, its none.


    Sorry for sidetrack. I'll stop there. I've been following this for years, kept quiet, but finding more and more frustrating.

  5. Get a pool cue, wrap some guides on it and you're set!


    I use my 8ft 1pc Compre muskie rod when doing anything in heavy cover for bass, lol.


    A lot of guys use pool cues! lol I knew a couple guys who used those old INLINE rods. They doubled as push poles.


    I used to use a pool cue, not literally, but a 7' old crucial with 5" cut off the top. Now as I get a "bit" older, I wish hadn't of used such heavy rods with no stretch braid. My wrist is done now. One hard hookset and I am in pain for the rest of the day. Some of my buds who used the same heavy rods over the years have severe arm pain as well.


    I now use a 7ft, MH and haul them out just fine. Hindsight, 20/20.

  6. The MNR is spending $250,000 on a weir for Duffins Creek to count fish (i.e Atlantics)


    That is a lot of money that should go into the enforcement budget. IMO


    Speaking of enforcement. My understandning is NY State does not fin clip their stocked fish. Bylaw folks will have to take scale samples.

  7. When they implement the municiple fishing licence that's a whole new bucket of fish. It's on there radar and 100percent......

    .......complete waste of time as the moeny it will take to administer this will far out weigh the money generated from licenses! Heck, staff resources to write the policy will put this plan deep in the hole to before it even gets of the ground!


    I think there is a typo, I fixed it. ;)

  8. More money doesn't necessarily mean more durable. Usually more expensive rods mean: Lighter, better components and maybe better build quality. I'm not interested in spending big money on a flipin' stick, so that low $100s range would be my max, and then throw more money at the reel.


    I agree Rob. Except on the reel. Before and during the days of the "super free" reels money was well spent on a flip/pitch reel. However, nowadays (a decade later +) you do not have to spend near as much to get the same or very similar functionality. Of course just my opinion.


    For $200 bucks you can be well set up with a flip/pitch combo.


    Your money is much better spent on high quality spinning rods and reels.


    As always though, to each their own.

  9. Awesome.


    We do something similar at the hunt camp.


    We built a sauna (best idea ever). It has a wood stove in it with a big aluminun pot like the one you have on it. Load it with rain water from the barrels and as it heats pump it thru a garden hose to a sprinkler head mounted off the side of the roof and woola, Nothing beats it!

  10. Quite a few variables including # test, size reel your using and technique.


    However, if you never have a "professional" override or your gear won't fray braid (ie bad eyelit) or fish near zebra mussels - 50 yards is ok.


    I normally use 1/4 spool backing with the balance braid.


    Not uncommon if you fish cover to slice braid on a dock post or zebra covered rocks/stump/weed.


    I usually peel a 'few" yards off the spool while on the water due to the above, including the overrides ;)


    Good Luck.

  11. No excuse for a Midget player to do that.. cheap.. cheap.


    There is always a few idiots on the ice. I've had both shoulders dislocated, broken wrist, and a broken collerbone due to cheap shots. And a few concusions trying to pay them back ;)


    Most recently I was taken out in early Januray this year with a knee to knee cheap shot playing competitive mens league. Seasons over for me... knee is messed. Other injuries happened when I was younger, healed quicker. It never stops.


    I remember watching my nephew who plays AAA get smoked by a cheapie in Minor Pee Wee. Man you anger sure esculates when its family it happens too... I could just imagine how fuming you were MuksyMatt.


    Glad she is ok.

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