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Posts posted by Harrison

  1. "Visiting player stick down first."


    What was up with the refs? Anyone shed some light on this.

    Visitors stick must be down on the ice first, then the home teams, then the puck drops.


    Very common to hover your stick above the ice. It is a common trick everyone does, they are just cracking down on it. This is why we see alot of guys being thrown out of faceoffs.


    Great read on this thread, arm chair fishermen have nothing on arm chair hockey fans.

  2. Maybe most know this, but some assume because you are getting them shallow and in back bays it is because they are spawning or spawned out.


    They are actually there because the "pinner" minnows are. Find northern shallow bays, darker the bottom the better and or wood (docks, lay downs, stumps)they retain heat from the sun longer and the pinners stick around.


    The craps push the minnows to the end of bays/marinas/cuts/docks and gourge on'em.


    Right now is one of my fav time to get beauty crappie as they move off the super shallows and stage on the first break or weed growth of the year. Small cranks or jerkbaits can get you into some giants!


    They move up after bass and finish the deal ike Terry said. however, I've seen some go at the same time. On Scugog especially.

  3. Balsam is good, you can catch on the river there.


    Canal lake you have have to leave your lure selection open ended. You never never what will hit. If you go with a gut shot, you could still flop a beast on your deck.


    Mitchell, is close to Balsam, actually stringed together. Not alot of fish, but you can still catch if your lucky. No real value bet there IMO


    Crowe is a great option to, if you go all in you could set into a monster if you pick your time right.


    If your set early and hit a turn before the river, your laughing.

  4. 1. Life's full of suprises so make sure you have a minnow net handy if you let your young kids use your livewell to go #1.



    2. If you like fiction, you'll love dock talk.



    3. IF you lose your hat in 5ft swells on Lake Ontario, forget about it. Life goes on.



    4. If your better half harps on you for your lure collection, remind them shoes are not the only things that are seasonal and come in pairs.



    5. If your going to buy a rainsuit, buy a good one.


    Thats all I can think of for now.

  5. If $ is the bottom line large American corporations will win over a Canadian retailer almost everytime. Just the hard facts of retail in the great white north.


    Especailly when buying US online, then shipping to a US address. Might as well be Florida buying it on vacation.


    Anyone who has imported for resale in Canada will understand.


    In the words of Bruce "That's just the way it is"


    Good luck on your search Bill :)

  6. I don't think they do any longer. They r not on site. I sent him an email a while back asking but did not get a reply.

    Sorry if we missed it Landry. I'll look into that now.


    Okuma EVx is a good quality rod for the money. The New Daiwa DMX Musky rods are sharp too in that price point.

  7. Pretty sure I would get bored fishing one species. There is way too much opportunity to fish a variety of water and species at our doorsteps. We are truly lucky to have the resources we do.


    I love the hunt, the figuring things out is what keeps me going regardless of the species.


    Plus fooling something with a brain the size of a thumb tack is good for my ego too. =]





  8. If you enter high money tournaments with the expectations of having fun and learning the system / gaining experience in a T environment, while most likely dontaing all your entry fees, expenses, and time for the first couple years - you are ahead of the game IMO. Anything else is a bonus.


    Like Garnet said, it is WORK. Fun Work, but work. Harder you work the better you are.


    The guy beside me in my avatar is arguably one of the best tournament anglers in Canada and others I know and fished with who are always near the top (Garnet included) work their butts off year round.... on and off the water!


    Tournaments are meant to be fun, .. once that stops... so should tournaments. They are not a means to put food on your table.


    Once my girls get a bit older and I can invest the proper amount of time to be competitive agian, I'll be back in the game.

  9. Anyone out there want to produce a real fishing show? The one where a bunch of guys spend a week together at a camp once a year, make an excuse for not to go fishing, go into town to watch the peelers, get into a fight with the locals, go back to camp, make an excuse not to go fishing, drink some more, play euchre and get into a fight with each other. Now that is a real Canadian fishing show.


    Replace "fishing" with "hunting" and we can film a reality show at my camp. :)

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