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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. the wiring definately has been replaced, THe bulbs i originally bought were slvania's. Light tonite, turned on the front hall light both bulbs in the the fixture blew, all the fixtures in the house were replaced before we moved in as well. I am going to start pulling them apart to take a peek
  2. not the end of the line for sure, we are in the centre of a large older subdivision. Its is an older house that was converted about 5 years ago from fuses to a breaker panel,
  3. Hey guys, i have a question for and electrician. This is a little out of my heating experience lol, I am blowing light bulbs at the rate of 5 or so a week in different sockets around the house. I have made sure that they are not over the limit for the wattage and have even started to switch to flourescents, any ideas? Thanks Denis
  4. Thanks for the advice guys!
  5. I bought a new house in the fall, and noticed the fence in rough shape, think it is at least 20 years, notice the neighbor or formor owner has use wire in several spots to hold it up. Over the winter one section has fallen down and been put back up, but it looks rather unsafe. Being a new homeowner, who pays for the fence, is it split between neighbors or is it up to one person?
  6. Start reading and looking up websites related to the hvac trade HPAc magazine is great reading, subscribe to it and www.hvac-talk.com is a great website to look at and get some perspective.
  7. Welcome to the board!!
  8. If you are looking to get into the hvac trade, try going to himark for your schooling, all hands on look it up online I don't regret one day getting into it, and i no longer have to make excuses to call in sick lol
  9. Got the phone call i was dreading today. My grandmother had a stroke 2 weeks ago and seemed on the mend. My uncle called today and told me she had passed at aroun 12 pm. The toughest part was calling my dad on his cruise and giving him the bad news. She was 86. God bless Grandma.
  10. if you can give me the info of the unit, i can see if i can try my supplier hear and you can look at getting it shipped up, if it speeds things up
  11. Does anyone either work for them or have good knowledge about it that could give me some advice? Thanks Denis
  12. were they able to show you the hole?
  13. Whats the part thats on order?
  14. Arcoaire is built by ICP, which also builds Keeprite products. I like them because the parts are easier to get and not nessesarily proprietary to the furnace, u can use some universal parts on them, Which means cheaper and faster repairs! compare these: http://www.arcoaire.com/products/vs95.html http://www.keeprite.com/products/vs95.html
  15. So what happened bud?
  16. but if you can get a trade job in the gov't!
  17. they are basicly tanks, a few parts go, but you can't kill em! lol
  18. the weight of them with the old cast heat exchangers, we had to get one out of a crawlspace 2 weeks ago, had to cut it on pieces in order to get it out. but man did they work well, never seen one that didn't work yet, changed a few blowers, but the only reason they were coming out was the tax credit
  19. Thos are monsters!
  20. I wouldn't go so far about saying that about lennox, I work for a lennox dealer and am the service man for the company. I have yet to see a heat exchanger with a crack in it and I service tonnes!!! Rudd is alright, I like servicing the Keeprites or any of the ICP products due to the fact that the majority of parts are able to be replaced with universal parts, such as hsi, flame sensor and roll out switches. Get your furnace inspected every year, a $75 inspection won't cover having the heat exchanger looked at, or the venting, it is basically a touch and feel type inspection, coveing all the safeties. Trane is a good name as well, we deal in American Standard as well, which is a trane product as well. but a lot less in price. I would definately ask to see the hole in the heat exchanger as causing it to "roll out" the flame the hole owuld have to be substantial. and if there is no hole then DO NOT pay to have them replace it. It is there mistake. You can even goes as far as having them smoke bomb it to check, but usually holes are found when it heats up. Any questions please feel free to ask me. Denis
  21. Check the board too for what looks like an automotive fuse, if its is gone that will effect all your safeties.
  22. i agree with ya dan, in order for it to be the flame sensor you need flame, your furnace has to go through a bunch of safety checks first, pressure switch, or switches, flame roll out, etc, once those are proven then the gas valve gets the ok to light up, is this furnace a standing pilot, spark ignition or an hsi?
  23. I used carstar in ottawa, did a great job!
  24. Thanks Guys!!!
  25. Got out a few times this year with the kids, but not very often by myself. Found a little honey hole this year that seems to be producing really well and some really great baits! Anyway, here are some pics of the 3 fish i caught there! The bait that worked so well was some of the BaitGirl specials in black and yellow, my first 2 casts i had the first 2 fish. Then the lightning started and i decided to head home. Hopefully some more reports to come! Denis
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