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Posts posted by Cast-Away

  1. I agree with Musky Man. I was so turned off by my last GM built in 1987, I never bought another. I am on my 5th Mazda, of which the last two were built in Detroit, and never had a single complaint about any of them. Why can North American auto workers build good vehicles for Japanese owners, but not to the same standard for North American owners?


    A friend of mine has worked at Honda in Alliston for a good 10 years and says that the CAW guys are always at the employee entrance pushing their agenda. He said that nobody shows any sign of interest because they are all well treated and paid fairly for the work that they perform. Interesting


    Lastly, I have a real hard time hearing that some of the workers at the big 3 are making 70K plus per year! Wow, most people do not make that kind of money these days without a university degree. Is it any wonder why the big 3 are in trouble? How can they compete when the cost of labour is so high? Why aren't people willing to take huge pay cuts in order to help make their company more competitive and stay afloat?

  2. You have been a busy (leasure) guy Wayne! Do you know anyone that can fix the dents in your wing? (LOL)


    We rent a cottage on 12 Mile Bay as you know from a guy that now flies his own plane up from Breslau all of the time. He put a hydralic turntable in between his docks that is really sweat! He can pivot the plane around single handedly. Here is a pic:



  3. It's not just the OPP, all police forces now have zero tolerance. If you look at what it costs to staff and equip a police force, they have to generate revenue in order to cover off their costs, ot the politicians would cut back the number of police that keep us safe.


    No I am not a police officer and yes I have been charged with traffice offenses in the past that I deserved!

  4. Well L2FH2W, I have to say that your thread really stirred things up today, but note how positive everyone has been!


    I have been a member of this board for a good 7 years now and don't post allot, but do read and enjoy this board every day. This is the only website that I read every day.


    When I do contribute, it is because I feel that I have good knowledge to contribute to the answer that someone is looking for. I don't fish allot of different waters, but do consider myself very knowledgeable on the Moon River Basin and the Massasauga PP.


    BTW, why have you not replied to your original thread all day today?

  5. Congratulations to you and your bride to be!


    What a great report that you spent the time to type out. My wife and I spent our first summer vacation as a married couple wilderness camping on the French River as you guys did. What a great memory that you will both have.


    Again, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Shame on the other police officers to lie for their friend. There comes a point where you need to draw the line when it comes to honesty and integrity. These guys as just as guilty as the man that was charged.


    There use to be an officer in Bradford who would not hesitate to charge other police with any infraction from speeding to impaired driving. All of the police hated this guy and he as considered a lone wolf. Too bad there aren't more lone wolves on our police forces.

  7. I have two questions for you to answer:


    1. Do you fish in bad weather?


    2. Do you have a family?


    If you fish in bad weather, then you definitely want a console to hid behind in lousy weather.


    If you have a family, you might want to consider a full windshield boat. I was convinced that I wanted a console until I showed the pictures of the boat to my wife and she said "what am I suppose to sit behind?" Need I say more?


    Here is my ride. I am very happy with the decision as a fish Georgian Bay quite a bit and often take advantage of the full windshield and the standup cover. The more protection that you have on a lousy day, the better your day will be. Rainsuits can be a bummer after a few hours on the water on a cold rainy day. I also have plenty of room to fish in the front or the back. This is a 17 foot boat.



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