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Everything posted by TheMaverick

  1. Sincerely, the pleasure was all mine Drop, sometimes all it takes is an honest face to face discussion to sway ones opinions regarding a few online forum "personalities". Edited and refrained If you guys ever get the chance to meet Drop, the man has stories that I'll make you peepee your pants!
  2. What about the Quebec anglers? Lol
  3. Neil, Moen Kassian, Armstrong Smith, Bouillon Cowen, White All mismatches if you ask me.....say otherwise and you don't know crap about hockey!
  4. You post the same bass pic over and over again
  5. Yes it was, probably heat issues! Thanks I must say, your steez with blue accents look pretty nice!
  6. kinda like viewing Kinda like viewing the cache version, snapshot in time! http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:gcXzCkAvJ0gJ:554.tube-ogof.fish-hawk.net/viewtopic.php%3Ff%3D2%26t%3D49022+fish-hawk.net+the+masked+robbers+do+it+again&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca
  7. Flipping a Bitsy bug? I think they spawn in 60 to high 60's....
  8. All your family pictures are taken at Weigh-in
  9. You refer to your wife as "My sponsor"
  10. You lip you're newborn to kiss him goodnight!
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=129kuDCQtHs
  12. Agreed, I use to get ridiculed on "other" forums for loving tackle! Nice change of pace. I've tried the Invizx, I didn't like it, I was tying a improved clinch knot.....and I kept losing my cranks. What kinda knot are you tying?
  13. "Please be advised that a major disaster has happened with the Fish-Hawk site! As you all may have noticed, Fish-Hawk.Net has been down for quite some time now. I have been away on vacation since April 11, and was unaware of the problems until I returned on April 27th. Since then I have been exploring the issue, and working with my service provider to try and have it resolved. After a week of conversing with them, we have discovered that the Fish-Hawk database, which basically is the heart of the site, has simply "disappeard". Powweb (Service Provider), has informed me that they do NOT have my database on any of their servers, nor do they have any backups of the database. Their retention period for backed up data is only 3 days, upon which the old data is removed and they have no means to retrieve it. Since I was away for longer than 3 days, I was not able to catch this in time. They have also checked their logs to find out what happened, however only have a short period of retention for those as well. As you can imagine, I'm incredibly disappointed in these retention periods and their methods upon removing old backups when new backups were not successful. 3 days isn't even enough time to soak something new, and I have expressed this to them with no avail at this point in time. At this point, I will need to take a step back and explore my options for the continuation of the Fish-Hawk entity, in order to determine the best method upon which to proceed. I will be further exploring my own local test sites, to see if I have some version of the database I can restore, from either the migration to the new platform when we changed the look of the site, or the upgrade to phpBB3 I did about a year ago. To all users of the site: I do apologize for this inconvenience, particularly at this time of year when we're all looking forward to getting back into the swing of things, and ask for your continued patience while I figure this mess out. To all Advertisers and Supporters of the site: Please do not process any advertising payments to Fish-Hawk for 2013 until further notice. For those of you who have paid already, I do thank you, however may be returning your payments to you, depending on how I resolve this issue, and your feeling of being able to successfully fulfill my obligations to you. Once again, please accept my deepest apologies, and hopefully I'll be able to do something to get this site back up and running, so you can all get your fix of Fishing Talk once again."
  14. run through the beaten paths hoping not to get a flat tire from broken shards of glass. Looolol nice specks
  15. Musky_Hunter, Myself and Lape buy from the same local store, I've heard from a few guys now that the X4 don't balance as well as the XX line up. I'll give the XX a fair chance (purchasing a Flat Side Special) but my Dobyns will be hard to top!
  16. Shallow diving cranks. Can be fan casted to shore, fished on flats, weed edges, structure and covers lot's of water fast.
  17. Correctly spool alll your reels!
  18. Fish-Hawk did NOT get Hacked, the issue stands with phpbb, clarification was needed
  19. I don't mean to be negative, but a full team on a well supervised and structured forum (TackleTour) is still sorting out the bugs. It's been almost 3 weeks and it's still not back today. If Rob can pull this off by himself, hats off to him!
  20. Dusty Springfield - Son of a preacher man
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