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About TheMaverick

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  1. Sincerely, the pleasure was all mine Drop, sometimes all it takes is an honest face to face discussion to sway ones opinions regarding a few online forum "personalities". Edited and refrained If you guys ever get the chance to meet Drop, the man has stories that I'll make you peepee your pants!
  2. What about the Quebec anglers? Lol
  3. Neil, Moen Kassian, Armstrong Smith, Bouillon Cowen, White All mismatches if you ask me.....say otherwise and you don't know crap about hockey!
  4. You post the same bass pic over and over again
  5. Yes it was, probably heat issues! Thanks I must say, your steez with blue accents look pretty nice!
  6. kinda like viewing Kinda like viewing the cache version, snapshot in time! http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:gcXzCkAvJ0gJ:554.tube-ogof.fish-hawk.net/viewtopic.php%3Ff%3D2%26t%3D49022+fish-hawk.net+the+masked+robbers+do+it+again&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca
  7. Flipping a Bitsy bug? I think they spawn in 60 to high 60's....
  8. All your family pictures are taken at Weigh-in
  9. You refer to your wife as "My sponsor"
  10. You lip you're newborn to kiss him goodnight!
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=129kuDCQtHs
  12. Agreed, I use to get ridiculed on "other" forums for loving tackle! Nice change of pace. I've tried the Invizx, I didn't like it, I was tying a improved clinch knot.....and I kept losing my cranks. What kinda knot are you tying?
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