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Posts posted by lew

  1. My wife and I spent the weekend at our daughters place in Mississauga but getting across the GTA on the 401 is always mind blowing with all the morons on the road. Speed limits mean nothing and guys just fly back & forth changing lanes without even looking. Worst I saw though, we were cruising along around Keele St.doing about 110 like most folks when the guy in front of me missed his exit and slammed on his brakes and stopped dead on the road waiting for a chance to cross 3 lanes. I always leave LOTS of room between me and the car in front but I was sure we'd get hit from behind but fortunately everyone behind me was paying attention.

    I left Toronto 14 years ago and moved to the boonies and now almost never travel the 401 for just that reason.

    Coming home yesterday morning I said to heck with the price and took the 407 and what a treat that place is, there were practically no cars on the road and it sure was nice. Won't get the bill for awhile and it probably cost me a small fortune but I think it may just be the way to go from now on.

    Or maybe I'll just never leave the peace & tranquility of the boonies again LOL

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  2. 2 hours ago, mistyjr1 said:

    Lew! That boat right there was a big part of fishing life, lots of memories were made in that boat. That’s awesome that you found this picture! It’s funny, if this is the spot I think it is I lost the biggest fish I’ve ever hooked into here a couple years ago. 

    It's been a great boat for sure Corey, infact your Dad got his 1st ever 50"er when he was fishing with me over in Aikenheads. I had the boat for 10 years and your Dad's had it now for 15 years and not a serious issue with boat or motor.

    The pike your holding came along the north shore near Keiths Bay.

  3. I was real heavy into musky fishing for around 45 years and for the most part kept it old school but that was just my preference. I always did well and would often boat 75 to 100 fish a year with 2001 being my best year with 115 fish in the boat.

    I never even had a FF until 1999 and then I put a GPS at the helm to watch for the depths I wanted and to track my drifts and keep track of sunrise/sunsets. I had a small 5" FF at the helm and another at the bow and that was it but they were more for finding weeds than anything else. Never used them for looking for fish. The vast majority of my fishing was casting to reeds or weeds and rock piles and some trolling when I needed a break from tossing big baits. One of my favorite methods was night fishing in total darkness with no electronics at all. Just a headlamp to get my bearings once in awhile then back to the darkness and the light again to release the fish. To me, that was totally pitting myself against the fish with no outside help.

    To me that's what fishing is all about, trying to think like a fish and figure where they are and what they want to eat. 

    I've got nothing against the guy that has a boat load of TV screens that he stares at all day and more power to him but to my mind that's not fishing when you use electronics to do all your thinking, but again, it's just my preference.

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  4. We just got a Ninja and did a roast beef last night and it turned out excellent. We went with the dual zone that has a large cooking section or can divided into 2 sections to cook 2 different items at once. So far we're really happy with it.

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  5. I'm at Burleigh Falls and we've basically only had one real snowfall this winter. About a month back we had 8-9 inches followed by another 3 the next day and other than a few light snowfalls that's been it. Looks like we may get some more on Thursday but who knows. As for temperatures we've had exactly ONE night where it went below zero Fahrenheit and that's really unusual. My snow blower has been sitting in the shed collecting dust most of the time.

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