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Posts posted by motion

  1. Never really thought to keep them in the original packages. It sounds logical and I may give it a try this year. Though I think the hard plastic totes are good, they may take up too much room in the boat.


    Thanks guys for your input. It's always appriciated.

  2. Andy, I'm big on plastics and hate when things like this happen to my Senkos. I used to have the BPS soft bags but found it a pain in the but to use. My son just started using the hard plastic cases last season and they seem to really work. I think it was the PVC material in the Storm soft bags that reacted with the worms.


    I'll keep my eyes out for BPS sale coming soon. They should have some cases in their flyer.

  3. Well I got a big surprise yesterday when I went and opened my soft pack worm bags. The Plastic bags holding the worms has gone soft and has discoloured. It looks like the PVC material has reacted with the worms. The worms seem OK.


    I have stored my worms in the soft pack bags from BPS in years past but found some Storm bags at Princess Auto that looked good. :blink:


    I think I'm going to store them in hard plastic cases in the future. What do you guys store plastics in? I mainly use 5" Senkos.


    Thanks for your help.

  4. Hey guys. Just thought I'd pass on that Princess Auto (Mississauga) had the Mr. Heater Little Buddy on sale for $59.99 and the Big Buddy on for $129.99. They unfortunately don't have any of the mid size Buddy heaters. Those are great prices for these units and a good time to grab them if you need them (I did!!).


    Also, they have telescoping shovels for $3.49 that make a great portable hut shovel.



  5. I have a couple that I bought last year when everyone was sold out of "real" huts. I haven't heard anyone mention the "great" idea to stick a plastic tube in the bottom of the skirt :dunno: . The darn thing freezes up and you cant uncoil it. I ended up removing it and placing a piece of heavy extension cord wire through it. It stays flat to the ice and is flexible.


    Not bad for $50.00 each last year at Lebarons. I still have them to lean to friends when they come out with us for a day on the ice.

  6. I wish I could help you out Tony but I don't know anything about them..... hope this little bump will get someone to chime in ;)

    Thank-you Jacques. I managed to find one this afternoon from my good friends at Fishing World in Hamilton. Can’t say enough about the guys there. Special thanks to Mike. I his took the last Clam Kodiak and got a deal on it to boot!


    Thanks guys!

  7. I have been fishing for more years than I want to admit and I have been asked for my license three times. Two of those were last Saturday on Simcoe near BBP and then Long Shoal. Two different pairs of MNR officers within 2 hours of each other. Gladly showed them my license, Laker and Whitie.


    Nice guys that chatted it up with us. One officer had a trained fish-sniffing dog with him. Good for them. I was glad to see them out in full force.

  8. No damage will come to the unit, however, why are you looking for such a large reserve capacity? Is it because you have one lying around and want to use it? I purchased an extra 12 volt 7ahr from Radioworld for $30.00. I charge a couple of them and use one as spare. Lasts 2 long days on a charge for my X102.

  9. Been trying to remember since this thread first appeared. I think my first job was in around 1955 when I took on my first paper route delivering the London Free Press. At the same time I was cutting lawns and later started doing some baby sitting. No recollection of the money but it was long enuf ago to be irrelevant.


    Lawn cutting led to a summer gig running a Snapper for a commercial lawn care guy and then around age 15 I started working as a stock boy and carry out at the local grocery. Then a summer in a park tourist food booth. Learned a little meat cutting during the grocery years and that got me two summers with a packing plant. Didn't actually get to do any cutting but made a lot of bologna and sausage and put in many hours on the hog kill floor. Be glad to share bloody stories with any of you who care to listen and wanna become vegans.


    Then I did a summer on railway spare gang, a summer of pouring concrete, a summer on road construction and then two summers of university summer school trying to fast track my degree. During this time I was working full/part time fixing lawn mowers, snowblowers and sleds. In looking back it seems that there were too many work summers for the years I was in school but I definitely had all the jobs. The above jobs were interspersed with the full time jobs below as I cast about "finding myself".


    My first grown up job at age 19 fresh outa high school was back at the Freeps in the circulation department. That got old really quick and I took a turn in insurance claims adjusting. I wasn't hardassed enuf for that and packed it in to go into computer work. I ran an IBM 360/20 and was studying programming. Didn't take long to figger out I was meant to work with people, not machines, and so it was back to university for a few more years. In 1973 I talked my wife into dumping everything and heading for Europe. We backpacked around there for months until the wanderlust was sated. I was offered a job running a motorcycle shop in France but she wasn't interested in staying so on we went.


    When I got home my sled racing experience got me a job offer in the Rupp sled distribution business. After a couple of years having too much fun for it to feel like a real job I figgered out that the sled industry was gonna get real small real fast so I bailed and got a real estate licence in 1975. That licence has kept me in groceries, cars and mortgage payments ever since. It'll do until I figger out what I really wanna be. :D


    If you find this account confusing think of how it was for me.




    WOW! Not bad for a guy that is only 39 :whistling: Thanks for sharing this with us John.

  10. The following year I worked at CTC in the fishing department. Cool job as we had a great fishing dept in the Barrie store back in the day,


    My son has mentioned he would like to work at CTC or even BPS (we are less that a 10 minute drive to Vaughan Mills). He turns 16 in October and I think he'd be great at too. Heck, he does it now by talking to customers and offering his free advise on equipment and supplies. He really knows his stuff.

  11. Born in 63.... My first job was a paper run, I was 12 back then. Was making $8.00 a week and was able to bye hockey sticks with the hard earned money :) Back then the Sherwood PMP were $7.00 :blink:


    Jacques, dont get me going on that topic. My son insists on a "good" one piece stick. I keep telling him it not the stick that makes him a better player......................... :wallbash: Again, it would be different if he had to pay for a new stick. I still use a wooden Sherwood.

  12. On top of this they have maintained scholarship grades.....thank the good Lord. :)


    Steer the course and teach hin that the guilty pleasures are earned, not handed to him.


    Amen! We can only guide them through life, we can't be there beside them always to make the right decsions. Thank God my son has taken on fishing as his favourite pass time. Gives us pleanty of time for bonding.

  13. So I'm having a little argument with my son while ice fishing on Friday. He says it's not fair that I get to use my portable sonar in my hole and he has to fish "blind". I try and explain that the units are not cheap and that we have to share the unit. Well he goes on about how if he had the money for it he would buy it.


    Well, he's 15 years old and I would like to see him earn his own money. I remember my first job working in a factory (where my mom was working). I was only 13 and I was earning a whopping $1.65/hr but I worked the whole summer and was even able to buy my first 10 speed racer with my own money. Man what a feeling.


    I think the younger generation these days expects to have things handed to them (for the most part). I wish they would put their PS3 and Xbox games away and look for a way to earn some money. Just my rant for the day.


    So lets hear your stories of your first jobs and what you used the money to buy.



  14. Well I was out yesterday and was able to play with both units. I was able to fine tune the X102 to show me some action in 98 FOW but could not get the X522 to repond as well. I'm going to keep trying to get it to work in future trips. I am going to get a new transducer as well so I can give one of the units to Jr.


    I think I have tried everthing that I could play with on the units with only limited success.


    Thanks to everyone for your help.



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