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Everything posted by silverstreak

  1. Real easy Kennyman.......Just fish jigs under a float same as you would roe etc. The real key to floatfishing success is to be in the strikezone.During colder temps or faster flowing rivers - steelies will seek out depth so your presentation should be close to bottom. In warmer temps and slower flows fish will suspend off bottom. Hope this helps.
  2. So you have a couple hrs to hit the creeks after work but you know that by now, fish have most likely seen every presentation under the Sun......or have they? For the most part, fish have seen just about every presentation but this is when you put those under-utilized colours to work. Fish below hit a Olive Marabou steelhead jig after refusing several other drifted jig colours. Sometimes you just have to bring it all.....no wonder my vest is so heavy. Cheers.
  3. I have also done a lot of night fishing in the past (don't like the crowd thing either) and can tell you that night fishing is either boom or bust. Looks like the both of you timed it just right. WTG and great pic's too.
  4. Wondering why the fishing is a little slow of late? Head down to your local fishway and don't forget the kid's. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v498/chr...nt=MVI_0762.flv
  5. Sorry......Click image above to view short fish clip.
  6. Wonder why the fishing has been tough as of late? Click the image to learn more. Steelies have been flying through most tribs for a while now.
  7. Well done MJL.
  8. When the fishing becomes slow sometimes the best thing to do is switch things up a bit. Not much happening on the float gear so switched over to a # 2 Riverwood spinner and was soon into a chunk of steel. Fish smacked the spinner hard but pinching the barbs down on the hook always makes for an easy release. Cheers.
  9. Got a late start but still managed o few on jigs. All in all it was a great March Break.
  10. Sorry to hear your Riverwood jig straightened out . That must have been tough cause all the Riverwoods are tied on strong Daiichi Jig hooks.They don't come much stronger than that.Here is a nice chunck of chrome that I hit using a pink/white Riverwood.
  11. Got a late start maybe that's why I had the stream to myself. Gotta' love it when the roe guy's head for home!!!
  12. MONSTER BUCK. Very nice
  13. Great to still hook a couple despite the crowds. Good going!!!
  14. Nice Bullet
  15. Nice Fish Bly
  16. Despite the dirty conditions there were still some steelhead to be found. Large robust Bunny jigs in Peach seemed to turn a few heads and fish too. Great weekend to be streamside.
  17. - 12 degree temps can only mean one thing......slush so I opted to wait for the warmer afternoon to try for some steel. Despite some slush still making it's way downstream and the stained water, one steelie showed me some mercy and hit my black Bunny jig. Thankfully there is no more slush in the forecast. Nice day to finally get out.
  18. OK boy's I don't want this to turn into a pissing match. Solo......Point taken however product names are used everyday. Billy.....careful. Round one with the driveway now complete. I love snow just not shovelling. Cheers.
  19. Here's a chunk of steel that also hit a Pink Riverworm. Hey solo......did you want me to lie and say it was caught on a berkley worm? Anyhow it was a great day for artificials.To bad about all the blood on the snow though. Lord knows what we would do if we couldn't use roe.
  20. River fishing has been tough lately so it was nice to finally find a fresh run of December chrome. Even managed to hit a bonus Brown. Didn't use a single roe sac as steelies and this Brown found a pink Riverworm to their liking. Cheers.
  21. Here is another from last spring.
  22. Hi Bly. Good observation!!! The key is to get your bait in the strike zone. At least that is my opinion. Take care.
  23. Move over Pink there is a new steelhead worm color in the mix. I love experimenting with new baits, colors etc. Hit this slab of steel on a purple Riverworm in clear water earlier this week. Also did well on this color last spring. Should be a good weekend. Keep warm!!!
  24. Seems Pink isn't the only colour that works. Hit a few on some Light Pink Riverworms last week also.
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