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Posts posted by TennesseeGuy

  1. Yeah, Hawk, it was a great win for Georgia Tech. Getting a win late in the season against a team like Georgia is especially good for a team like Georgia Tech, that is loaded with scholars. Those engineers lost valuable practice time to books and labs. Georgia probably spent at least 30% more time preparing for this one than did Georgia Tech.


    Didn't see it as I was supporting our local university by watching their win on the basketball court this afternoon.


    Will Saxby Chambliss win in Georgia Tuesday?

  2. Nice job Glenn. I'm impressed with your garden tiller. I'd have one just like it, but need to get between my corn rows. Next spring bless us with photos of your Bonnie Plants as they develop and produce. You and I are probably the only true vegetarians on the board as we grow our own vegetables.

  3. Hey Cram, here's my deal. My lot is inside the city, but step out of my yard and I'm in the county where it's grown up much like Ontario bush country. There's a large walnut tree on the line near my garden. I can hear coyotes every evening as they signal the start of their nightly hunt. Sometimes they are really close. Up until the past few years there were plenty of squirrels and they gathered all the walnuts as they fell from my tree. I had to share parts of my garden produce with rabbits. Since the coyotes appeared I hardly ever see a rabbit or squirrel. I had to put down my black lab in June of 2007, but I was careful not to leave her tied up unattended because coyotes may have attacked her. So far we've not had problems, but I don't want the pack to increase much more in numbers.

  4. and the point of this was.......farmers drive tractors?


    The point, to me is that I appreciate GCD post. I played the music for everybody in our office and they enjoyed it.


    If somebody has a problem, handle it. Don't bother the rest of us with your issues.


    Thanks Doggie.

  5. My state has the "Castle Doctrine" (HB 1907) that tends to even the odds for victims. It's designed more for home invasions and car jackings. It seems to be working.


    Locally, a burgler made his final hit when the homeowner (w/legal carry permit) arrived home from work. The bad guy was armed and didn't put his gun down when told to by the homeowner. The burgler was shot and killed. No problems for the homeowner.


    Second story: Three men were being hunted by police in our mid-state area. One was a convicted murderer who had escaped from jail. One of the men knocked on the door of a local farm house and requested food and water. The lady recognized the man from wanted pictures in the newspaper and called her son, who came to the door with his rifle. They held the bad guy at gun point while waiting for the sheriff to arrive. Meanwhile they fed the bad guy.

  6. JP Bushey got me in touch with Ray Kethledge several years ago and we've been staying in touch. Recently Ray has been confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit that includes Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee.


    Congratulations RayK.

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