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Posts posted by TennesseeGuy

  1. Smitty, the main thing you have going for you is youth. There's plenty of time. Park it in a safe place that makes you some money and educate yourself on investing. Try to save another $10,000 or more a year while you're learning. Go with no load funds with little expense fees.


    Learn the magic in rule of 72.


    Start out investing a little bit at a time over a year or two. You can do it from your own computer.


    Lots of funds are going at sale prices right now, but who knows where the bottom is?


    Good luck with your venture.

  2. AIG has over 1 trillion in assets.


    AIG pays aproximately $82 million in claims each day.


    Our federal government will receive a 79.9 percent equity interest in AIG. That scares me the most. Look how our government handled Fannie and Freddie the past 2 + decades.


    Hopefully Warren Buffet will see this as a buying opportunity and seek control. He could make it work.


    Eliot Spitzer chased off Maurice "Hank" Greenberg in charges about nothing. Hank had probably the best chance of anybody to keep AIG above water. He offered his help again and was turned away.

  3. As a 19 year old, new to the scene, first year hunting guide, be prepared to hit nails, carry kills from the bush, cut wood, haul wood and set out bear baits. Some highly qualified guides have been surprised by how little actual guiding they do. Sometimes it takes several years to reach the level they expected at day one.


    What you expect to be doing and what your actual daily assignment will be can be miles apart.


    I'm talking about people I know, not people I've heard about.

  4. Adelle's husband, Rene, is an unusual camp owner. Faucet on the left is hot and faucet on the right is cold in all his cabins. Unusual according to my past experiences. It's usually a guessing game. You stayed with some really nice people at one of the best run camps in the business.


    The tournament is run totally by volunteers and they hope to have results on-line late Wednesday. All the spots have been sold for the 2009 Tournament. It's a great event. Dean, who posted on this thread, teamed up with his partner for a 7th place finish.






    Just had to add a couple of shots from where you were.

  5. Okay Roger, fish with us before you die, but don't expect to die just because you join us.


    Get ready for a surprise. We're a tea drinking bunch of Mother's Oats eaters. Early to bed and late to get up. Takes us two hours every day to sort out all of our pills and get them swallowed. With me leading the pack we have to trick our bodies into making it out on the water.

  6. nancur373, how about sharing your information with us. What you use, how you do it and so on. The ingredients I used to us (in the 70's & 80's) don't seem to be around any more. I still have all my equipment except I'm a little low on bottles. Don't really know what to buy to start over. I have two 6 1/2 gallon fermentation tanks + all the rest.

  7. I never pass up a duty free store.


    In past days I made lots of beer, lots of times and it was good. Let it age 2 weeks and it matched Bud. Age a month or two and it became great, or at least that's what I thought.


    By the way, my Blue can has "Imported" painted on it. At the beer stores in Fort Frances and Red Lake I think a case goes for $40 or more. Doesn't seem right. If I ever stay more than three weeks or so in Ontario, I might set up shop and do a little cooking. Won't venture a guess on what Dawg would do, but I think a couple of us know.


    A farmer in a neighboring county had his barn roof blown off and rain ruined his hay. He offered it to me to put on my garden and when getting it my pitchfork hit metal. Copper. Lots of copper. Told the farmer about it and he said, "Oh yeah, I was keeping that for a guy."



    BillM, that price is good, but I haven't been able to find it.

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