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Posts posted by Victor

  1. Marko gave me a call in the morning and asked if I wanted to go for some trout fishing, I only have 2 hours of class on Weds in the morning, so my answer was ..."Hell yeah!"


    Got to the spot at around 5pm and fished till 8ish, we both got around 15-20 browns. They were all small (the biggest was probably no bigger than 12 inches) but it was fun regardless. The bite was on throughout most of the evening, and we even found a hole that was stacked with fish, you could just see them come up and try to get the bait/lure when we cast in there.


    Here's one of the bigger ones



    I love this shot, wallpaper material and gonna be one of my personal favourites.



    I'm still not going to say that carp is ugly but these fish definitely are gorgeous.


    Thanks for driving Marko!

  2. You will get a mix of different opinion on this, there are people who absolutely hate carp, thinks that they're trash and will just throw them onto the bank and let them rot, and there would be others who loves them. I try not to be biased when I answer your questions.


    Is carp an invasive specie? Carp is not native to North America, it was introduced sometime in the 1800s for the main purpose of food, since they grow big and they grow fast, plus they can survive in adverse water conditions. So to sum it up, it is not native, but it has been here for over 100 years now, and it seems to be getting along just fine with all our other species. Besides, I think Common Carp is NOT listed as an invasive specie on the MNR.


    Are they dangerous to our fishery? All of which I have referred to above is Common Carp, however, asian carp is a different story, they ARE dangerous to the fishery and we have to avoid them getting into our waters at any cost. Alot of people get these mixed up so they just think that carp are invasive.

  3. I still can't believe how fat that carp's lip is.... i guess they all look like that when they do that with their mouth.


    It was amazing today, we gotta do it again sometime. They're calling for rain all day tomorrow so I'll have to reconsider on going since I don't really have rain gear with me in res.


    iCarp was the guy who's fishing next to Justin.

  4. oh my, i miss seeing these reports, thank god!


    you call a 26" carp small? Do I really need to repost my 0.5lb-ers? lol!!! Mind you, wolfville's got a local spot where he consistently catches carp as small as like 4 inches long. They are pretty cute when they're that small.


    Great jobs guys, i'm sure this is just the first of many more carp reports to come.

  5. geez Silvio, stop posting pics you took in 2007 and pretend that you caught all that fish this year :P


    it's too bad i have to work this week, would have loved to join you guys on the overnight trip, my first few encounters with the steelies on the pin was awesome, I must entice a few carp to take my offering on the pin this year.


    Great report buddy, and also thank you for helping me get started. Once the trout season slows lets go get some carp.

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