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Everything posted by jat

  1. jat

    Ice fishing

  2. jat

    Ice fishing

    here's another article that makes you think.... http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/product_of_canada_eh/
  3. hey all, not sure if anyone saw the tv investigative reports about the fish we buy here..BUT.if you didn't.....the majority of ALL fish comes processed from China. We have to worry about Malachite Green a cancer causing agent they use to kill bacteria. Their fish farms are overcrowded and no wonder everything is diseased. I don't trust anything that comes from China and now am looking to catch my own fish when the ice arrives. Here's an article you'll find interesting. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor...me=&no_ads= I am trying to target put and take fisheries so as not to go after the natural population. If anyone has any info about where I could go for splake and rainbow within a 3-4 drive from Toronto that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.....pm me if you want.
  4. I remember reading an account of Saint Pio (Catholic Priest) I think....as far as I can recall, an individual asked him to find out from God why he was born blind and the priest said this, "You are blind becuase God knows that this is the only way you will get to heaven". The man's courage returned and left his future in the hands of God. Whatever happens to us in the end be assured that God does care...........he sees the whole picture and knows what is best....trust him even when its very hard to do so. God bless you and your family....
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