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Everything posted by HyperActive

  1. My girlfriend actually won the trip by winning a recipe contest she entered on Pinty's Facebook or Twitter account, so the value is amazing indeed. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any large mouth bass so fishing will be secondary to the sand, water and other liquids, so I will take it as it comes. Just hoping to find out the charges or any reviews by someone who has went on the excursion as there seems to be very little information on-line.
  2. This place looks like a pretty popular vacation destination so I thought I would ask if anyone has been here and went on the fishing charter? Just wondering if it is free (as I don't plan on taking much money with me) and/or any other comments about the charter? Thank you and Seasons Greetings,
  3. For 7 years I worked all three shifts in the same week. Everyday we started at a different time somedays it was at 6:00 am after getting home at 2:00 am, then the next day we would leave at 7:00 pm and return at 4:00 am, somedays we literally went home for a shower and had to leave again, if I was lucky I would squeeze enough time off my shower to make a sandwich. I always found the hottest shower I could possibly stand followed by a 5 second blast of cold water helped me fall asleep quickly.
  4. Hello friends, I thought since I asked a few weeks back on the possible depth the bass may be at in Point au Baril I would share my trip with you guys and gals. We arrived in Port au Baril about 8:00 pm on Friday night. It was pretty chilly, crystal clear night, the moon and stars were lighting up the sky like I don't see around home anymore. After being inside the house we were staying at for about 5 minutes after getting there I decide to go out to the dock and cast a few times. I didn't really think I would catch anything and I didn't, after about 2 hours of casting into the darkness I noticed my line wasn't reeling in as smoothly as it should be. I walk towards a street light to see if I can see the problem and my last eye was pretty much frozen in, then I realized how cold it was an noticed I was pretty much frozen to. I tapped the ice out and thought I should head in, then I thought of my golden rule of three more casts after I have had enough, worked in the past. Let's give it three more! So, I am reeling my line in a "wham" my reel comes to a grinding halt. I walk back to the street light and I find a huge birds nest. Great!!! I think I better go in before I freeze to death or fall in the water with the way the night was going. Saturday I wake up bright and early, I get dressed and head back down to the docks to wait for my ride and see if I have better luck. So I begin by trying to enhance my casting skills by bouncing my crank off the dock across the channel, The first one was perfect, it bounced off and landed in the water right beside the dock.....going to be a good day I am thinking!!! My second cast pretty much lands in the same spot but the hooks stick in the dock. So I begin to walk around the channel to cross the bridge to get to the dock that I snagged. I thought I should break my line just in case....ahhh nobody is around it should be ok. I get half way to the bridge and construction guys show up, load their boats and head down the channel. I eventually cross the bridge and head to the dock where my crank should be. I get there and there is no crank, I look across to the dock where my rod should be and yes, no rod. Alright, it can't get worse from here and I pull out my back up rod. I was pretty pumped about a new Rapala I paid $15.00 for on the way up. I put that on my backup rod,then I let it fly, and it kept flying and flying, my hands were pretty cold and I didn't tie it on properly. So now I am out a rod and a crank I never even got to cast properly and my ride still hasn't even shown up. An hour and a half later my ride shows up and were off. We stopped much sooner then I expected. So I ask "how deep is the water here?" "about 20 feet." she replies. In my head I am thinking nooooo the folks on the form said they are about 40'. She says we are going to fish for Pickerel. Once again in my head I am screaming NOOOOOOOOOOOO, it is all about the bass. Instead I say sounds good, I have never fished for them. But just to make sure there wasn't any bass in the area I put a crank on to try my luck. After the 9th/10th cast... clunk. I taped the motor with my crank while casting and it shattered. Now I am out a rod and $30.00 in cranks. Couldn't do anything but laugh at my fortunes. I throw a minnow on my hook listen to the girl explain how pickerel bite and I am thinking, huh so we are fishing for wimpy fish (No insults intended but it sounds like they don't give ya that rush a big bass gives you...the main reason I drove up there.) 4 hours go by and my awesome generous host say shall we head back in. Depressed, skunked and not even having one bite I said sure. We get to shore and I watch her clean her catch while having a drink. So, needless to say it was an AWESOME trip and I wouldn't have wanted to spend it any other way!!!................hummm, maybe a bite or to actually catch a fish would have made it better but it was still pretty cool just being on the water,
  5. Thanks guys, I really haven't fished this late in the season, it looks like they head for a little deeper water. I don't think time will be on my side so I thank you for the tips. Ohio, if time permits I will dive into my tackle box a little deeper. I may not be using them properly but I have never even had a hit with a spinner, it would make my day to catch a largie using one!!! Happy fishing,
  6. Hello friends, Going to make one last trip up to Pointe au Baril to do some bass fishing in G. Bay this weekend. I hope nobody minds if I ask what depth I may want to begin at? I will probably be using only cranks. Thank you in advance,
  7. Thanks to all for the great tips and suggestions guys, I am going to learn how to rig my worms a bit better and take out the bait that was mentioned once the water lowers a bit. It will be hard to put my cranks away sooner then I normally would but I guess that is part of the learning. Thank you once again it is appreciated,
  8. I was fishing for bass using cranks and I didn't venture too far from the bridge closest to Binbrook. I was going to go to the falls using cranks but with having no knowledge as to the population of bass I didn't want to look like a tool bag taking up a spot and using lures for fish that may not exist there. Maybe this w/e I will swallow any pride I have left and will start at the falls and put a day in following the river.
  9. Been thinking about going down to the Niagara area to do some shore fishing this weekend. After reading a different post it made me realize the river maybe pretty wild and dangerous to fish from shore. If that is true I think I may try the Grand for the second time. Last time I was out I threw Rapalas out for a couple hours or four with no luck at all. Then I threw worms out hoping to catch anything, only to realize the same fate. I was underneath the bridge near the main street. It was an awesome rainy day and just awesome being out there but I am wondering if someone will tell me if I am wasting my time using Rapelas there or not and possibly a better way to fish the Grand? ON A SIDE NOTE!!! I still haven't found the owner of the tackle box I found the first time on the Grand but I used to work at a high school and they had an after school fishing club. If it is still going I will donate the box to the kids.
  10. I was there two weekends ago, I threw cranks until I lost my favorite one. Then I went down to worms and waited for a bit. I was happy just being out fishing but it was kinda a buzz kill being skunked there and on the Grand on the same day.
  11. I used to fish and hike with the same buddy in Ontario and B.C. In my opinion he had no regard for nature of any sort. He almost killed us both twice no less!!! I think because of him I always carry a garbage bag with me and he has helped turn me into a catch and releaser only. He was/is a pretty good guy but seriously lacked common sense when dealing with mother nature. I can imagine and have seen the negative effects he left behind, I can only imagine the effects a small minority of fishermen have on some species. I would back a no kill movement,
  12. My condolences to you and your loved ones,
  13. Gray I feel your pain. I am "Jonesing" so bad to catch a large mouth it isn't funny. I need to find a place soon to. The place I spent my summer at closed for the season a few weeks back and I have done a few road trips with little success. Have you ever asked the owners of the golf course coming into Hamilton from Brantford if they allow fishing in the off season, it looks like bass heaven and a fairly easy place to fish for a beginner like me. I keep meaning to but I am pretty sure I won't like the answer,
  14. Sorry T.B it is not that same one, I was under the bridge in Caladonia.
  15. I haven't owned a cell phone for close to 4 years. The only day I wish I had one is when I caught an 8+ pound bass while fishing by myself. Other then that I can do without.
  16. I found a tackle box full of tackle on Saturday while fishing on the Grand. I took a quick look around for the owner after being in the same spot for close to four hours. I know the chances are slim but if it is yours shoot me a p.m and we will get it back where it belongs.
  17. My bad Roy, Seems like a better price now,
  18. .........and easy to find on-line. Looks like he charges a little bit more but I will consider your positive comments. Thank you all, Full Day Boat Adventures (7 Hours) 1 person - $350 2 person group - $400 3 person group - $500
  19. @Luke, Small mouth bass would be my first choice but as long as I am on the water fishing I would be happy. If I/we were to target smallies would I be better off in the upper or lower? As far as the time, as soon as I can get a booking and/or find two other people to go with. Thanx to all,
  20. I was just looking up charters for the Niagara River. I have never seriously though about one until now. I am wondering if these are fair prices or not? The time is 7:00 am/2:00 p.m. It would be hard to come back in after only 5 hours but hey what can ya do? One Person ... $300.00 Two Persons ... $360.00 Three Persons ... $480.00 Thank you in advance,
  21. For the most part I usually buy my Rapelas and plastic in the States and really haven't been to any tackle shops at home. What gear I have bought here has been from WalMart. I wasn't looking for buzz baits but I can't recall seeing any at the location closest to me.
  22. I just had a stroke seeing those fish!!! Thank you for sharing,
  23. Thanks for all the good information Bill and Top Water,
  24. Good news about the buzz baits. I have had one for 3 months but was too chicken to bust it out after a buddy of mine told me they were illegal in Canada. Fishing on private land and water (with permission) is where I am thinking of my other two questions. Thank you,
  25. Hello all, I tried reading the laws governing fishing but I didn't make it too far as they are pretty dry and I almost fell asleep not long after beginning. It may seem like I am trying to beat the system but I am a catch a re-leaser and I just want to know for the sake of knowing. 1) It is my understanding buzz bates are illegal in Canada. Just wondering if that is true or not? If it is true, are they illegal only on public land or private land to? 2) Do limits apply to private places. and 3) I try to encourage my girlfriend to come out with me to fish on private land and her reason for not coming with me is because she doesn't have a license. Does she need one on private land? Thnx in advance and good fishing to all,
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