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Posts posted by Squid

  1. Very hard to hit on the international ice surface. One miscue and the opponent is on a breakaway! I hear the Lat goalie had 57 shots and Price had 16. Total domination against the Lats. Now the US team will play a fast paced NHL game and that will be their undoing. Canada will be oblige them in playing NHL style and we will dominate them. Shut down Kessel and VRD and that is about it for depth on the US team.

  2. The number will grow and there is no turning back. The confiscation of wealth began in 08 and will not stop so get used to it. When push comes to shove we are gonna have to act like those have in other countries for years when faced with extreme challenges and that is to push back, HARD!!! And the sooner we start making ourselves heard the better. No united way or other organizations are gong to help because they are faced with their own challenges and good luck expecting any self serving, line towing politico to do anything either. Their hands are either tied or in an envelope or pocket scrounging whatever change they can fleece out of us.


    We have to help each other but is that even possible while we bud in line, cut each other off on the road or hoard sale items from each other in a store? We can even keep our heads up for any extended period of time without checking screens to see if anyone gave a crap to contact us in the last 5 minutes. Amazes me how a video of some fool doing something utterly inane can garner millions of views in a heartbeat. Shows where priorities lie doesn't it?


    Time to seriously look in the mirror and make something real happen but it has to be done together.



    Anger is a useful emotion and it has the power to motivate like no other when multiplied through many. Blah blah blah..... I know, I guess I just can't help myself.

    Yup keep voting for Harpo and he will take care of the little guy NOT!!!

  3. Ouch!!! Guess you're smoking more pot than I do.

    You need to smoke a lot more Moxie. Harpo is blowing smoke up your where it don't shine and you are buying it. Don't forget that when harpo was elected PM he was 45 or 46 and disappeared for a few days because he was terrified and anxious. He was put on a valium type of drug and came back to the public eye. Trudeau is too young or no experience? This would have applied to harpo when he won in 2006 but hey everyone ( 32%) voted for him LOL.

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