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Posts posted by Squid

  1. On 3/22/2019 at 1:59 PM, jerpears1 said:

    Oh yeah. That was Squid. I get you both confused sometime. Maybe with some original content you'd be more memorable. 

    Jerpears I don't need this thread to be memorable on this board. Lots of stuff went on here long before you joined. I couldn't care less about Edmonton and Ottawa. I do care for the HABS and a bit for the leafs. I would love nothing more than a Habs leafs conference final one day.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I believe that there is jealousy in the dressing room. Nylander put himself above the team and now the lower paid players are saying to earn your pay Nylander pay and they are riding his coat tails. Dubas should have let Nylander sit for the entire year so that Nylander understands what team play is all about. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, BassMan11 said:

    Ahh man... thought maybe if you weren't a Leafs fan maybe you'd at least be a Seinfeld fan... 0 for 2.

    My apologies... the rest of that post was for the user "hatethelaffs".  "Tried to get 2 birds stoned at once"...... what about that one?

    Lighten up will ya? No need to be angry all the time. 

    I got the Seinfeld note and I am a huge Seinfeld fan.  I am very lighthearted.. so no worries there.

  4. 25 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

    imagine being this much in someone's head....

    Squids most recent posts, in order...no posts in any other thread, no interaction with anyone except bashing the leafs with every post. The leafs must be doing something right to have him this rattled.

    Typical Leafs team, start strong and finish weak and on top of that complain to the league that the playoff format is not fair Gees come on. How do the leafs lose to Ottawa???


    Love it, Stupid childish insults. Tell me Chris, did you play hockey in your life? If you did how high did you get in your career? Double A?


    Most posters on here fail to see the arrogance of the leaf fans posting to this thread. The thread states 2018-2019 hockey thread ( started in 2016). It doesn't say 2018-2019 leafs hockey thread...


    1. I am not a leaf fan. I said I like the leafs but my heart is with the HABS. 2. Never said that it was a good idea to sign Tavares, Matthews, Marner. Nylander. I said that the Leafs will be hard against the...


    Gees what happened last night guys.....The city of Toronto registered a 4.8 earthquake last night....AGAIN. Losing to the best in the NHL is understandable but losing to the hawks...come on...


    Maybe there will be color photos of the next stanley cup win by the LAFFS!!

    Thanks for the recap Ark. I will post something worthwhile about the Laffs when they deserve it.

  5. 29 minutes ago, BassMan11 said:

    Ya well the jerk store called..... 

    Seriously though.... are you ever going to post something intelligent or at least somewhat insightful on this thread? About any team? More of a rhetorical question. 

    Also.... who creates an account on a fishing forum where the only purpose is to comment on a hockey thread to bash 1 particular team. You sir (or ma'am) don't have a lot going on in life do you? 



    Hey Bassman, just having fun and I didn't sign up here for the hockey thread sheesh. I have been a member on this board since 2001. No need to start insulting me with nothing going on with my life. Speaking of posting intelligent comments, really?? Jerk store....LOL:asshat::jerry::rofl2:

  6. On 3/15/2019 at 9:01 PM, chris.brock said:

    There's no arrogance. We're talking hockey and the Leafs happen to interest us most so that's what gets posted.

    Obviously everybody is welcome to participate but all you guys seem to do is troll, promote Leaf hate and throw stupid, childish insults.

    So yeah, it's become the Leafs fans/  miserable, Leaf hating troll thread 


    Love it, Stupid childish insults. Tell me Chris, did you play hockey in your life? If you did how high did you get in your career? Double A? 

  7. Most posters on here fail to see the arrogance of the leaf fans posting to this thread. The thread states 2018-2019 hockey thread ( started in 2016). It doesn't say 2018-2019 leafs hockey thread. Yet the leaf fans have hijacked the thread for the own use so you gets what youse axed for..And if it's a leaf fans hockey thread then change the name so it don't confuce us.



  8. 1 hour ago, BassMan11 said:

    First 2 posts after a Leafs loss:

    1. Former Leafs fan who hates them but still watches the games.

    2. An actual fan who doesn't think signing Tavares, Matthews, Marner. Nylander is a good idea.

    I concur its never good to be boo'd off the ice after losing to one of the NHL's bottom dwellers. But hey, teams do have god awful games from time to time or maybe even 2 of those in a row. In the big picture they are still top 5 (points wise) in the league and unless something drastic happens, are locked into to playing Boston in the first round. Are the Leafs a cup contender? Maybe? Depends what team shows up... but I wouldn't give it a hard no on being able to compete. Regardless... 2015-2016 we finished dead last. Seasons 3 removed from that finish, 70 games in we are top 5. Crazy to think though... top 5 in the league but 3rd in the division.  So you have to remember it could always be worse..... you could be a Sen's fan. Jack Hughes is going to look great in a Av's jersey. 


    1. I am not a leaf fan. I said I like the leafs but my heart is with the HABS. 

    2. Never said that it was a good idea to sign Tavares, Matthews, Marner. Nylander. I said that the Leafs will be hard against the cap next year because of them so there is no room to improve the D.


    Leaf fans talk like the Stanley cup is already engraved with the leafs 2018-19 team, that's the problem. Sportsnet and TSN are pro leafs so much so that you can hear in the game play by play adjectives used to describe them. When the played the habs last ( habs being the acknowledged speedier team, the announcer Jim Hughson used adjectives that came out as the leafs being the dominant speed team and made Montreal out to be a slow team. 

    from sportsnet

    There was only so much hope that could be found in the fact Toronto managed to roar back with four goals in a span of 20:02 against Chicago, nearly tying the game in the final minute while Garret Sparks was pulled for an extra attacker.

    If anything, the ferocious finish only served as a reminder of what could have been had they started with any real will or structure.

    Roar back ?? Ferocious LOL come on man.

  9. 2 hours ago, moxie said:


    Is it as Pathetic as 185 pages of the blah blah blah from fanatics inane banter for a  hockey team on a FISHING Forum?

    Besides it's only around playoff time  bout the time they shine up the golf clubs. 

    LOL no kidding eh. I like the leafs see but I am not the wacko like some fans of the team. Stating that they are the best team in the history of hockey or that Toronto is the center of the hockey universe. Really?? You would think that Montreal would be the mecca of the hockey world seeing that they have won the most cups but no, not according to the leaf fans!! Its Toronto!! This team is one playoff series and done. Seriously, 3 players making 10mil + eating up 40% of the cap space?? OH but wait the cap is going to 82 million next year so the leafs are good right? Marner, Tavares, Matthews and Nylander take up 48% of the cap space. No Marleau next year. No Gardener and no  Hainsey. They better win the cup this summer.

  10. I told my salesman , when I bought my 2016 sierra, (3rd truck with him) that if the finance guy tries to sell me anything besides completing the sale, I will walk out the door without buying a truck there. Sure enough my salesman told the finance guy and when I sat with him he teased me about taking extended warranty and quickly said he was just teasing....Be upfront about it. Let them know that if they attempt to sell more stuff, electric rust proofing lol or extended anything is when you get up and walk out if they do not listen to you the customer.

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