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Posts posted by Squid

  1. Seriously, if a member starts to bash trump and american politics the thread gets shut down. Not so much with the candian politics. I get enough garbage about the butthat O'leary from regular news and I sure as you know what do not need to read trash on OFC regarding Canadian politics., Come on Art where is your axe???

  2. It's going to be a great show looking forward to seeing some old faces and meeting new ones. As Pigeontroller mentoned there is a great door prize of a big nasty valued at 495$ that you get a ticket for a chance to win when you purchase your tickets in advance or at the door. See you guys on Friday night!!

  3. Same here Wayne. On my 4/8 cyl Sierra I get between 8.5 and 11KM/100 when doing less than 110. I have noticed a huge difference round trip to st.clair and back. The Yukon was a 5.8 litre V8 which gave me good mileage under 110KM. This new beats it hands down. I guess that the the only way for all of to impact the oil companies is by everyone backing off and doing 100 KM on the highways. Not only will the gas inventories shoot upwards in a rapid fashion but our insurance rates would eventually go down due to less accidents. ( I can dream NO??)

  4. Typical rich getting richer taking more money out our pockets. This will kill the recovery for sure. Families are probably already making adjustments to their budgets to compensate for the high prices. The impact to the economy does not take too long to hit at these prices. Big Oil is once again testing the $$$ waters to see how foar they can drive the price up before impacting the economy.


    Rob's right, Price has yet to show his abilities in the playoffs. Halak and a million blocked shots by Gill really helped them beat Pitt and Wash a few years ago, and last season Price wasn't exactly stellar, but I would put that weight on the entire team, they stunk against Ottawa.


    Anyway, lets just hope this is his year! He's incredible to watch when hes on his game!


    Also, why the hell did they start the Columbus @ Dallas game at 1 - 0 and play a full 60 minutes? (It was the postponed game when Peverley collasped)

    Why not just reset the score, or continue the game from the previous place?! I am assuming this has more to do with viewers/fans than anything?


    I f you know anything about the habs then you would know that Price was injured during the Ottawa series. He was wrapped up pretty good but was just not good enough. Halak was and never will be a starting goalie. He is unable to play 65 to 75 games a year and that is why he has been shppoed around this year.

  6. In my honest opinion if you are looking for a rainsuit and want a deal then wait until the Cabelas opens up in Buffalo this summer and by the Cabela's rainsuit in September for 50% to 60 % off. I paid 202 US dollars for mine last September instead of 450 us dollars, it was a great a great deal and I see the same deal year over year. The price in Cabelas Barrie will probably be around 550 for the same suit.

  7. Seriously though it must be tough being a Leaf fan all of these years. As a typical Habs fan, if my team is losing on any given night the tv goes off. I do not watch trash hockey and that is why I am not a Leaf fan. I would have switched years ago. Dissappointing that the Leafs and Habs will not meet in this years playoffs. LOL GO HABS GO!!! Drive for 25

  8. The op mentioned getting a kicker motor. I don't really see the need for one anymore seeing as you could use your 24 or 36v electric which will last a long time and can really move you along when fully charged and your more stealth. The thousands you spend on a kicker could be spent on one with i-pilot or the like.


    How many still go to the kicker when they have the option of electric? I guess it would still be viable when down rigging...


    Sorry for going a little astray!

    Sorry but I disagrree. If your main motor fails ( Happened to me, fire onboard) the troll motor will only get you so far, especially if you are trying to get back home against the wind. Nowadays my kicker is with me 100% of the time for safety. No matter how new your motor is or how good you feel about the reliability, the kicker will always save your behind.

  9. I have owned my Lund Tyee for 10 yrs now and it has taken a beating in the northern lakes but still keeps on going and has always gotten me home safely in really bad weather. No leaks and runs like a charm ans smooth as glass on the water. I will stack any boat against a Lund and the Lund will always come out on top.

  10. "" I also mentioned that Reimer isnt playing bad because he lost his confidence just from the one thing Carlyle said."" It amazes me how we seem to know what the pros are thinking. I assume that Greenhorn spoke with Reimer and this was Reimers response? Always looking for excuses in LAFF land. And Pylon is a good defenceman? Please the guy is just a tool who no longer hits and fights (LOL) picks on the smaller guys. 8 million a year for a piece of trash is expensive. :whistling:

  11. the Habs game..lol But im sure you already knew that

    TB4you- Must be tough watching two good hockey teams go at it eh? I guess your way of showing your displeasure with your LAFFS is by making stupid comments about other teams players just to troll a reaction. Stick with what you are good at.......supporting the LAFFS. Oh and make sure you set your teams tee times up for the 13th of April.

  12. Not me..I like Dion..Any guy that plays over 30 min a night is bound to have a few mistakes..It comes with 30 min games..Sure he has been a tad soft at times but I dont know of any perfect Defense men in the NHL

    Oh he is far far from perfect. How about Dougherty, Seabrook, Keith, karllsen, Weber, etc should I go on?? Phanouck is so far down the list that he is stiing next to Komisarek!!

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