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Posts posted by Squid

  1. Don't fall for the advice where you need reels for specific applications like cow girls or whatever. A good solid reel that will do it all is what you are looking for. Like dax mentioned, Diawa Luna 300 or the revo toro. No need to go and get a calcutta 400 TE, it really is a waste of money when you can buy two really good reels for the price. I have one and am happy with it but I can't see/feel the performance difference that 300 bucks make.

  2. Too bad you can't re-tool yourself cause that is where the problem lies not with the equipment. I have all that I need to catch me some fish of any species. I have been told that you may need that "special" color to catch a fish but the problem is that the sport is called fishing and not catching.


    I spent 6 hrs in 3.5 foot waves casting musky baits on LSC last Thursday and managed to bring 5 fish to the boat. The cold front that day closed their yaps so tight that they just floated there and stared at the baits. I did not think that I needed another 20 spinners to ensure that I catch a fish.What I was truly thinking was man I need a taser to stun them!!


    I watched an epsisode of Musky hunter up in LOTW. The lodge owner brought two baits with him to fish muskies with Saric. He outfished Saric who had a slew of different baits to toss and the owner was kind of a matter of fact when asked why just the two baits.

  3. If you think Shwartz's is the standard for Montreal smoked meat then your standards are way too low. I tried it years ago because I was told it was the "best" IT was the WORST I ever had. SO dry I threw it in the garbage. Now I am an ex-Montrealer and never ate at Schwatrz's when I lived there for the first 22 yrs of my life. There was way better than that back then and still today. What you should try is a good old fashioned Choux-moutard steamie hot dog!!!


    Gees even Pete's smoked meat on Ile Perrot sucks compared to other holes that I know.


    There are rude people everywhere in the world from every culture and not just Quebec. There are plenty of rude folks right here in Ontario so no need to bash Quebec.

  4. I just flirt with her and she gives that gorgeous grin and stuffs my order with extra minnows and that was at 5AM in the morning a few yrs ago. I will be swinging by there next Friday night on my way up past marten river for a 4 day peace and tranquilty trip with my youngest. I will make sure to give her a hug for all of you. Oh anyone remember her name?

  5. Go for it Ron the positives far out weigh ( sorry) the negatives. It makes you feel like a 35 yr old again. Just the changes in testosterone levels back to normal is a strong enough reason to lose the weight. As I stated earlier, the more weight you add on the more estrogen ( female Hormone) your body produces and who wants to cry at a Expendables 3 eh ?! LOL.



    6 days to go Mike!! Can't wait to put a 50 incher in the boat again!!


    I can say that it makes me feel very good knowing that I stuck it out to the end. It went by so fast yet it was 5 months of struggles to stay on course. Now lets go fishing folks!!

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