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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman
Fishing For A Cure For Cancer 2012
The Urban Fisherman replied to asdve23rveavwa's topic in General Discussion
Heyo - Just adding a few pics of my own! Julie whopped by butt with the photos and for that I can't thank her enough! Glad to have your whole family on board! We fished for 15 minutes before starting the day... something kept us from being able to get up as early as we had hoped... Dan got a wee one in those 15 minutes... 2 actually... for a total weight limit of a half pound! lol Here's the big fish of the day - small for deer creek standards but that's all he needed... I always said if you want to win big fish go carp fishing! Laurie from Dixie Tackle hangin with the kids! She's awesome! Brian Beaumont won big fish last year and could have tied it this year I believe... a good angler and a good dude all around! Shawn's little man kissing a nice little largie! lol This guy was leading big fish for a little while! He almost took it to! Catch and release fishing at a young age! We do all this work to raise money for such a great cause and this kind of thing is an awesome bonus! Thanks Guys! I hope you had a blast and I can't wait until next year! It's gonna be CRAZY! -
Fishing For A Cure For Cancer 2012
The Urban Fisherman replied to asdve23rveavwa's topic in General Discussion
Hey guys! YOU ALL ROCK! I think that goes without saying... this is truly a group effort and every last one of you guys should be proud of what we accomplished! By the time all the awesomeness that is the Fish-A-Thon wound down it was Sunday and Ginny and I decided to just stay the night and come home early this morning! Dan and I will follow up as soon as we can with closing details! Thanks again - I'm proud of what we put together as a group and am very much looking forward to next year! Cheers, Ryan -
Fish-A-Thon for a Cure!!!
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
Thanks to all of you guys and your amazing support www.fish-a-thon.com has been overwhelmed with traffic in the last 24 hours and we crashed the site! lol Dan's been in contact with our host about it and they're trying to get it back online ASAP. In the meantime, if you have anybody who wants to sign up late for the event please tell them they can contact myself or Dan directly at [email protected] or [email protected] and we can get them registered and send them pledge sheets. Folks looking to donate via PayPal can sign into PayPal.com and make donations payable to [email protected] - Remember to tell them to include your name in the notes so we know who the donations were meant for. Thanks folks! -
Fish-A-Thon for a Cure!!!
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
Awesome - you guys rock! We have TWO BBQ's comin' this year! I hope your skills can handle it! hahaha My wife even bought BRAND NEW flippers for ya's! Thanks guys! :thumbsup_anim: -
Fish-A-Thon for a Cure!!!
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
I'm sure we can figure something out buddy! -
Fish-A-Thon for a Cure!!!
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
Derek is a punk - haha he's gone to a cottage on holidays as of this evening for a week! -
Fish-A-Thon for a Cure!!!
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
Hey guys - we've got sugar filled prizes for the kids so they can get all amped up and drive mom and dad crazy! 10$ gift cards for ice cream! And it's isn't all about prizes for Dad with tools and fishing tackle! Big thanks to Tillsonburg Laser Clinic for their $500.00 gift certificate! The prize list goes on and on thanks to all of our amazing sponsors! -
Fish-A-Thon for a Cure!!!
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
I'm not fishing this year buddy but my sister-in-law and brother-in-law already called dibs on my boat to take my kids out! I'm sure we can figure something out right gang? -
The Exage multi piece rod is wicked... I didn't know they had a telescopic version? I filmed a show in the bahamas a few years back and was able to use a 4 piece Exage for bonefish and jack's and it performed flawlessly. If I ever do any personal traveling and am planning to fish I'll be buying one for sure.
Fish-A-Thon for a Cure!!!
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
The Durango will be at everybody's disposal!!! I however, may not be able to drive it for ya's! lol You'll have to drive it yourselves! -
Fish-A-Thon for a Cure!!!
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
Just a few things I wanted to share here from our Facebook page guys! Get out and get your pledge sheets filled up folks! We're only days away and have had some amazing prizes donated from our sponsors to show their appreciation and support of what you're all doing here! We have most pledges awards this year for both the adult and youth divisions! Don't forget - it's a Fishing marathon, but it's also a derby... we have awards for Big Fish (adults and kids) Big Bass and the Deer Creek Grand Slam! Each and every young participant will walk away with a trophy no matter how many pledges they get! On top of all the amazing prizes donated by our sponsors we have all kinds of cool little extras like a bunch of Fish-A-Thon knives, Keychains and so on! -
Fish-A-Thon for a Cure!!!
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
Mike if we have leftovers saturday I'll send some home with you! If not I'll get more done up and ship them to you ASAP! Thanks for everything Phil!!! We truly appreciate all the support!!!! Same deal... if we have stickers left I'll send some home with Will and if not I'll get some more done up and ship them to you ASAP! Looking forward to seeing you Nautifish - Feel free to pop over to fish-a-thon.com and sign up so we can keep track of our final numbers! THanks for the support! You guys rock! Thanks Will and Thanks Phil! :Gonefishing: -
Fish-A-Thon for a Cure!!!
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
Hey Guys! We're working on a mass e-mail as well but for everybody checking in here I'm going to paste a list of things to remember for Saturday. It's also up on the FAQ page at www.fish-a-thon.com that Dan built. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions that aren't covered there. We're providing an awesome dinner for everybody but you are responsible for bringing your own lunch and snacks. We'll have a couple of BBQ's on site if you bring anything that you'd like to cook up for lunch. We also have had some water and coke donated, but it's supposed to be hot and sunny so it'd be a good idea to bring some drinks of your own as well. 1) Digital Camera or photo friendly phone 2) SD Memory Card 3) Fish-A-Thon Sticker ( Provided ) 4) Lake Map ( Provided ) 5) Sunscreen 6) Fishing License 7) Boating Safety Equipment 8) Water / Drinks 9) Lunch Food - Snacks etc. 10) Rain Gear / Swim Suits ( prepared for all weather conditions although at this point it's supposed to be hot and sunny ) 11) Fishing Gear ( Tackle / Rods / bait etc. ) For those of you who've been to the Fish-A-Thon in the past, feel free to post anything I might have missed! Thanks! Ryan -
NF - Fish-A-Thon Health Tips
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
awesome stuff guys - I thought for sure I was going to get a whole bunch of negative feedback from this post, but it was made with good intentions and in my opinion has some solid info! Cheers, Ryan -
Fish-A-Thon for a Cure!!!
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
LOL now that's dedication - taking time away from your trip to post here! I guess I should either start counting things properly or work on my memory! haha Thanks again Dan - we really can't explain how helpful your awesome donations have been! Stay safe and take lots of pics for us on your trip! The freezer is awesome and will be put to good use at the Fish-A-Thon!! It's going to be a hot one on Saturday! Cheers, Ryan -
Fish-A-Thon for a Cure!!!
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
I'm up in Sudbury picking up Averie who spent 2 weeks here with grandma and grandpa visiting, getting pledges and making awards for the Fish-A-Thon! The old man is printing off stickers for everybody right now - hot off the press @ Creative Design in Sudbury! Cheers, Ryan -
Hey guys - I did this as a separate thread in hopes that it might reach more people! Everyone is doing such an amazing job with the Fish-A-Thon this year and I KNOW that the efforts put forth by all of YOU will someday have a hand at finding a cure for this terrible disease! At the same time I thought it might be cool to ask my best friend Jamie, to write up some tips on what people can do to decrease their chances of getting cancer! There's an ongoing and probably never ending debate as to how much of it is environmental and how much is genetic, but there's no question that you can do some things to help prevent it. This is pasted directly from him to me. He's an awesome guy, with a big heart and didn't even hesitate to write this up when I asked him. Take it for what it is, agree or disagree but I hope that some of you take something from it! Cheers, Ryan The growing, and unfortunately baseless, opinion that "if I just eat whatever I want in moderation, and take a "generic" multivitamin, I'll be fine" is setting more and more people up for unexpected, and very sad, illness later in life. The truth is, in our society today, there are some things you should just NEVER ingest. Our cancer rates are through the roof, and its not because of bad luck, bad germs, or bad genes. Everything that sustains the large majority of us, from our water, to our air, to the food we eat and the things use for personal hygiene, are poisoned in some way. Believing that you can do what everyone else does and expect different results is what some would call insane. Here are a few easy things you can do right now to get on track with your health, and fight of serious diseases, like cancer, in the future. 1. 80% of the antibiotics used in North America are used on our livestock. That means if you're eating conventional store bought meat, you're literally wiping your own gut clean of healthy bacteria and setting yourself up to be resistant to antibiotics in case of emergency. In fact, research now proves that the manure from conventional cattle is so full of hormones and antibiotics that the fruit and vegetables grown using it are absorbing these toxic levels of medication and they're being passed on to us when we ingest them. Add to that the feedlot living conditions and the acidic diet fed to these animals, and there meat becomes a disease breeding ground. Solution; eat only organic or locally grown meat or produce. If this is not feasible you MUST be taking a good quality probiotic (not the stuff you get in yogurt) to replenish the good bacteria essential for the maintenance of good health and defense against illness. Without a healthy intestinal tract, you're not absorbing the nutrients from your food, and you're not ridding yourself of the toxins that build in your body over time. 2. Get anything white, fried, or processed out of your diet. There's no debate here. These products literally act as anti-nutrients in your body, and fuel serious disease processes, the worst of which is Cancer. Diseases in general and cancer especially thrive in an acidic/toxic environment. Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize 80 years ago for discovering that the prime cause of all cancer is the use of sugar for fuel by our bodies instead of the healthy fat we're supposed to rely on. Stop fueling the cancer in your body by getting all forms of toxins and sugar OUT, and alkalize yourself by getting as many raw nutrients through organic vegetables as possible. In fact, juicing organic fruit and vegetable juice is a staple in cancer treatment in the most successful alternative treatment centers in the World. In other words, eating your greens will help save your life. 3. Vitamin D3 - there is more research than you could read in a lifetime about the properties of this wonder vitamin for fighting off diseases like cancer, and keeping the body healthy. Most North Americans are defficient in Vitamin D3 (otherwise known as the sun vitamin) and its ramifications are sadly widespread, causing people to suffer a large spectrum of illnesses, and bringing down the natural immunity we're meant to rely on for never developing cancer in the first place. If you're not getting 30 minutes of direct sunlight daily on to 30% of your body, you're more than likely deficient and are suffering the consequences. Take approximately 6-8000IUs of vitamin D3 daily to start, and then taper down to 4000IUs once you're sufficient. Make sure the supplement you choose is either a gel cap or liquid drops; the hard white pills are garbage. There you have it! A few simple ways to start making a huge difference in your health. Your body is sacred, treat it that way. Once you've internalized this, you'll realize that your health is your choice, and that the power to a better life starts little by little with every decision you make. Yours in Health, Dr. Jamie Khoury DC .....There you go buddy, love you lots, hope this helps a lot of people
Fish-A-Thon for a Cure!!!
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
Hey Guys - A couple quick copy and paste posts that I just put on the facebook page! It's supposed to be high 20's to low 30's next saturday guys! Laurie Davidson from Dixie got Coke to Donate a bunch of pop and my Mother and Father in law pitched in and bought a bunch of water - But remember to bring drinks and stay hydrated throughout the day! As usual we're going to be stuffing our faces! ;o) Big thanks do DanD of OFC and his wife for providing burgers and getting Ricco foods to hook us up with Hot Dogs! 200 of each! We have a special surprise for desert and my mother-in-law and wife will be heading up the rest of our FEAST! Dan Bouck has over 150 prizes at his place and they're still coming in thanks to all of our amazing friends and sponsors. He's worked tirelessly with them to make sure everybody goes home with something for their efforts! Prizes like this great aerated bait bucket from Erie Bait, Spiel's wicked rod, other fishing equipment, tools, tv's, gift certificates and weekend getaway's are all up for grabs! We'll be posting a prize thread to thank everybody who stepped up and donated something for our cause! We ran down to the lake to go over a few things this morning and we're all set at the park.... For those wondering about the lake conditions... it's been dry and sunny so the lake is slow moving and CRYSTAL CLEAR. Weeds are coming in thick and so are the shiners... I don't know if the fish are eating them, but I wouldn't come armed without some sort of minnow style bait... Drop Shots, Waky Rigged Worms, Topwater frogs, Jigs, Crayfish Imitations, Minnow baits... Come armed and ready to catch the winning fish!!! -
Fish-A-Thon for a Cure!!!
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
jeremy84 - Looking forward to seeing you and your GF next weekend! Rich - We'll figure it out buddy.... I think last year I just towed your boat down here friday didn't we or was that the year before... it's all a blurr to me lol? D_Paluch - see u next saturday buddy (don't be shy to pop in for a visit when you're in this area!) Lot's of amazing prize donations coming in guys - we're going to have to do up a BIG thank you list this year! :thumbsup_anim: -
NF - A Special Puppy
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
Simon - looking forward to the PM buddy! haha ;o) -
NF - A Special Puppy
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
Here's a bunch of pics of the pup from dinner time tonight... he looks big in this pic but it's just cause my wife is like 4'11 & 100lbs lol He wouldn't come out from under the chair... He loves attention from the kids... Thanks guys - Keep me posted HH. Cheers, Ryan -
NF - A Special Puppy
The Urban Fisherman replied to The Urban Fisherman's topic in General Discussion
HH - thanks for the offer, I will grab that info from you later tonight if I can... And I'll get a few more pics of him. RangerGuy - My dog was due in to get spayed after she was done being in heat. Aside from spending time in the kennel with her puppies or when we're away overnight, she's mostly an inside dog but with the chaos of my daughters birthday party we let her out on the front porch for a few minutes during dinner and our neighbors Doberman got to her right on our front porch. He even came back the next day jumping at the door when she was inside... lol Thanks a bunch guys - hopefully we can find this shy little guy a good home! Cheers, Ryan -
Hey guys, As some of you know, and FishnSled know's all to well...lol our dog had puppies back on trout opener weekend. One of our little boys didn't do to well right off the bat but he pulled through and was fantastic while feeding from mom. He was always a bit shy and timid and his big brothers and sisters kind of picked on him a some. We've had to take him in and spend more time with him because at breakfast and dinner time they wouldn't let him eat... So he spends half his time with us, and half his time playing with his brothers and sisters. My wife temporarily called him Shadow because he's afraid of everything...including his own shadow lol But he's amazing with our 1, 3 and 5 year olds and hasn't even had a single accident in the house. He does NOT like to be alone, and thrives when he's able to get attention and be around people, or his mom. Honestly, he's just awesome... if we didn't have so much on the go, as well as 3 kids under the age of 5 and a lab already we'd be keeping him. Most of the 9 pups are accounted for, and some of them having been living it up at their new homes for a couple of weeks! We have a few left that are all awesome, but this little guy could use a special home where he'll get lot's of love and attention... and have a family that has time to take care of a shy puppy. We've grown attached to him since spending so much extra time with him so it's hard to write this up, but I know it'd be best for him if we can find him a home where he'll get the attention he needs. I have a pic of him here and can post a bunch more later.... Mom is a Golden Lab and dad is a Purebred Doberman... Thanks! Ryan