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Posts posted by CLofchik

  1. Next time we should try eastport, just gotta be careful with all those rocks.


    I've hit Eastport after dark a few times and the bite doesn't really pick up much after dark, however there's been some big schools of shiner & shad coming in shallow to spawn with some decent fish chasing them. Might be worth bringing a casting rod to chuck out a few spoons and minnow baits if the carp slow down.

  2. Pier 8, Pier 4 & Bayfront Park are all connected, but distinctly separate areas. It's actually a huge area that takes all day to fish thoroughly, I usually do better with run & gun approach rather than park in one area for the afternoon, the fish tend to move around alot. It is pretty busy, but because it's so large you can usually find a quiet spot.


    For bass weightless jerk plastics, wacky Senko or drop shotting ledges.


    For everything else suspending stickbaits.


    In the last week I've picked up bass, browns, white bass, seen a few rainbows caught and a small pickeral. My pike mojo has faltered this year, but there's some there. And there's a nice whistletrout bite on :D Like any Lake O harbour you just never know what you're gonna catch, but there's fish there.


    For carp and panfish forget about canned corn, worms or any soft bait, there's too many gobies & bullheads. You need tougher baits like boilies (Carp Candy!), feed corn or small plastics.

  3. HUGE smallies in the deep runs below Hells Gate, only place I found bass in that stretch. I only used a copper Cordell Redfin and picked up bass, pike & pickeral on it. The fishing pretty much peters out the last few days where the river spreads out into gravel bars.


    Have fun, it's a great trip on a spectacular river, I keep meaning to do it again one of these days.



  4. Clofchik was probably there....electroshocked them, and netted them all for garden fertilizer :lol:

    (just havin a little fun Clof)


    Lol, it's not that I HATE bass......I'm just....indifferent.



    I haven't fished Nanticoke in years, but generally fishing around power plants is better the colder the lake water is. The plants are limited to how warm their discharge temp is, could be the lake water is almost the same temp as the discharge so fish spread out in the lake more.


    And I think only a few of Nanticoke's eight generators is shut down at any one time to upgrade them, McSquinty promised the tree huggers to have the evil nasty coal burning plant shut down by 2009 but that's not going to happen for awhile.

  5. If you don't have a multi-meter, get one. It's practically impossible to hunt down electric faults without one.


    It does sound like your battery is starting to go bad and the voltage is dropping below the Lowrance operating specs when under load, but until you take a voltage reading off the battery there's no way to be sure. At rest the battery should be somewhere north of 12v, but under 14v. When cranked it will drop but shouldn't go very far under 10v, the online manual for your fishfinder gives an operating voltage of 10v-17v. If the battery voltage is dropping below 10v when cranked, there's your problem, new battery.



  6. sp%20nazi.jpg


    Get one now!


    Available as a transparent 2" x 2" transfer for the windshield of your car, truck or boat, or 4" x 4" opaque for application on a painted surface.


    Let others know you're a member of a select group of elite fishermen.


    Impress friends and strangers alike. :D



    Bahwhaahaaaa, don't forget the specie specific collectors editions. Allow you and others to ID each other more easily and sneer at Specie Nazi's of other, lesser, fish in Tim Horton's parking lots everywhere!



  7. Its a Man thing....


    LMAO, so it's a penis envy, "mine is longer than yours!" thing with bass fisherman?


    ...we dont care that you would rather sit on your dock; we wouldnt!

    go check out your carp derby...and how can you say bass doesnt taste good...you're just not right..go back to your dock and soak up some more sun..


    Ah okay, I get it now. Obviously overcompensating for some "inadequacies". Is this what drives bass fishing to bigger, longer, stiffer, faster boats, motors and rods? I had no idea of the deep seated insecurities of serious bass fisherman, apparently I touched a nerve there.


    For simple fun it's hard to beat a smallmouth, if you don't feel that way you definitely don't experience fishing the same way i do, but to each his own.


    I never said I HATED bass, just that I can't figure out what there is that makes people go hardcore after them. Sure they're simple fun, and I'll go tangle with smallies and have a great weekend doing it. But I don't lay awake the night before a big trip dreaming about bass. Heck wading a river stalking carp like bonefish on the flats is more heart pumping than popping a small Torpedo after 1 1/2lb fish.


    If all one wants is to go to a lake catch a few bass and relax then yup anyone including our kids can catch a bass on a rig as simple as a worm and bobber, but I cant think of another fish that has as many techniques, patterns and gear aimed at catching really big bass........

    I watched everyone yesterday work 6 feet of water over weeds, while I cranked into 25 fow for largiesin a main lake creek channel.....go figure


    Ever try weight forward spinners? There's this thing called a SpinRite, pretty unique lure. Like an Erie Dearie with a marabou dressed rear hook. Killer on suspended or deep rock holding bass. Hard to find though, but I agree with you on deep bass.


    I did not recognise you today. You had your civilized clothes on and I was busy taking care of the prizes . Nice dogs, the one is more than a little black and tan?

    I prefer to target carp but seriousy IT'S ALL GOOD. From 6" brookies to 4ft skis.


    Heh yeah that was me, nice turnout for the tourney. Sure it's all good, but some are better than others, oh and I'll take the 4ft ski over the 6" brookie :D

  8. Bass season opened today........yawn.


    I never really got into bass fishing, they're a fun little fish to play with on summer days. But really, how do you get excited over 3lb. fish you just winch over side? I'll spend a few weekends every year camping on back lakes for some bruiser mule smallies and have a fun time, but I'll spend just as much time kicking back in a camp chair soaking up the sun relaxing than bothering to fish. I atleast understand why people fish for crappie, perch & pickeral, they taste good! But eating bass, yeck!


    Today I'm going to walk my dogs down to check out a carp derby, then probably put in a few hours in the evening going after sheepshead, errr whistletrout. I'll catch more fish in those two hours than most bass guys, and they'll be double the size and fight twice as hard as any largemouth. And taste a heckuva lot better.


    What am I missing that makes guys go out and spend crazy amounts of money pimping out rigs with huge motors to go chase these little fish, what's so special about bass?

  9. Just saw these at Fishing World, and have to say they look really really sweet. They're small, light, but hold an insane amount of line. Example, their 230 series reels are about the size of a regular 2500 size, but will hold 300m of 15lb. PowerPro, weighs 9oz., made out of carbon fibre and apparently cast further than anything else! :blink:


    Only con is that they're not cheap (but not stupid expensive), and made in China so longevity is probably on par with Shimano's :D


    Anybody tried these guys?



  10. Like all things Normark/Rapala the quality on them has really gone down hill recently. I've got a 6" & 10" that have to be pushing 20 years old and still work & feel great. Bought a new one to gift and comparing them side by side it's really apparent how cheap they've gotten.


    Now I did pick up a Browning on sale at BPS in the spring, and wow this thing works awesome. The steel could be better, but that's comparing them to higher end knives, and the handle is shaped perfectly to keep a grip. For $15 you can't find a better fillet knife, smokes anything Normark.



  11. When you say Generously proportioned what do u mean by that ? hahaha dumb question probably !


    Would a lawn mower battery work ?


    BAHWHAAAHAAAHAAAAAAA just noticed that. LOL @ word filter silliness, apparently if you shorten fishfinder to FF it gets dubbed into "generously proportioned". Jeez how dirty does your mind have to be to find sleaze in generously proportioned?







    Oh and you can really use any battery you want, as long as you get it up to 12volts. Radio Shack/Source sells an 8xAA holder so you can use eight rechargeable AA batteries, depending on which finder you have you'll get 6-12 hours. 8x1.2=10ish volts, which is in the operating spectrum of most finders.





  12. I am rethinking the flourocarbon leader for topwater lures though, as i've heard it sinks rapidly and would maybe have an effect on the action of the lure, especially the heavier 17lb test....


    Rub the leader with a candle, now the flouro floats.

  13. If all you need it for is to power a fish finder you don't need a honkin' deep cycle, just pick up a sealed 5A or 7 amp sealed battery from any hobby store that deals with radio control. $20-$30, and it will power a finder and low draw LED nav lights for days, maybe 5-6 pounds.


    If you want to avoid holes in the hull, mount the transducer to a piece of L channel aluminum ($3/foot) and clamp that to the transom. Works good for ice fishing too, ghetto portability, that's how I roll.





    Oh, and silicone isn't that good of an adhesive, it's a flexible sealant. 5200 is both.

  14. June is a tough month for kings, because as mentioned the lake hasn't really stratified with a definite thermocline yet. That means they can be scattered anywhere from 40' to hugging bottom in 180'.


    Find baitfish balls and they'll probably be something around it. Troll in 'S' wiggles to see what speed they want (inside rod gets bit, go slower; outside rod troll faster).

  15. Maize is 'cattle corn', correct? Anyone know where I could buy a 25lb or 50lb bag in the Scarborough area?


    Check with a local seed place, or even pet food store. Alot of them carry feed corn to feed birds.


    Dunno about Scarborough but in Hamilton Tregunno Seeds on Catherine St. has all your carp bait & method mix needs. 10lbs of pigeon or red corn for $3.

    If there's no little buggers in the area, Del Monte Summer Crisp will do fine. But if your swim is full of gobies & bullheads you really need a harder feed corn to keep your bait.

  16. According to the 2008 Lake Ont Management Report and I quote "During 2008,OMNR stocked about 1.7 million Salmon and Trout into Lake O".I know Private clubs are raising them however it seems the OMNR does still have a hand in the mix.


    The MNR negotiates with NYS on stocking quotas and sets the hatchery operation guidelines, but thats a very small hand to mix with. Regardless your argument that trout have a lower priority than pacific salmon with the MNR is silly and put to rest with your own quote. Out of 1.7 million fish stocked less than 1/3 are pacific salmon. NYS always stocks atleast half of their 3 million+ fish quota with chinooks, usually more than half of their hatchery fish will be pacific salmon depending on egg quantities they can collect. Anglers want pacific salmon, not the MNR.


    As for stray rates ....they do not amount to squat especially since the U.S. has been Pen Rearing thus cutting way down on those fish straying into other streams.


    And thus, Ontario runs have fallen. Thanks for proving my point :D


    NYSDEC found the return rates between pen reared vs. river/harbour stocked trout to be around 6:1, or more than double the stray rate of pacific salmon. Where do you think those other five non-pen reared fish went? With NYS not in the business of subsidizing Ontario angling the increase of pen rearing will mean a slow but steady decrease of Ontario steelhead numbers. The picture isn't that gloomy from the Rouge west, thanks to the excellent work done by MEA, CRAA and other trout clubs. But out on eastern tribs if stocking doesn't start up again the fishery will slowly disappear. In the next few years expect the Ganny run to drop below 2000 fish.


    Even with a zero fish limit.

  17. ....I figure this line might stand up to pike fishing w/o a leader.....


    No it won't. Spectra braids are great lines and a definite upgrade over mono, but once they get nicked they lose alot more of their strength than mono, and they nick very easily. You still need a leader for toothy critters.

  18. Market share, Bean counting & amalgamations very rarely produce a superior product, in any market segment. "It's all about the product stupid" really needs to be tattooed on the foreheads of every company CEO. Whether it's Daimler-FIAT-Magna-Chrysler, Microsoft, or GLoomis.


    When the once all conquering multi-species Rapala Jointed Minnow started to be manufactured out of injected moulded plastic instead of balsa, because that will save $0.47 per unit dontcha know, it's not a great sign for the future of a company.

  19. Clofchik

    Can you please state your sources of information as this will give your argument some sort of credibility.

    For instance..... you suggest that the MNR stocked more Browns and Bows than chinooks......


    Well that's easy, the MNR doesn't stock a single chinook into Lake O. They are out of the pacific salmon business, and have been for years.

    While some clubs are doing good things with rainbows, the majority of trout (rainbow, browns & lakers) are still stocked by the MNR I believe.


    Not really true. New York stocks a gazillion steelhead in the central and eastern portions of Lake Ontario.....


    What he said. And rainbows are more likely to stray than salmon, in reality if there was a serious non-biased look at the eastern bow fishery I'd wager that alot of the supposed "wild" fish that have been caught out of eastern tribs are in reality stray US fish. Natural reproduction, while better in the less developed, colder water of eastern tribs, I feel is overblown. There is no way natural reproduction can ever lead to a sustainable Lake O fishery at anything close to the present levels. If you want fish in Lake O, you need to stock them. Period. And there's nothing wrong with taking home planted fish.


    And about rainbow C&R mortality, I don't have the info at hand because frankly I don't really fish for bows anymore and couldn't give a hoot either way. Most of the really well done studies have been done in BC (far far away from the MNR), I don't remember the guys name but it shouldn't be too hard to find it if you're really interested (careful though, you might not like it!). In a nutshell, the magic number is around 60 degrees, mortality starts to skyrocket if you start catching trout out of warm water.

  20. I find it rather sad that the Lake limit on Steelhead is the same as Chinooks( 5 fish depending on your license) especially when the Chinny's are higher on the stocking scale.


    The MNR stocks more browns & bows than chinooks in Lake O.


    How do you figure a C& R angler Kills far more.......do you have any stats to back that up.



    About one in three C&R rainbows will die. That's averaging out all the variables throughout the year, in a nutshell the colder the water the better their chances for survival. A good number of spawned out fish caught in 60+ degree water in May won't live to see the lake again, no matter how much care there is in releasing them.


    Plus your argument is making two giant suppositions.


    1) Natural reproduction is replacing spawners enough to sustain the population.


    2) Fish caught offshore are actually wild Ontario fish.


    It is questionable whether either is true. You can stock a trout pond with rainbows, but making it C&R only doesn't mean you'll be catching fish in 10 years.

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