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Everything posted by jigsnreels

  1. Second to farm fresh. There's a farm we used to go to in the spring near St. Mary's where my father-in-law stored his RV in the winter. He used to get about a dozen flats of double-yolkers when he'd pick up the camper, and he kept them in the basement for weeks without any problems.
  2. This is the greatest thing ever.
  3. Please, no gang signs. No, throw it up. I'm kidding.
  4. I think the pic looks pretty cool. Nice fish. Never caught one myself, but I've seen a couple of people pull them out of the forks of the Thames in London...
  5. If that happened to me, I would need to change my shorts afterward. So yes, it counts. Yeesh.
  6. Das ist gut, c'est fantastique! :-) I'm listening to the Shepperton Studios rehearsal bootleg for the 2007 Led Zeppelin reunion concert at work today. Highly recommended.
  7. Of course, if they are shiners, I think the NYSDEC folks will get a bit aggravated if they start getting tons of reports about species that have every right to be in 18 Mile.
  8. The rudd also has a distinctly larger eye than the golden shiner, and they're more silvery in the body as opposed to the overall golden colour that this photo displays. Both fish have reddish fins. The rudd has a shorter anal fin, whereas the shiner's anal fin is broader and extends further along toward the tail, as above. Shiners can get to be quite big, it's not uncommon to find one in the 6 inch range. So I still say it's a shiner. Where was this taken? Shiners are definitely native to the Thames and its tribs, they are not invasives.
  9. I believe that's a golden shiner.
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