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  1. same with school
  2. shhhhhh I dont fish for these steelheads you speak of sunfish for me nice fish for the little guy BTW...get him out on the boat for some of those monster smallies this fall Nate
  3. muddywater aren't you like mid 20's? lol...see ya around at the local spot
  4. Wonder why there were so many people, couldnt have anything to do with all these reports? whatever good job on the fish. I opted to avoid the crowd today and ended up hammering them. Nate if you don't want 6000 people out try and keep things quiet...tons of lurkers read these posts, see the reports and that's the extra push they need to go out and you end up with crowded rivers. Simple as that.
  5. Nice fish greg...Curious if you had the foxee jig tipped with a pinhead or if he hit just the bare jig? great walleye for simcoe, and awesome to hear that it went back to swim another day Nate
  6. No idea who you are but AMEN Nate
  7. self righteous? care to elaborate assuming that comment was directed towards me? I acknowledged that they were good fish, and that Jeff is a very good guide, I was only concerned with fish of that size being harvested. I don't grasp the concept. Ever killed a 20 lb steelhead Mike? You could even LEGALLY kill 2 that size, however I HIGHLY doubt you would. I'm sure if you saw a 20 lb hen with it's gills ripped out lying on the bank you'd have a few words to mutter about it. You might not say anything directly to the person but I'm sure you'd be ticked off inside about it. Just because you are within your rights doesn't make it right to kill a trophy fish. Glad to see there are a few people on here with some spinal chord who are willing to speak their minds. It's much more difficult to stand up for something you feel is wrong and face the wrath of the OFC brotherhood, then to jump on the bandwagon that beleives if you're within your legal rights everyone else must be jealous if they feel otherwise . I'm sure there are others reading this thread who feel the same way but don't feel like posting because they fear someone might jump all over them for it. Have a wonderful spring, may all of your coolers be filled with 14lb walleye, 20 lb steelhead, and 54" musky Nate
  8. Far as I'm concerned you are all terribly hypocritical...I seem to remeber a certain thread this fall where a guy who kept a musky got his head ripped off Well within his rights yet you guys still tore him a new excellent person? I see the logic now ... I'll be sure to report when I catch myself a nice 54" musky this summer and harvest it for a meal I never said they weren't good fish, and I know that they are doign well compared to most people on quinte. I just think it's a shame fish like that get killed with the technology we have there is no need for skin mounts so you can't use that as en excuse... He is a very good guide I just think maybe it'd be better for the fishery if releasing big fish was encouraged. Nate
  9. that 14lber musta been tasty why do people take fish that size out of the gene pool? unbeleiveable Nate Nice job, just a shame that those monster walleye are being killed
  10. poor child doesn't stand a chance Nate
  11. good stuff...that's some good action and some good sized fish Nate
  12. Because Daplumma showed everyone else on here the same respect right? Nate
  13. If there was nothing in sight and the doors were locked I HIGHLY doubt they would bother breaking in. If they did I'm sure they would have stolen the car not cash or valuables etc. Couple of guys at my highschool got arrested last spring for doing the same thing. Stealing cell phones, sunglasses, change etc, it was pretty big news at school. They got off with a slap on the wrist and ahd to return what they had stolen, which I think is rediculous I'm sure there is a worse punishment that they should have received. I highly doubt they would have broken into a locked car where they couldn't see anything valuable worth taking. I think it's terrible that people will do things like this I'm just saying if you leave things unlocked, the reality is that it's more tempting for the scum to tamper with. Nate
  14. Thanks woodsman for being realistic...We don't live in a perfect world that everyone seems to think we do. Anyone here watch the news? You shouldn't have to lock your doors but when you leave them open I mean come on how can you not expect something like that to happen eventually? It's sad but it's REALITY. As for your statement about not being constructive I would do a search, I did a lengthy positive post about rod building and a few positive comments on different reports. You can't trust anyone these days and you sure don't need to give people reasons to commit crimes Nate the negative nelly
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