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Posts posted by Muskieman

  1. I've been a regular at KFC my entire life..

    by far my favorite fast food.......


    but tonight for the first time ever I got a .....


    !!! FEATHER !!!




    I'm gonna keep going to KFC.... I suppose it's like finding a bone in a fillet... or would it be more like a scale?


    Anyway has this ever happened to you?




  2. In regards to our Police Service warning.


    WNPS Nipissing Caution:


    "West Nipissing Police Service would like to advise the public that as of December 29th 2011 safe ice has yet to form on Lake Nipissing and surroundings Lakes and Rivers.


    On Thursday two snowmobilers from Sturgeon Falls area attempting to cross Lake Nipissing, broke through the ice near Iron Island and managed to swim to safety and walk back to mainland.


    The West Nipissing Police Service is asking the public to use proper and extreme safety precautions before venturing onto frozen surfaces.


    Although climate has been favorable over the past few days, we want to advise that proper ice as yet to form on Lake Nipissing and area waters."




    Johns observation: :thumbsup_anim:



    On Being First Across the Big Lake in Winter:


    "I often wonder what it feels like to be the first across the lake in winter ?

    I wonder is it just the plain old adrenalin rush of the first really fast ride across with no other tracks to follow ?


    Or is it that anxious electric twist that occurs in the colon knowing full well that $13,000 worth of hi-tech toy could disappear from betwixt ones legs at any time into an unknown depth of water in a very lonely part of the lake ?


    Is it the swell of pride that occurs knowing that ones best buddy will surely risk his own life for you, unless of course he miscalculated too and ends up testing his new floater suit and is equally filled with helplessness, raw fear, exquisite pain and instant remorse as the suit fills with needle like icy water ?


    Is it the self importance that if the suit protects one from hypothermia but one cannot get out of the water that one may still depend on our friends in the local rescue services that will likely put their own lives at risk to get one out of this predicament brought to one by self will run riot ?


    Is it hope knowing that there are hospitals where one can be helicoptered to for treatment of hypothermia complications ?

    I wonder what it feels like ?

    There is always someone first across the big lake with varying degrees of success. I wonder if there is some secret prize ?


    If one lives, is he the winner ? If one dies out there it must be a horrible lonely way to go.


    So fear, hope, pride, self-importance, or the electric twist of a lower bowel could all be feelings associated with this annual activity in the north. But then so could an absolute feeling of hopelessness as one reaches the end out there. all alone and helpless."


    I hope I never find out.








  3. Well....


    In 2000 I was in a paddleboat that had a built-in cooler{ full of Molson EX & Smirnoff Ice}... sunshade.. stereo and rodholders...

    My buddy and I paddled all over Nipissing's Cache Bay with it. By the time we made it to the mouth of the Veuve River we were going in circles...PLASTERED!!! We were using weeds as bait our shorts as facilities and looked like Lobsters..


    And out of nowhere the OPP!! They told us that they were 20 yards away all along for the past 10 minutes laughing at us.

    We had the lifejackets and the whole shebang ... we even kept the empties and were good boys and didn't pollute the lake.


    Charges were: Public Intoxication 65$ If I remember correctly.. We were not put under arrest our Booze was not confiscated and we were allowed to leave VIA paddleboat so long as we didn't drive when we got to shore.



    But on the other hand.............


    After camping on an Island on Gull Lake hwy 805 60 miles from nowhere....

    My buddy came ashore sober after spending a night on an Island with his wife.

    The alcohol he had brought with him for the week was In the bow of the boat a half full 60oz of rye.


    The OPP made him pour it over the firepit and proceeded to charge him with open alcohol...110.00$

    60 miles in the bush...It was 7:00 in the morning ...go figure..



    I guess you never know.




  4. West Nipissing Police Service would like to advise the public that as of December 29th 2011 safe ice has yet to form on Lake Nipissing and surroundings Lakes and Rivers.


    On This day two snowmobilers from Sturgeon Falls area attempting to cross Lake Nipissing, broke through the ice near Iron Island and managed to swim to safety and walk back to mainland.


    The West Nipissing Police Service is asking the public to use proper and extreme safety precautions before venturing onto frozen surfaces.


    Although climate has been favorable over the past few days, we want to advise that proper ice as yet to form on Lake Nipissing and area waters.


    Thank you.

    West Nipissing Police Service.







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