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Posts posted by Muskieman

  1. I lost a 60 hr /wk contract to negotiated cut backs , I bumped a 36 hr/ 2 week to keep my employment , sticking to my education the only jobs available in my field ( health care ) are unionized ....

    Not to toot my own horn , I'm also a first class ASE parts man 13 yrs ... but I don't wanna go back to selling parts .


    I'm not against unions , I've seen the good they can do ... but .. so far they've hampered vs help me. .

  2. I've been part of 4 unions , unions suck , they seem to be there to protect the lazy and loudmouth , if you do your job correctly , you don't need one , as a matter of fact , I was laid off yesterday because of a friggin union agreement .. I'm fed up with it ! Legalized organized crime ..

    bash away I don't give a Walleye's Tail. .

  3. I've stopped at such scenes , I'm well trained ( considering my employment I'm obligated to if there is no EMS on site ) and have saved lives , it's always better to stop , if you happen to be worried about worstening the situation , don't be, you're covered by the " Good Samaritan " act..


    Some cases are unfortunate and no help can be offered , but not knowing the difference I could have made would keep me awake at night .



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