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Status Replies posted by Muskieman

  1. Bought a sled today :) Happy !

  2. So I tried for some Lawneyes this afternoon. Neighbors think I am nuts and the people driving past didn't seem too happy as I casted my jig out across the street.

  3. Make sense of this. I give a fresh salmon sliced clean to a ole boy,and here Im cooking up fresh cod and boston blue fish. LOL

    1. Muskieman


      you my friend are a nice guy , a little whacked , but .. still a nice guy ... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING ? :)


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. four more shifts to work, then on hollidays for 3 weeks, with the last week being spent at Olive the Lake Lodge.. Looking forward to a week of fishing and hunting at that beautiful lodge :)

  5. Some dont understand Canadian redneck. Maybe they should of had a beer in their hands,LOL

  6. Rice brothers on the road to Nipissing.

  7. Who needs reality TV?? Just bring both families (the one shot at ex grounds and the shooters, that were then shot by police) to the same trauma / neuro floor..

  8. Unbeleiviblee ampared on OFC at 25 cents pasted 3 . Vs Faceboook. another WIN forOFC!

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