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  1. The MNRF likely received quite a few uninformed, emotionally-based comments during the public consultation period but there were scientifically sound reasons to end the harvest. Snapping turtles take upwards of 20 years to reach sexual maturity and when they do, they have very low reproductive success. It's been estimated that fewer than 1 in 1800 eggs ever produce a mature individual. Combine this with the significant mortality that they face in most areas of their range from road collisions, the loss of any mature individuals and be catastrophic to the local population. Most if not all conservation groups have been pushing for years to suspend the hunt. More info on the above: https://www.ontarionature.org/protect/species/reptiles_and_amphibians/snapping_turtle.php
  2. It's deplorable that repeated thinly-veiled homophobic slurs about Kathleen Wynne seem to be fair game on this forum. Give the "Keith Wynne" and "Uncle Wynne" cracks a rest.
  3. Exactly. This article summarizes the Alewife decline (and subsequent Chinook crash) in Lake Huron that occurred since 2003. As alluded to in the OP, it wouldn't surprise me to see the Lake Ontario Chinook fishery suffer the same fate in the immediate future as the warning signs are already there. http://ns.umich.edu/new/releases/23602-lake-huron-s-chinook-salmon-fishery-unlikely-to-recover-due-to-ongoing-food-shortage
  4. It wasn't Smelt that died off in huge numbers that fouled beaches in the 70's...it was Alewife.
  5. Referring to the International Climate Science Coalition as "evidence based" is laughable.
  6. Heh, Galloup has some great names for his streamers...the Barely Legal, Tips Up, Pearl Necklace...
  7. The Dungeon is definitely gets big Trout...a sampling of the ones I've taken on it since the season opened a few weeks ago: The Conehead Zuddler that Cuzza posted is also a favourite of mine for smaller creeks/smaller fish.
  8. Speaking of being presumptuous...I'm far from an elitist fly-only angler. I do love fly fishing but actually enjoy and participate in all forms of angling. Again, I simply took exception to someone claiming to have invented a fly which is virtually identical to a well known pattern.
  9. Fair enough Huronmtn. Good fishing!
  10. LOL please, my responses were pretty measured compared to the kind of reception the original post would receive on an actual fly tying/fishing forum. Classy with the name calling too, not unexpected though.
  11. The issue really has to be spelled out for you? Would you be ok with your son submitting someone else's work at school with his name on it? It's called plagiarism or more bluntly, ripping off someone else's hard work and passing it off as your own. Had you just acknowledged that you modified a pre-existing pattern then all would be good.
  12. Lol. Vain and arrogant is slightly modifying someone else's pattern and claiming that you "invented" it.
  13. Right, you just happened to come up with a pattern (on your own) that almost exactly matches probably the most well known and most popular modern streamer fly today? https://www.slideinn.com/product/galloups-sex-dungeon/
  14. A nice tie but that is clearly a modified Galloup's Sex Dungeon...at least give credit to the actual innovator behind the pattern before claiming it as your own.
  15. I hear you, which is why it's important to seek out actual peer-reviewed scientific studies as well as the official recommendations from reputable agencies on these types of topics (such as the World Health Organization and the UN as were referenced in the article I posted).
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