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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. My son played Rep hockey in NewCastle and it was contact. Once there was a tournament in Peterborough we got asked to join last minute because a team bowed out. It was a non contact tournament. We had a solid team with some very physical young lads. No goons just kids that you had to play heads up hockey against.


    Our first game the kids had a hard time turning off the physical part and there was a few kids that got rubbed out on the boards pretty good. Basically every kid on the Kanata team skated with there heads down. It was brutal to watch. All this talk you hear about leave the hitting out and the other skills will become more developed... well I never saw any evidence of that at this tournament. Frankly I saw the exact opposite. Taking contact out of a contact sport produces a weaker less skilled player. And if you are a true hockey fan it is painful to watch. I told the coach... as did other parents...that if we entered anymore non contact tournaments we would not be attending. He said there was no chance that would ever happen again and it didn't. He hated it as well.


    I say don't mess with the game. Period. If your truly concerned about the well being of your kids pick another activity that satisfies your criteria for what is physically acceptable. Don't go watering down a sport others already enjoy as it is.

  2. I was on Cooch on 24 inches of ice April 9th last year. The shoreline was getting bad so I never went out again after that...still my latest ice fishing date. I really think this year will be in the same ball park. I actually hope it is. I had a real good spring last year shore fishing for crappies and gills. And one spot I got crappies from shore until June. Haven't ever came close to that before.

  3. My daughter was a pill for a few years. Like Joey suggested saying no just seemed to make her more determined to make her parents crazy :wallbash: As a teen she started hanging with a guy who was gay. Good kid we had known him since he was little. We had no problem with it. I kinda liked it actually cause I knew he wouldn't be trying any "funny stuff" with her. Well one day she came home late and I was sitting here at the computer. Said she had something to tell me. Said she thought she liked girls. I turned to look at her and I saw that confrontational look on her face. My face was level with her waist and I just hugged her around the waist with my face on her hip and told her I didn't understand but if she was happy I was happy and everything would work out. I can honestly say our relationship got better from that day forward.


    As for her gay guy friend. When he finally got up the nerve to tell his folks. Mom was fine. Dad was a whole other story. The father being a stubborn jerk split the whole family apart. They eventually divorced and the son moved out west and fell off the face of the earth.


    It scares me to think what might have happened in my own family if I had been a jerk about my daughters news.


    Tread lightly Mike. If you raise them right everything will work out.

  4. A few years back I was invited to Wil Wegman's Last Ice Tournament off of Gilford... he did the Fish Crisp dusting then in an egg/beer wash then into some Italienne breadcrumbs but somehow he ran outa beer so he finished off the rest of the perch using gingerale in the wash...Tasted Great !


    I have tried both gingerale or 7 UP in the egg wash with good results...


    Not finding Fish Crisp in Bobcaygeon, I just dust with flour...

    Marks always has fish Crisp if you really are looking for it Beansie.

  5. Half Parmesan Chez Half Original Fish Crisp. Perfect way to make something good for you, not so good for you.

    Thx for the laugh Garnet.



    You guys are killing me. Another one I'll have to try. The boss might not be happy when I make fish 3 times in one week :devil:


    Truthfully with fresh...not frozen perch... my hands down favourite is plain old original Fish Crisp. With a squeeze of lemon and a few grinds of salt & pepper. With a side of Maple baked beans or homemade slaw.

  6. I would follow the directions on the package it is not fine enough to make a batter out of....


    Or if you prefer you can try this



    Make sure to pat the fish dry if trying it.


    Tomorrow is fish night for us, salt cod is on the menu.... Cant wait!


    Edit for typos


    Just checked out your recipe Gerritt. The 1/4 cornstarch...is that 1/4 cup or 1/4 tablespoon or whatever. I have never had a batter recipe that I am 100% happy with so I'd like to give it a go.

  7. Yes, too early to predict a late spring for sure. I don't know why people are so up in arms about a tough winter. Its been nothing close to a hard winter. Im tapping trees today. I know its early, but its going to happen sooner or later.



    Tapping today???? Did you fall and hurt yourself recently :whistling:


    February has been harsh. More cold and snow in a 4 week span then I have every experienced. But December and January where awesome. I'd take our Dec-Jan weather we got this year every winter for the rest of my life if I could get it.

  8. it blows my mind anyone would buy fishing gear at CT. grossly over priced.they have the odd sale but only stock a few of the items. i like bps.

    I think you would change your opinion if you ever visited the Lindsay CT. And I have heard of others that are heads and shoulders above the typical CT as well.

  9. Nothing for me...I have been real lucky. However when we where kids a friends younger brother tagged along and one time I cast without looking and he was standing right behind me. Buried the treble of my orange rapala right in the back of his skull. Jumped on our bikes and pedalled to the hospital...the whole way watching the orange rap swinging off the back of his head. They shaved a big bald spot on the back of his head and got the hook out in no time....so we pedalled back to our spot and continued fishing. I have no recollection of his parents coming to the hospital...the father worked in construction and was out of town and the mom was an at home mom with no car....I don't know if they where even contacted. I don't think that would be a hospitals procedure today.

  10. When our son was 3 I woke up early....before 6AM...one morning in early spring and heard someone talking in our backyard. Looked out the window and saw our son sitting at our picnic table wearing only underwear, shivering and babbling away to himself. No clue how long he was out there. We are within 200yards of highway#2 one way and Oshawa Creek the other way. Scared us to death.


    But for the grace of God we could have experienced something as tragic as this family is now dealing with. I really feel for them all.

  11. Sorry to hear about the run arounds Cliff. I hope things get more organized for the two of you in the future.


    Like Lew most of my families experiences have all been positive..well except for one. Without going into details I had a testical removed a few years ago. Some concerns yada yada send it out for testing. Wait to hear back from them...nothing. Finally I call to see what the delay is. They had no results. Why not....wait for it...THEY LOST MY TESTICAL. As far as I know it's still hiding in Oshawa General somewhere :dunno:

  12. We deal with call centres...XEROX...for our digital print machinery. We call the 1-800 # and someone outside Canada takes our info and forwards the call to our service technicians. I have not had many bad experiences with language problems. I do however find it extremely frustrating when the person you are talking to tries to fix the problem over the phone. They start going through a "checklist" of stuff to try. Sometimes you have to cut them off and say "Look I already tried all these things....just send a technician like I asked for in the first place. :wallbash:

  13. We haven't done a thing for V day since well...forever. Just another day on the calendar around here. We both know what the other one wants or needs and make an effort 12 months of the year to look after those things.


    Used to be a restaurant in town that had a real nice Valentine's day special menu supper. Bottle of wine, appetizers a few selections for your main course and a few great dessert choices. Looked forward to that but they have stopped doing it.

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