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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. I've caught dozens of muskies in my life...and I've never targeted them. Just pick a lake that has muskies use 4LB line and a 1/16 or 1/32 oz jig and pretend your fishing for bluegills or crappie.


    I guarantee you will get your share.

  2. My first dress shirt I bought myself was pink. Wore it to my sister in laws wedding. Grey pants and jacket, Grey and pink tie.


    And yes I looked HOT :D


    1981. Haven't bought anything with pink in it since then. No problem with pink on a guy. If I had an office type job I'm sure I would probably have some other stuff with pink in it. Never understood how any colour can be ruled as a do not wear colour :wallbash:


    Never saw any bullying where I grew up. None...Zero. Lots of merciless teasing though....lots. I think there is a fine line between teasing and bullying and a lot of people that claim to be bullied just need to grow a thicker skin.

  3. Everyone's entitled to an opinion, we just disagree about probability. I concur that the odds of this happening are very low, but keep in mind, there are thousands if not millions of hunters in the woods every year, so, in a macro sense and statistically speaking, it's guaranteed to happen on occasion. It's no different statistically than people drowning while boating. Put millions of people on the water, even if they are doing everything properly and within all safety regulations, and a percentage will still drown. Certainly if this camoed archer was sitting, and he most likely would have been, there is no way the accused could have seen the archer. The archer easily could have had deer come between him and the hunter, and walla, all the ingredients for a deadly accident.

    The most level headed thoughtful response in this whole thread.


    Not being a hunter I have no real idea how this could have happened. But this scenario seems as probable as any others and is far more refreshing to hear then the ones on here presented by those who have no more of a clue then I do about what really happened. Some peoples "hang him high" mentality especially when situations arise involving natives really makes me sick.

  4. Had another good evening chasing crappie. Lot of smaller ones this time. Some big bull Bluegills started moving in as well.

    Love the big gills Bruce. If I'm catching them I don't keep any crappie. I find the flesh a little firmer and just like the taste better.

  5. If you've got skills so that you don't have to pay someone for carpentry, plumbing and electricity, if you have people skills and enjoy working with the public, if you love to keep busy, if you remain strong of body, if you have a desire to create a family legacy as opposed to generating income, and the you find the right lodge, then yes, I think one could make a go of it and be very happy in the process. That said, probably less than 1 in 50 retirees fall within that subset.

    Well said and I agree 100%...except for the 1 in 50 ratio. I think the ratio would be more like 1 in a million.


    Love the kawartha's. Have a cottage in Bobcaygeon. Before we bought it I was leaning towards what you are thinking of. If you are serious make sure your cottages are winterized. That way you can generate winter income from winter tenants. We have our cottage rented out to winter tenants from Oct 1st to April 30th every year. Lots of trailer park people need a winter home. Many of the hotels have these people as winter tenants. They come back every year and treat the place as there own because they DO want to return the next winter. This is the route we went. Originally we looked at a few spots that you might be interested in....but the risk/work/reward numbers just didn't work for us. I can also tell you that you better be handy....cause ALL the trades people we have dealt with up there work at a different pace then what we are used to here in the city. And if in the peak of there busy season you need a little project done in a timely matter....well...good luck with that.


    Not trying to scare you off...because it sure is a worthwhile and fulfilling goal if you can see it through....just be prepared to do your homework before you jump in and be prepared to be busy after you take down the sold sign.

  6. It was a beauty day to be out that's for sure. Love the last ice days when you have a whole section of the lake to yourself. My buddy and I shared an area with 11 other people and none of our groups where within 2 football fields of each other.


    Raglan golf course on the way home had all kinds of people teeing it up.


    Unless something crazy happens this week I think we will get one more weekend on the ice where I was. Yesterday there was a huge Argo taking supplies out to an Island for some building project.


    Between 23-29 cranks with the hand auger to get through and our shore access is still a 3 foot hard as a rock snow drift.

  7. Not good Lew, cut knuckle hurt like a ^&%$ard.


    Steve if my dogs licked up all the blood on the floor I would be sleeping with the door locked with a gash in my hand. Dogs are like sharks, they smell blood a mile away.

    LOL. My critter's at that time where a Sheppard Doberman cross that would shiver and pee herself if you scolded her and a 7LB pekinguesse/chihuahua cross named Killer. I really didn't have a lot to be fearful of.

  8. Love FB. Keep in touch with my brother and sister in another town almost exclusively on FB. I have one friend...an old neighbour who used to watch our kids after school who lives on FB...but she is GREAT to have as a friend because she posts funny stuff she finds all the time.Love her sense of humour. Keep in touch with old high school friends too...even though I moved away from home 31 years ago. Play words with friends....basically scrabble....with friends and family on there daily. Sit at the puter with my breakfast or at midnite when I work 4-12 and catch up for 20-30 minutes a day tops. Don'y let it run my life and don't partake in the drama. I have a grand total of 31 friends. So that pretty much tells you I don't waste time with "strangers".

  9. Doesn't sound like any fun Lew. Those knuckle gashes can take some time to heel if you don't take it easy.


    I was pounding away with a wood chisel once and wasn't paying enough attention. Slipped and hammered it straight almost through the whole palm of my hand. Went in at the fleshy part at the base of my thumb all the way sideways to the pad under my little finger. Poured blood all over my hardwood floors. Went and got it stitched up and when I got home my dogs had licked up all the blood. The hardwood floors where gleaming, probably the cleanest they ever where while we lived there :w00t:

  10. I never start before June in the Kawartha's. Too busy with Kawartha crappie's and bluegills and Simcoe perch before June. I can't say whether it would be worthwhile before June or not.



    June through September I fish them and June is always my best month.

  11. Here I sit in Thorold watching the snow fall. Apparently winter is not done with us yet. Good thing we finished harvesting the last of the pussy willows back at the beginning of the week. Now we can focus on the seedlings on our nice warm grow benches and get the grow house all sealed up.


    Next week I hunt for crappie.

    Just curious Bruce. What do you do with the pussy willows? And next week crappie fishing? Will you need an auger...lol

  12. Thanks


    Like I said, it was just whipped together to give me a start at what I leaning towards. It,s got to be made so it breaks down for those that have small cars.

    Looks good B.


    The breaking down is an awesome idea. I wish you luck with it. I'm sure lot's of apartment dwellers with limited storage space will appreciate that feature as well. Just make sure it's easy to break down in the cold....or people will use it once....get frustrated....and curse you forever...lol.

  13. i would consider any hyundai/kia a disposable vehicle.. either drive it till it dies or get rid of it after a while and only get one if you get a good deal. they don't seem to last as well their competition be it compacts or mini-uvs. just my opinion. and that's not to say i wouldn't get one for my commute if the right deal came along (I put on roughly 50k a year) knowing full well that it'll be beat in a couple of years.


    Used to feel that way Raf. That's why we leased an Accent a few years back. 3 close friends had them and loved them but I was still unsure. The lease was bullet proof. In Nov 2005 we bought a brand new Accent. It still is my wifes daily driver. No issues whatsoever just regular maintenance. And so far I am loving the Santa Fe. A co worker has a 2009 Tuscan that has over 400KM on it without any problems. If you look after them they seem to have became a pretty dependable drive.

  14. Nice looking wagon work. Thought about something similar for my tomato plants at the cottage. The yard doesn't get enough sun so I gotta move them around to chase the sun. Please let me know as the summer wears on if this works for you. I had a couple of times where I never made it to the cottage so my plants went unwatered for 2 weeks. They all dried up and died. Unless you go every weekend I suggest you recruit someone to give them a drink when your not there.


    Also your way to early for beans and they do much better direct seeded as opposed to starting seedlings. Direct seed Victoria weekend. Or have an option to cover them if you try earlier seeding.

  15. In my younger days I got real lucky once at a check. Yearly ice fishing weekend on Nip. Friday routine head into NorthBay and get supplies. Then hit a bar for supper and stay until close :whistling: I'm sure I would have blew over but I was deemed most sober so I drew the short straw to drive my buddies car back to Bear Creek cottages where we were staying. A check was set up in the middle of no where on the way back. I'm nervous as can be when the officer comes to the window. 5 drunks in a 73 Monte Carlo :wallbash:


    Asks me if I have been drinking. Yes sir.

    Is this your vehicle. No sir. I'm driving my buddies car because he is unable.

    Just then as if we had planned it...my buddy Dave who was the owner of the car....opens the back passenger side door and does an epic hurl..you know the ones you can get sick just listening to. I said see officer he is in no condition to drive. The officer asked where we are going so I tell him. He instructs me to go straight there and not drive anymore that evening.


    Did some stupid stuff in my younger years.

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