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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Fettuccine Alfredo, Shrimp and seafood. Another his and hers.




    Hers is the cajun shrimp alfredo .( fresh shrimp from Jonhnnys seafood)


    Mines the seafood melody combo. Clams,octopus,mussels,shrimp.












    Keeping everything cooking to be served at the same time.




    I use whipping cream (taught that from an old italian) and fresh parma to thicken up just nice. Fresh pasta, not dried. No premade alfredo jar crap here.











    Looks so good Brian. We do Shrimp Fettiucine Alfredo and love it. If you like broccoli steam some up and throw it in. Awesome in Alfredo. Also we have the same cast iron pot you have on the back left burner of your stove. If you like crusty bread....find a no knead bread recipe and do it in that pot. Awesome...totally awesome and great for sopping up this dish with.


    Edit to add...from your dumpling post....nice Mcgyver job on the steamer :worthy: ....but do yourself a favour and grab an electric plug in one. Value village has them all the time for cheap. I guess people get them as wedding gifts and never use them....but they are the bomb.

  2. Thx for sharing. Love hearing this stuff. There are still plenty of good folks out there.


    Great story about the eggs too OI. In sweet corn season there is a stand on the way to the cottage. Usually a kid there during the day but when we are coming up Friday after work it is unattended and they have a box to put your cash in. Some idiot once tore his box of the wagon and I thought that would be the end of it....but by the end of the season a new box was there and I think you would have to blow up the whole wagon to get it off. Generally we only get 4 cobs for the 2 of us and I never seem to have correct change so at the start of the season I just throw a 10 dollar bill in and keep track until I use it up and then throw in more if they still have corn. I always make sure they get more money from me then I actually take in corn because I really appreciate them doing this. Fresh corn with a baked yukon gold potato from my own garden and a good steak is hard to beat Friday night at the cottage.

  3. So, for a 5% discount, the insurance company gets an avenue to possibly deny a claim when you really need them? Screw that. If they offer something, it's because it's to their benefit.


    Funny Chris I said pretty much exactly the same thing ..word for word...an hour ago while discussing this in the car with Debbe


    50 bucks Chris.. case and a half of beer! If you're running dedicated snows you may as well take them up on what the government made them offer.

    Wait a minute....50 bucks...thats almost 4 bottles of the bosses favourite red wine.

  4. Enjoyed the video Roy. Straight forward and easy to follow. I think I see myself getting a good wet stone. Nothing frustrates me more then dull kitchen knives. I have a steel that I use to keep my knives in good shape and I have been pretty happy with that. Until I saw the video and him slicing up the wet sponge. I just gotta be able to do that now :ninja: Mind sharing where you got your whetstone?

  5. I have a veggie garden here in Courtice that I try to get into as early as possible. I could have tilled it this weekend if I wasn't so busy. Most years I have stuff planted in March.


    Where I'm going with this is almost every year we seem to get one last substantial dumping of snow towards the end of March. It used to drive me crazy because I'd be all worried if my early planted stuff would survive....but it always has so I don't worry anymore. But for this reason alone I will leave my snows on until April.

  6. I have a few older knives that do the job adequately but has anyone tried using an electric sharpener? . Bass pro has a few in different price points that look as if they could get a nice edge on a knife.. I'm just not sure if they are a gimmicky item or are they actually useful??

    I was wondering the same thing a few years back and I happened upon one at a garage sale for a couple of bucks so I took it home and gave it a go. I can't remember the name brand now, but at the time I looked into it and it was actually supposed to be of pretty good quality.


    For me it was a piece of junk. Never did what I would call a good job on any of my knives. Completely turned me off even considering using another electric sharpener.

  7. I was always old school, right from when I use to guide on the French people would often comment on how quickly and how well I could fillet fish. A few years ago a very good friend of mine, CPH was here and we went crappie fishing, man we caught a boat load.


    We only kept about 30 between us and when we got home and went to clean them he pulled out his rapala electric knife. I sort of chuckled to myself (an electric knife to clean fish, ya right) and we both got to work cleaning fish. Well, I have to tell you I was awe struck, he was cleaning fish three to my one and doing as good a job (or better) than I was.


    The next day I went into CTC and bought myself one of those "electric" knives. I liked it so much that I told my son about it (he's a bit of a chip off the old block and smiled and said "sure dad" (that boy can fillet a pike and you'd never know there were bones in it and he doesn't waste much!)


    Anyway, we went head to head on a mess of fish one day and he now owns one of those rapala electrics and loves it!


    I am a great fan of quality knives, well quality anything and I'd love to own one of Arts masterpieces but I'd probably just want it as a treasure rather than a knife, it would likely never get used LOL.


    I do have a Cutco and have for over 20 years now, it's a good knife but the blade lock doesn't work worth a darn. They have replaced it a few times now over the years, their warranty is fantastic, the steel seems to be quite good but I think their weakness is in the extendable blade, the blade lock is just a cam type thing and it fails quite easily. Still a good knife though but expensive.

    I remember that day. Still one of my all time best days for crappie...both numbers and size.


    I was the same as you about electric knives Cliff. Just thought they where toys for the "must have people" to spend there $$$ on. Then my son got me one for Xmas, so I used it because it was a gift. This was probably 10 years ago and I have only manually filleted fish once in that time. I had a bunch of bluegills to clean at the cottage and my electric knife was at home :wallbash: It was almost like torture after getting used to the electric and that's saying something because I used to love sitting down and filleting fish up with my manual knives. The next day the first thing I did was drive to Marks in Bobcaygeon and get another electric to leave at the cottage.


    I have 3 manual fillet knives. They never get out of the cupboard anymore.

  8. I like Fergus, but I'd move north for an excuse not to go to the GTA. The ultra-competitive, worked to death attitude that permeates from some of these corporations into my small town living is not for me, but my wife would be very hard pressed to find a job outside of the GTA.


    This thread got me to thinking, so I looked on some job search websites and found a position that seemed to be tailor made for me in Sudbury. My wife hates the GTA lifestyle so much she'd move with me even if she couldn't find a job.

    Not sure what you would be looking to gain moving to Sudbury from Fergus? I grew up in Fergus. My whole family still lives there. My wives sister lives on Lake Ramsey in Sudbury. So I know Sudbury very well also. Both places have lots of rural fishing close at hand. Different country I'll admit. Sudbury more rocky and rugged. Fergus more farmland but lots of unspoiled area close by.


    If at any point you are at all serious do yourself a favour and go spent some time in Sudbury. It is a city in every way and very comparable to anything in the GTA. So if you are looking to get away from the city you would have to live outside Sudbury to do that....maybe 30minutes to an hour outside the city....which is where you already are in Fergus...30 minutes to an hour outside the GTA. I'm not trying to rain on anyones parade. Just pointing out the similarities and urging you to do your due diligence before you make a decision.

  9. We had a Doberman/Sheppard cross years ago that would eat any kind of food. We used to give her stuff just to see what she wouldn't eat. Never happened, she ate it all.


    I have a large vegetable garden and when I pull my onions in the fall I spread them out on my picnic table to let them dry for 3-7 days for better storage. One day I let her out in the backyard to do her business and when I went to let her back in she was on the picnic table devouring my onions. No idea how many she gobbled up. However the next couple of days she had the runs and the most putrid farts you could ever imagine. We had to leave most of the windows in the house cracked open it was that bad.

  10. Nice when it comes time to sell a Gta property though

    Yep. And that's the plan.

    Used to want to live in the boonies away from it all. Not anymore. Now the best fit for us is a small town an hour or so out of the GTA in the Kawartha's. Able to walk to everything we need with a nice small town atmosphere and only an hour or so from anything we might need in the city. Best of both worlds.


    To the original OP. Enjoy your move and the new environment. We only get to do this dance once so we might as well enjoy it the best we can.

  11. Getting on the ice this winter has been a complete bust for me. It's just been stupid busy at work and it looks to continue right through March. Funny how the economy works. We are printing stuff for standardized school testing for a southern US state. I don't know how it can be cheaper to print stuff in Ontario and ship it way down south then them print it locally....but that's the way it is. I'm just hoping the crazy workload is done before my spring perching starts.


    Anyway enough about that. Thx for sharing Cliff. A family helping each other out and a day on the hardwater. Sounds like a perfect weekend to me.

  12. I used to get up and go ice fishing no matter the weather...especially after I got my portable. But over the years I began to realize I really have never had what I would call a good day when it is windy as hell out there or cold as hell. So when the weatherman is calling for either or both I usually just stay home and sleep in. Not saying you still won't get bit. You will always be able to get a few perch if you give in an honest effort. I just find the rewards for tolerating a sub par day not worth with.


    Maybe I'm just getting soft in my old age :(

  13. I'd sell my cottage in Bobcaygeon and buy or build one on the water there...in town or within walking distance of town. Get a bigger fishing boat and have it in a covered slip ready to go whenever I had the urge to get out.


    Then I'd look for a winter home down south. Maybe the Ocean Reef Club in FLA. The sister-in-law has a place there and it is an incredible community.


    Also like Cliff I'd set up my family. 60 million is way more then Deb and I could ever spend on ourselves.


    Still be lots left over. Not sure which way I would go with all that. It would be a nice problem to have though.



    Im sure glad terry dosent have them. WHEWY. :tease:


    Im looking at one for next year. My clam ice armour is not a float suit, but man is it warm. Just dont float like I said. Pretty much the same though as far as wearing.

    Which Ice Armour suit to you have Brian? The blue black one? That's the one I have and it isn't warm at all. On a cold day I will have a long sleeve T-shirt a polar fleece turtle neck sweater and a hoodie on under mine and I will still get cold hiding in my unheated fish trap hut.

  15. Yes Wayne...way way different times. However the troubling thing I see now is parents not being parents...but rather Best friends. Your kid screws up. So instead of teaching them right from wrong you forgive them and excuse there behaviour. What the hell have there learned about consequence from that? I was charged with impaired at 17. Took me to a jail in Guelph and called my folks. My old man said I will come and get him in the morning. Spent the night in jail listening to a hard core drunk puking up his guts in the 5X10 cell next to me. Contemplated suicide rather then facing my folks in the morning. But they are smart. When they threw me in the cell they made me take my belt AND my shoes/shoe laces off. It was HARSH...really HARSH for a 17 year old...but I learned. Perhaps I scared the crap out of my kids by sharing that experience with them. Put I'm sure glad i did.


    I can't comment on the Muzzo family. I can only look at it through the eyes of my own life experiences and wish it had turned out better for everyone involved.

  16. Kids today have cab money that we give them.

    Some...or most..yes I will not disagree.The treatment my brothers leeches get makes me puke. However my son moved out at the tender age of 21...never took a dime from Mom and Dad that wasn't to be paid back. Put himself through college and bought a house while working PT and going to school full time. And still calls a cab on his own dime if he decides to come over after work...we are within walking distance of his branch at work... and share a few bottles of wine with mom and dad when his significant other is working until 11PM and a go train ride away in Yorkdale.And BTW he is 26 an still doesn't own his first vehicle.


    Far cry from my days at that age. I wish I was the man he is today back when I was that age.

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