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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Its funny we all love walleye so much. Do this and guess what? Thats all breading seasoning and cooking. Walleye has about .25 outta ten on the flavour scale lol

    I have never been a big fan of walleye. I find the flesh very bland. That's why I eat gills all summer long in the Kawartha's and never even target eyes anymore.

  2. Give the electric an honest try Simon. It took me a couple of good feeds of perch to practice on before I had it down. But now I'm like Mike. For me it is quicker, much less messier and does a better job then my old manual rapala. I will never go back to a manual knife for filleting.


    Added bonus is you never have to sharpen the blade :clapping:

  3. Depends on how many you wanna clean.


    Personally I don't like the bigger ones. I find the chunks too thick and they don't fry up as nice unless you cut them up to make them smaller. If I had my choice and was getting enough fish to be selective I would keep only 9-10 inchers.


    Keep in mind this opinion is coming from a guy who keeps 7-8 inch bluegills all summer long for fish fries.

  4. On holidays in Bobcaygeon. Got up early and went fishing. Not sure when I came off the water but I needed something for my boat...can't remember what... so I popped into Buckeye Marine. When I walked in there was NO ONE within sight in the whole place. Generally always someone out on the floor or someone at the service desk. Heard some talking and popped my head into one of the sales offices. EVERYONE was in the sales office eyes glued to the TV watching it all unfold.


    I just heard on the weekend that there are still over 1,000 officially unidentified victims from that day.


    A sad day all around.

  5. Walked up from the cottage to the main drag...Bolton St...in Bobcaygeon. The street was closed and they had big screens set up to watch. The main street was completely full of people and lots of people up on store front roof tops taking the show in. Didn't stay long as we thought the sound quality was garbage....which was expected...but was glad we made it over to experience it.

  6. Do a sleep study and rule out sleep apnea. I was diagnosed when I was 44...9 years ago. My life is 1,000,000 times better now that I was diagnosed and have it under control. Very similar syptoms to ones you mentioned and others as well.


    Not sleeping properly really messes with a lot of things.


    Pm me if you wanna discuss or trade symptom stories.

  7. Anybody have ideas as to secure a plastic grub on a regular jig head? Especially Gulp?

    If it's not the panfish, it's the weeds that pull it halfway off every second cast.

    I've heard crazy glue. How exactly do you use it?

    I used to do the glue routine....then I discovered lunkercity lunker grip jigheads. Have not used glue since 2002. Do a google search and check out there jigheads. Marks wormwarehouse in Caygeon has been ordering what I want for years. I use unpainted 1/32 heads for all my panfishing and whatever colours I choose for larger size heads. Besides the grub/plastic holding properties of these heads which is excellent...I dare you to find a better hook sharpness or quality then these products.


    Seriously have a look and forget about using glue...cause you won't need it with these jigheads.

  8. My brother made the same call last year Lew, after talking about it for 2 or 3 years. He never was a hard core fisherman but also used his boat for towing the kids around on inflatables and such. Well his kids grew up and he used the boat less. Then he got a trailer and hooked up with a group of friends who all had bigger boats for fishing out of Meaford...so he used his boat even less. Much like you he kept her in mint shape. Whoever ended up with it got one helluva deal.


    Nice to hear you passed your boat onto a fellow muskie man who with appreciate it and keep it slimed.


    For some reason, they have nothing up here . What they do have, is very slim and dosent look that great. The new zhers have this "posh", butcher thing now, and want an arm and a leg for a steak. Many cuts of meat aged like 20-40 days and more. Im not paying that price for a piece of meat. I will try as you say Steve. Just for s and giggles.


    They did have extra lean ground knocked down again, 3 bucks a pack. Smitty bacon on for the same. Looks like a bacon wrapped meat loaf this day. Im good with that. :clapping:


    I did want to try this pork belly thing I found on you tube, but I cant even find that up here for a decent price. Guess on a rainy saturday, I,ll have to head down to the big city to get me a nice slab. I,ll would even drive to see you Joel. THANKS FOR THE INFO. :good:

    I'm with you Brian. Debbe love's a good steak more then anything. The last Delmonico I bought cost $27 for one steak for us to share. Been eating a lot of pork lately. A local shop had centre cut chops on for $3.99/LB last week. Bought 8 good sized...not huge....but cut nice and thick. $23.92. Three bucks cheaper and enough meat for 4 BBQ's instead of just one.



    Im not a big steak eater. I like one once in a while. Would an eye of the round work with this Steve? Would it get more tender? Or would it be best to have fat content in the meat?


    Cant say Im a fan of that contraption. That meat kind of turned me off. Oh Im sure it,s good. LOL

    I have only ever tried this with prime rib roasts Brian, but I would think it would make a difference for any cut of beef.


    The next time you try this, put about a 1/2" layer of sea salt in a pyrex dish and then the baking rack on top of the pyrex; not in the salt. The salt will help pull the moisture out of the roast. Not sure why; but they recommend Hymalayn pink sea salt; maybe because of its purity?

    The last one I did (14 days), I had to soak the salt dish in water; the salt had gone rock hard. But the meat, after trimming off the outer layer, had a great colour and the aroma was amazing.



    Thx Dan. I'm real happy with how the roasts turn out now. Not sure if I'll change my routine or not....but I appreciate the input. When you did this for 14 days was the bare roast just sitting on the rack in the open air the whole time? I have always been hesitant to try for longer then my 5-7 days because I have always been worried about the meat going bad. Also have you tried the same process without the salt?

  12. I have been aging all our prime rib roasts in our fridge for maybe 7 years now. Can't remember where I got the info....on the internet somewhere. Just put the bare prime rib roast on a baking rack in the fridge and leave it. I usually do 5-7 days. Have always been afraid to try longer. It really does effect the taste and the texture of the meat...and we all love it. It does get a little waxy and tough on the outside so sometimes you have to trim the outside off...but most of the time I don't have to.


    Give it a go first before you throw any money at this gizmo. I think you will be happy with the results.

  13. Just use mono. I out fish almost everyone who fishes with me using it against fluoro. I dont see any advantage at all.


    Trilene xt.



    Same for me. Love the Trilene XT. It is also the line spooled in 4LB test on all my panfish reels. IMHO it is the best 4 LB line for my needs.


    Edit to add....Vanish is complete junk. I really can't believe it is still on the market.

  14. The amount of money, blood, sweat, tears, time etc put in to preserving the fragile fishery of native brook trout in rivers like Credit, only to have a dirtbag like him come in and exploit it...doesn't seem so minor to me.

    I agree with you 100%. My comment was more about seeing other examples of how the resources where raped far worse and the fines where much lower.

  15. Debbe and I drove by into Lindsay yesterday and where wondering if you had sold yet but didn't have time to stop in for a visit. Very Happy for you both Cliff. It will be an adjustment after you settle into your new place....both you two will make the best of it and enjoy it...because that's who you both are.


    In the mean time enjoy your remaining days on the water at your lovely place. I'm envisioning you two enjoying a glass of wine out on the back deck toasting the beautiful sunset you get there and being thankful for your time there but also getting excited about the new path your heading down.


    All the best from Debbe and I to you both.

  16. Dug this out of my fathers old photos and thought I would share. Probably from the Sudbury area in the 50's.

    I guess those were the days.

    Thx for sharing. Love the old photos. Reminded me of one my old neighbour showed me of a rope with probably 100 brookies threaded on it and 3 guys holding it up. From his younger days growing up in Haliburton.

  17. From my experience targeting eyes on Pidgeon....you have to trick them into thinking your fishing for something else. Break out the crappie gear and fish 1/32 jighheads under a float. While fishing mutter out loud just how utterly fantastic it would be to go home with a feed of Gills or crappie. Eyes have awesome hearing and will feel left out and just smash your offerings.


    Works for muskies and bass too. You really just have to trick them into thinking your fishing for a different species. :whistling:

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