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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Got to love the Christmas season. The sweet aromas of breads, candies and cookies as they're being baked. Put up a couple of mounds of shortbreads and butterscotch snaps tonight. The exact same cookies my Gram and my mother always made. Good recipes always stand the test of time.

    Sorry for the lack of pics. Me and p--bucket aren't getting along too well.


    Christmas baking here today too Bruce. Snickerdoodles cookies, Shortbread cookies and chocolate xmas bark. Watching the granddaughter this weekend so no Rum and Nog for the whole christmas routine....so that will have to wait until next weekend.

  2. how long does it take if it stays below zero to get 5-6 inches of ice?


    March :whistling:


    IMHO it depends more on wind before the lake skins over. If it's real windy it can get pretty cold and the lakes won't skin over because of the waves on the water. However in perfect windless snowless conditions mother nature can give you 5-6 inches of ice pretty quick. One year I went up to Cooch for my first ice trip on a Sunday and it wasn't safe enough for me. I went again on the Friday...5 days later and there was 7 plus inches of ice and a few sleds where out.


    Like Sinker I expect to be chipping and stepping somewhere next weekend.

  3. I have to have a 28 or shorter in my hut...anything longer and I'm constantly whacking the roof on missed hooksets. I have stiffer 28's for walleye/whitefish/lakers and real light ones for perch and crappie.


    I've tried to tone the hooksets down to not whack the roof but I just have not been able to.


    Like others have mentioned I think a good quality reel is more important. Garbage reels are twice as annoying when they are used in the cold.

  4. Good to hear Bruce. A buddy who is recently addicted to Gills has been just murdering them on Stony this fall.


    Since I'm never in Caygeon in the fall I still haven't experienced a fall fish for gills. Really looking forward to it some day. Especially the "not another soul around " thing. One of my fav things about fall fishing.


    Enjoy your fish fry.

  5. Beans check into Durham college here in Oshawa.


    I don't know about what your asking...but I do know a few people who go there for regular dental checkups/teeth cleaning etc. Good practice for the students.


    Worth checking into.

  6. Glad your getting out Bruce....and getting some for the table. My 2 shore fishing trips this fall have both resulted in Skunks :wallbash: I don't think I've been skunked on 2 consecutive perch trips EVER.


    Had Chicken Thighs from No Frills for supper again tonight :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

  7. out in the country where I live in kawartha lakes we have lots of roadside farm stands and what not,and almiost all are on an honour system of paying and I talk to the farmers and people and they say most times there is more money than less as people who cant make change of what they have end up just putting more in instead of less....



    We always grab corn from the little wagon across from the school in Ida on our way past to the cottage on friday nights. Fair price and the corn is always good. And we always round up our money in their favour.


    It will be a sad day if we ever drive by and the little wagon is gone.

  8. Crappieperchhunter, man if you wear the same underwear unwashed for months how would you know if it smelled?


    LOL. Debbe has an AWESOME sense of smell. If it was a problem my UA would have been turfed or washed millenniums ago...trust me on that. The fact that it hangs on a coat tree in the bedroom for months on end without being washed or thrown out is all the proof I need that unpleasant odour is NOT a problem.


    Merino wool gets a HUGE nod from peeps I respect...like Sinker....but since I have not gave it a go myself I can't truthfully evaluate. BUT....when I bought my UA merino was MUCH more $$$$...like 3X's the cost... so I went with UA...cause I'm close to my dollars :P

  9. , synthetics will have an odor rather quickly.


    I have under armour as a base layer. Wear it pretty much every weekend all fall and winter. Bring it home and hang it up to dry then wear it again the next weekend and repeat and repeat. Doesn't get washed for months. NEVER had an issue with odour.


    But to the OP's question. Love this stuff Mike and wouldn't do without it. However I can't help with sizing or which version I have. It's probably 10 years old and the writing inside has long been unreadable. However the version I have has the longer cuffs that pull over the back of your hands and has a thumb hole for your thumb. Really like this feature.

  10. They will become your best friends if you feed them Brian. I had one in Caygeon that I fed small bluegills to while I was fishing for them. I had a small gill slip out of my hands once and it hit a rock on the way down and floated away dead on the top of the water. A Heron flew over and grabbed it about 10 feet away from me and that was the beginning of a 3-4 summer friendship.I would go to my shore spot and as soon as it saw me it would come over and stand right beside me...I could have patted it. He/she never showed up this year....so I spent the whole summer looking for my fishing buddy. Sure was fun having a feathered friend to fish with.

  11. Every summer we used to go to a lodge near North Bay before we bought our cottage in Bobcaygeon. About our third summer I was informed that there is a good topwater walleye bite after dark in a weedy area of 8-12 FOW. I never tried it as I have never enjoyed night fishing...but my brother always did well there when he gave it a go.


    Give her a go GBW...what are you out?

  12. Do the big bluegills have worms like the larger perch do in the summer? It's not a big deal, just an extra step in cleaning, but curious.

    If you are referring to the white grubs in perch...in 30 plus years I have never seen a single one in any Kawartha Gills I have ever caught. However some do have these little specs that look like little flecks of black pepper.

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