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About rtrudeau

  • Birthday 09/29/2007

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Net Attendant (3/10)



  1. Sorry to get your hopes up, thought it might have been it, Ryan
  2. Lloyd, found this ad on Kijiji in Barrie yesterday and thought it may be what you were after. Will try to pm you as well, Ryan FOUND, a backpack and fishing equipment, on Lake Simcoe. Call Ron, to identify, what, when and where (705) 487-1382 I hope this helps..I am in Barrie and could pick up for you if it is yours.
  3. Hey Doug, Way to go, I was out at Shanty and only managed a Cisco. Still waiting for my first laker or whitie of the season. Nice to see some one is doing well, Keep it up, Ry.
  4. Nothing better than being out with the family and catching fish, making memories and keeping the kids out of trouble. Pic shows it.
  5. Please remember that today is the 8th anniversary of 9/11. Please remember and pray for the families of those civilians and police and firefighters who perished. Also please pray for those rescue workers who were at the scene and are experiencing a host of ailments and are being forgotten about by their governments (municipal,state, and federal!!!) and are still battling illness. For them, 9/11 is still ongoing. Reflect for a moment on your life and ask yourself, if I were in one of those people in the towers and I were to perish now, where would I be going?? Pause and be greatful for the family and friends that you are blessed with. Rest in peace brothers, fyrguyry
  6. Good job on the repair, hope it hold and flexes for you. If the caulking is flexible when dry it should. One thing I would do once or twice a year is spray my tinner seam with the flexible roof repair stuff you buy in a spray can at any hardware store. It is cheap and seeps into the cracks before it dries. Has worked fairly well but it does need to be applied if you,ve rubbed over the rocks. As for moving my tinner, I used to put a handcart/dolly that has the air tires on it, down on the ground, put my boat on it so the stern was on the plate of the dolly and strap it with 2 ratchet straps. Then I would pull it around by just grabbing the bow. Worked pretty well. Ry
  7. Hey boys, nice report, awesome pics and a great reply to angrypigeon, that dude needs to be let outside to the real world once in a while. If these yappers (angrypigeon) only had all the info before they throw a barb they might realize how many people practice catch and release and that once in a while it is absolutely fine to keep a catch for a fry or the freezer. Way to go guys,looks like the day was a success. Ry
  8. Chuck, I'll keep an eye out for ya, Erich, 6 lb. rainbow, nice!! Ry
  9. Danbo, I am planning on adding a hydrofoil. I have one on my bowrider and it makes a huge difference. Here is on more pic of the boat I took this weekend that I really like. Ry
  10. Great thing is that even my wife likes it!!!
  11. Wayne, I am very sorry to hear of your Mothers passing, It looks like you have shared many wonder times together and I am sure you have many ,many great memories of her to draw on! Condolences, Ryan
  12. Finally sort of figured out how to post a pic again. Here are a few pics of my new (to me ) Starcraft 17ft. Fishmaster. This replaces my 14 ft. tinner with a 15 hp. Johnson. Thanks to FISHERMAN for the advice on adding plug for trolling motor and a battery relay. I am looking forward to many years on this baby!!
  13. HELP PLEASE!!!! Pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to resize and post pics for " the board". I have a new laptop and I am importing my pics from my memory card. They are stored in my documents under my pics but from there I am not sure how to resize them and post them to the board. I checked the help section but couldn't find the answer there either. Please help so I can post the pics of my new boat that I promised MOTIV8R. Thanks, Ry P.S. It has been so long since I posted a pic I can't even remember how I posted my member pic!!!
  14. Dara,I checked my boat today and am too close to motor to tie into cleats, I think the only way to hook into my boat is across the stern just ahead of motor and gas tank. Thanks for pics guys,Ry
  15. Any noticible torque on the stainless when you are trolling?
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