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Everything posted by 1Kawartha1

  1. I like to heat up a brine with citrus and various spices in the big pot, let it cool and fully submerge thawed bird in it for 24hrs in fridge. Take note of level of liquids for oil level, remove bird, clean pot. Prep bird by cutting off wing tips, pokes nose (sp?), extra neck fat.....it all just burns. You will now see where the brine has pooled under the skin, poke holes to let let it drain. This is where oil would pool after bird is done, so helps with that. Dry bird thoroughly, place on stand legs up, tie up legs, cut and fold wings back on themselves. Use hook and broomstick with two people to SLOWLY lower in bird. Have oil just shy of 400f, turn off flame before lowering safely, the fire it up again. Get temp to about 350f, 3.5-4 mins a pound. Take temp, when breast hits 165ish, 175ish on legs, pull it out. Let it stand wrapped in foil for about 20mins, carve and enjoy the BEST way to cook a turkey!!
  2. For a first timer, I would suggest the carnivore sampler. I think it has a couple ribs, pulled pork, sausage and brisket. Honestly, I've never had a bad meal there. Great place.
  3. Pass on the pie and head to Muddy's BBQ Pit in Keene. You will not be disappointed!!!
  4. Ty1on If the weevils are being bred at Fleming, what's with the partnership with Enviroscience? They are the supplier are they not? With the Ontario Waterways cut backs a couple of years ago to their Resource Conservation staff, I'm not entirely sure your permit will be all that swift. I'm aware of them overwintering on/in the banks, but if the TSW can't or should i say doesn't maintain the water levels.....what impacts will that have on the weevils. Biological control on an invasive plant that already has a strangle hold on the lake....tossing money down the bog.
  5. I would be interested in if either group has data that supports the winter survival of the weevils. The species they are using is from the Southern States, and at a $1 per bug.....who's going to pony up the cash every season? I recall about $15000 of weevils being dumped in Scugog 3 years ago.....how's the milfoil doing?
  6. Can't go wrong for $23. Just be sure to pre-heat it with boiling water for a few minutes, dump it out and then fill it. Mine will keep coffee piping hot for about 48hrs while out on the ice for a weekend.
  7. The Trent-Severn is responsible for the placement and maintenance of the markers.
  8. My buddies and I rented a Happy Days boat for a week last year. I agree with skdds, if you are not comfortable navigating a floating battering ram amongst $$$$ boats, avoid the locks. The Happy Days are a larger boat, a patio style roof and a walk around deck, unlike the Egans. My buddies and I have decided to make it an annual trip......take your family out and have a great time!!!
  9. Felt it in Peterborough.
  10. After studying Evolution for a few semesters in University, I quickly learned that you never debate with a person that believes in "Intelligent Design".....you'll NEVER win the argument. At the end of the day.....we (mankind) are a failed species. Why, you may be asking? We are the only species that knowingly will destroy its own environment, takes no action to correct the problems and pass these teachings on to our offspring. My 2 cents.
  11. As a canal worker on the TSW, I feel the need to comment on this topic. The current proposal for the TSW cuts looks rather grim for the surrounding communities, small business owners and visitors to the Waterway. The navigational season will be reduced by 3 weeks, the shoulder seasons will be limited to Fri-Sun and during high season the days will be reduced by 2 hours. The shoulder season reductions will significantly reduce the number of American travelers. These folks stop at many of the small communities, do some shopping and restock their supplies $$$. To a community like Campbellford or Buckhorn, this reduction in business can have a large impact. What about the weekend warriors that use these locks all weekend long during our navigation season? Many of them are young families in small boats that are bringing their kids through a lock for the first time. Many of these fathers or mothers are returning to share the experience with their kids, while sharing stories of locking through when they were kids. I could go on and on, but at the end of the day these cost cutting measures will result in a savings that's literally a drop in the bucket. I welcome any feedback and questions. Tight lines OFC ps - Long Time lurker, first time poster. I should have introduced myself, but I'll save that for another post and include some pictures of a recent outing on Pigeon Lake.
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