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Everything posted by OnTheFly

  1. Good report-thanks!
  2. IMX faster than GLX?? Is it preference only?? How would you rate the IMX (no longer in 13 foot) over the RV9??
  3. Your vote has been counted--thanks B
  4. can always opt out kudos to you too Manitoubass
  5. IMX over GLX? Reasons?? Just curious.
  6. WELL DO KEEP US INFORMED AARON, would love to give it a drift.
  7. Yup. Cheap Junglecock
  8. Lovely, fish, fish, fish. Gotta help me get onto some char Moose. Any suggestions? Happy New Year to all.
  9. Dats da truth brudder!!
  10. There is public water for which you can enter a lottery through the ministry. If you want to try Salar and not sure you want to spend big bucks there is some really productive public water on the Miramichi. Good luck OTF
  11. Nicely done guys. "Prototype" you say--is it like, uhmmm, your line running through the middle of the blank or something, maybe a light-sabre rod??!! Cool.
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