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Posts posted by jedimaster

  1. I use a uni to uni knot and never have issues. I used to use an Albright and a surgeons but I found that when casting because the floro tag is pointed down it catches more than a uni to uni as the floro tag is pointed up. I also use a longer leader than 12 inches, usually at least two feet. I don't like using barrels as they will damage you guides if you happen to reel it in too far.



  2. I had a similar experience, I had a reciprocating saw I went to return under warrantee and the guy said it looks pretty well used and I got my use out of it. I flipped and got a replacement in the end.

    Also I went to return a cumara I broke that is supposed to come with a lifetime over the counter warranty and they said to ship it back to shimano. I called shimano and they said "It may say over the counter on the label but on the website it said stores don't need to honour that warranty"

  3. This whole argument about HP on a boat and everything is a bit crazy. I mean to be honest with you, you could fish a tournament essentially the same if everyone was limited to 4 strokes and 115's or less. It would mean getting to a spot at 40mph versus 60-80mph. What would that mean in the kawarthas? maybe 5 minutes of fishing time at most. Would that mean less pollution? I dunno, maybe a little. Would it make a difference in the grand scheme. Not likely as its been proven that the new line of 2 strokes don't pollute like they used to. So I think the environmental impact would be negligible at best.


    What about safety? Well considering that most bass tourney anglers are very keenly aware of there surroundings and skilled at piloting there crafts. Certainly jet ski's and tubers and drunk joy riders present more of a danger. So there would be no real safety benefit to limiting the HP of a bass boat.


    As for the fish, well it wouldn't really matter what boat people fished out of even to Frodo's point they would still catch the same number of fish so the number of mortalities wouldn't be any better. I would argue they would be worse as sometimes getting a fish in and out asap is easier with faster boats. So in my eyes mortality is lessened by better and faster boats.


    And heck the taxes from gas alone from a good sized field of boats is upwards of 5k dollars into the federal and provincial coffer. So reducing the gas consumed reduces that revenue. Not to mention the money in the pocket to the local stations.


    I have already stated that If all of a sudden catch and release tournaments were stopped you would have 100 boats out there anyway catching and likely keeping fish. Tourney guys do not keep bass. Certainly not big bass. I can guarantee you I would have about five or more 6+ pounders on my wall if I wasn't a tourney angler. Instead I just have pictures. Catch and release programs owe a huge debt to bass tournaments. I can't possibly see how any angler would have anything bad to say about a tournament. If you are an avid fisherman and a catch and release fisherman then you owe debt to the tourney anglers that paved the way for catch and release fishing.


    Also you probably don't know this but many Bass clubs and tournament anglers work hard every year on conservation projects. I urge you all to read more at http://ontariobass.com/conservation/ I am proud to be part of the Hawgtown Bass club and I know this club works very hard every year. I would like to show me any joint effort of people in 9.9hp tin boats what group efforts are made towards conservation. If you are a Bass angler or want to be I would suggest you consider looking up a local BASS chapter and consider joining a club as a boater or a non boater.

  4. http://www.lufa.ca/news/news_item.asp?NewsID=7235


    City Laws


    · Bylaw states that no more than 3.5 inches of water is allowed in a bathtub.


    · If you have a water trough in your front yard it must be filled by 5:00 a.m.


    · Homeowners are responsible for clearing snow off of municipal sidewalks.


    · The city is classified as a no-pee zone.


    · The colour of house and garage doors is regulated by city bylaws (a purple door get you a fine). It is also illegal to have a clothes line in your backyard.

    · You can't work on your car in the street.


    · It's illegal to climb trees.

    · Homeowners are responsible for clearing snow off of municipal sidewalks. If sidewalks is not cleaned within 24 hours after a snowfall, city workers will clean it and the cost will be placed on the homeowners tax bill.


    · It is illegal to eat ice-cream on Bank Street on a Sunday.


    · You can't drag a dead horse down Yonge St. on a Sunday.


    · Residents are not allowed to have an Internet connection faster than 56k.


    · You may not paint a ladder as it will be slippery when wet.

    · It is illegal to show public affection on Sunday.

  5. You may be able to drink in your own yard but you aren't allowed to drink in your own yard while cutting your grass on your riding lawn mower. Peeing? I have never heard of a ticket for that. There was a guy that had a sprinkler system setup outside his business and it turned on if you pee'd in the alley and soaked you.

  6. I do fish tournaments and honestly the amount of gas burned is pretty high if you actually do the math. Typically we will burn a half tank or more of truck gas depending on where the tournament is located. So that's about 50 liters. I would say about 70 liters of boat gas is normal for a tournament day of fishing on a decent sized lake. So if everyone burns 120 liters in a day and there are 100 teams in a field that's 12,000 liters of gas burned.


    It is a lot of gas plain and simple. However that gas would still be burned and those fish would still be caught if there were no tournaments. However consider this. If there were no tournaments Bass would go from game fish that are released more often than not to game fish that are eaten.

  7. Bought a Les Stroud Jungle machete, the reviews are very mixed. I hope it doesn't fall apart on me. Will see after a weekend of camping if it is still together. If not I am going to return it and order a CS online. I bought a few gerber stuff in the past and have regretted every purchase accept for the multi tool.

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