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Everything posted by fishergirl72

  1. This does not happen very often but back in July, Fishindevil and I were fishing and I was not having any luck at all on catching any fish. I had my line in the water when all of a sudden, I felt a tug on my line, of course I got excited and started to reel in, to my surprise and disappointment might I add I caught a rock, clams, a power worm and a worm harness, bottom bouncer and line all in one, but the funny thing was, is that it was Fishindevil's line and harness that he lost 2 months earlier! If you ask me I would have rather caught a fish instead.LOL
  2. I am just trying to see if I can post a pic on my own without Fishindevil's help.LOL I hope this works. This is a pic of 26.9 salmon that I caught.
  3. Hey Pete! Welcome and just wanted to let you know that we could not live without the WFN channel and Fishindevil loves your show. We are big walleye freaks ourselves. Looking foward to reading your posts!
  4. I went to the chat room and nothing happend. I just got redirected to the main messages. I saw that there might be a chat tonight, and I was looking forward to it
  5. welcome to the board Shelly, with your intrests I am sure we will get along just great! Nothing better than a nice cold beer on a hot day to drink. I always go up north in the summer fishing for eyes and I want to try sturgeon fishing next year. Fishindevil and I do most of our fishing in the summer, and do nothing else. Again welcome
  6. Wow, spiffy! Just wanted you to know that I made it, and this is a great looking forum! GREAT WORK GUYS!!
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