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just herb

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About just herb

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  1. Big Cliff and I throw bass back in as we both prefer the taste of walleye, perch or crappy. Maybe this year we will try bass again as we do seem to catch some on the same bait we use for walleye. Hey Beans it was good to see you last week and hopefully we will get to wet some lines together this year. Herb
  2. Sorry to hear the bad news. I,m not a dog owner, but I think of Andy(Cliff's dog) as part of my family and I know how I will feel when his time comes. As the others have said" hang in there & remember the good times " Herb
  3. Thank you for posting it again. I missed it the first time. You've got a very nice voice and your body language was super. You should think about canadian idol or nashville start. Herb
  4. Nothing happening in Lindsay as yet. Please keep the storm where it is. :roll eyes:
  5. Maureen, I am really sorry I couldn't make it on Sat., but a visit from my daughter and grandkids quickly changed my plans. Next year I'll be there come hell or high water. From the posts I've seen and talking to Cliff it sounds like it was a great and successful day. Kudos to you and all your helpers, donators, fisher people and eaters that made the day turn out as well as it did. Herb
  6. Maureen, I am really sorry I couldn't make it on Sat., but a visit from my daughter and grandkids quickly changed my plans. Next year I'll be there come hell or high water. From the posts I've seen and talking to Cliff it sounds like it was a great and successful day. Kudos to you and all your helpers, donators, fisher people and eaters that made the day turn out as well as it did. Herb
  7. Thanks for the suggestionson how to get on the site. I ran into the same problems as before when I tried them. Either got a "no member by that name" or "already a member with that name". So I tried to log on as usual and I am here. As Big Cliff said I'm getting old and forgetful but not as much as him. LOL I have no idea as to what I was doing but should be OK now. Thanks again Herb
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