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Everything posted by muskiesRus

  1. When I stop shaking I'll probably stop fishing them. CONGRATS !!!!!!!
  2. Screw thw "politcally correct". MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!
  3. http://www.protacklemuskyshop.com/catalogu...s.php?offset=30
  4. http://www.protacklemuskyshop.com/catalogu...s.php?offset=30
  5. One rod ONLY .
  6. Worked 12 hour shifts for 38 years!!!!! Can honestly say I don't miss them very much - IN FACT NOT AT ALL.
  7. When I die I just hope that my wife doesn't sell my Muskie stuff for what I "SAID" I paid for it!!!!
  8. I'm with you Mr JR! Waiting for the Odyssey. Better chance of gettin' some deals.
  9. Thanks,Boston! Will try.
  10. Lew: Those are the lips I'm looking for but LureMaking hasn't got any and can't get them. Thanks anyway for the help!
  11. Thanks for taking the time,Rick!
  12. People might feel different about this topic if they had seen some of the 50 lb. plus muskies that I saw floating in the St. Lawrence in the spring of 2005. I sure wouldn't want that VHS disease spread to other bodies of water by the transportation of bait fish! I feel sorry for the bait dealers but there IS a reason for this step by the MNR.
  13. Do any of you luremaking type guys have a source for stainless diving lips [muskie bait size]? I was talking to Real Pro Luremaking today-they don't have them and can't get them-in fact she asked that if I found a source for them to let her know. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have several lures just sitting there waiting for lips. THANKS!!!
  15. You'll have to cut me a little slack from time to time. I'm a two finger typer and not very computer literate! [i was really surprised when my avatar actually loaded].
  16. Check out this site-www.fishfever.com
  17. That's a pretty tall order,Kennyman! I wouldn't know where to even start. My best advice would be that if you are anywhere near a chapter of MCI consider joining or just go to one of their meetings and see for yourself how friendly and helpful these guys can be.If you have any specific questions I would be more than glad to be of help if I can!!!! Check out the MCI website for a possible chapter near you. www.muskiescanada.ca
  18. Just registered today! I live in Rockport on the St. Lawrence River. I fish pike until the opening of Muskie season and from then until Dec.15 it's Muskie-Muskie- and MORE Muskie. Glad to be here! If I can be of help to anyone [information,etc.] feel free to ask.
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