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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. When I turn on my finder I think I see the fish mooning me :asshat:


    Anyway, on a good finder you should be able to make out the rocks on bottom and useing a big jig you should be able to see it.


    When testing a friends who was 100% sure his was working we parked the boats side by side and turned mine on got the reading of depth, and you could see the jig.. Turned mine off then his on, could not see the jig and depth was off by a wide margin. little checking and adjusting he got the same thing.

  2. I fish alone most of the time, well except for the dog..


    I make sure safety is as good as it can and sometimes will even hook a rope up too me as a just in case.


    Given the choice of fishing or trying to arrange with someone to go with you too find out there schedule does not fit yours or they cancell at the last min.


    GO fishing!

  3. Really depends on what your pulling..


    in the reach

    15lb Fireline if flat lineing

    25 Big game on riggers. I like what Wayne said might try that next time I respool

    20lb led core with spider wire connector


    I know the others might go lighter for the line, but my rods are multi use, walleye and salmon too expensive to respool per species

  4. I have booked a cottage at Perfect Vue Resort Nov 13.14,15 with Percher,Glennk and 2 others

    Joanne at Perfect Vue said there is room for 30 more people 6 cottages remaining.


    Or you can book with Tracker and Skeeter at the Picton Harbour Inn

    hope to see some new and old faces from OFC.


    If you want to stay at Perfect Vue Resort call Joann Robins at 613-354-3001




    Mike The Pike



    Just booked, 14th and 15th.. Now if I can get the 13th off from the Boss :)


    See you all there

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