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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. 1) I got hurt in the economic downturn so should everybody else

    2) I take pleasure in the misfortune of others

    3) I will ride above the coming crap storm and take advantage of lower prices, lower wages and lowered expectations of others.

    It's great to see such high ideals espoused. :clapping:


    None of the above,


    I see it as the UAW/CAW will be the most affected as these represent most of the workers. I question if they would do this too the point of putting the average worker out of a job.


    The big 3 should be doing what ever they can to save off going defunk.


    If I was an employee I would be thinking.. what can I do too save my job NOW not honour the current contract for a few more years. I wonder in the next contract if the union did not like it would they go on strike??


    You can't ask people making $15 a hour to tay higher taxes so a worker that does not want too change can keep his\her job.


    If the auto giants built great reliable cars, kept cost's in check, and changed with the times they would not be in this mess.


    We need a viable auto induestry not one that bleeds the province only in the end too move too mexico cause of lower wages


    I am anti-union and proud of it.

  2. From CNN news

    Corker said the two sides were very close to a deal and stumbled on the deadline for the union to agree to the reduced pay.

    The unions have accepted wage wage cuts so your first statement is false. It's when they take place that is the sticking point.


    Your last staement is also not true.

    CNN news

    The benefit costs are significantly greater for U.S. automakers, though, because they have to pay health care costs for hundreds of thousands of retirees. The union agreed to close much of that gap in the 2007 labor agreements by shifting responsibility for retiree health care to union-controlled trust funds. But those changes won't take effect until 2010.


    Does not look like greedy unions to me. Looks to me like they are helping the company and looking out for their own.


    Anyways it looks like they are going to get the funds anyway. So the name calling is uncalled for.


    You are correct, The unions did not want too take the pay cuts until 2011.. Good things its 2008 and they have the hat in hand now.


    The sticking point on the wage was that the Goverement wanted the unions too agree to the same wages as Toyota about $2.00 less!!


    2007 labor agreements by shifting responsibility for retiree health care to union-controlled trust funds. But those changes won't take effect until 2010.


    AGAIN .. Note the 2010!!!


    Tell me why you would put everyone at risk over that, it sounds very resonable! They are in trouble now and need to be fxied before they get taxpayer $$

  3. Won't accept consession for wages and want the taxpayer to pay.


    The way I look at it, you have people with Rich (sorry to pick on you)


    ~ Industry crumbled, now they work with me for next to minimum wage.


    These fine folks having to pay higher taxes becuase the Union would not accept anything less!!!


    2 choices..


    Fire anyone who will not work for the $$ your offering bet you can find replacement workers just as fast and we help you out


    Don't accept taxpayer money and go it alone.


    Its so sad that the union would risk families like that..


    And for the Union who said that wages are not the issue, if every employee at the big 3 dropped there wage by $1 how many people would that employ!!


    CEO's are working for a $1 time too pony up CAW/UAW how about all union bosses work for $1 too and drop union dues.. give families a little help before they are laid off.



  4. Lexx has got them.. and no damn electric locks either! Makes it harder to break in with a coat hanger! LOL


    :whistling: Not sure what your speaking about.. I always roll down my windows on the launch ramp.



    Trying to get a basic truck was almost impossible, I wanted a basic crew cab truck that had roll up windows, no power locks blah blah blah.. less to break in my books


    The dealer always tried to oh here is a truck with this that and the other option... upgrade from a CD player to a MP3 player that is $600.00

    duhhh no wonder you go out of business.


    I am old school, I wanted a basic pickup truck like they had before the big SUV soccer Mom thing came about. Figure they should be able to build a strong reliable one that myself and all the working trades can get.


    There first thought that something was wrong would have been if they can't make money on a basic truck then they should change the way its made. Options should have been a bonus not a way to make it worthwhile.



    When I was buying my car, they were saying the could not even compete with the foreign competiontion on small cars, it was a loss leader covered by the big high option ones duuuuuhhhh there is your sign your doing it wrong.


    Ok how too fix.


    image is everything no matter how much money the goverment is going to give you. The big 3 have a image problem they have too fix asap.


    Say big 3 you get


    Gas gussler.

    Expensive to own

    low resale


    1st. If the union keeps saying the employee is not the issue.. up all the warrenties higher than the competition and provide customer service better than ever.


    2nd. If you can't make a very reliable Canada made car/truck and make money fire everyone (managment alike) and start again your doing something wrong..


    3rd. dump all the brands that are not profitable. Union made or not dump it.


    4th The hardest one too get !!!fair trade.. You want too sell your cars in NA then you should build a precentage here. No more car companies outside our NAFTA selling here but not taking the same on export.



    Lexx -

  5. Its easy to bash OFC becasue its the most active and best..


    Not that I am saying anything wrong with other boards but at OFC there is steady chatter fishing/ non-fishing, life etc a Where some boards focus on a type of fishing or location that may be just what you need.


    Check out some other boards late November.. wonder how you type the sounds of crickets?

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