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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. I took my screen name waaaaay back on the old main frame days of college.. The internet thing was up and running but was just starting to take off in the main stream..


    Ahhh betty, veronica and cameleon web browser


    Disney had created an animated series called Gargoyles and on there was a little techie guy named Lexington.


    Added an extra X to make it unique and here I am. REALLY SAD is that I have had that name for 14 years

  2. I have a 2006 Dodge 4X4 crew cab, Would I buy another one.. nope!!! When Looking for a truck it was a GM or Toyota but with 0% I went the dodge way.


    At 25,000K my brakes start squeeking, hummm take it too the dealer.. Sorry sir your breaks are all rusty you need a new brake job. NOT covered under warranty!! Warrenty on brakes stop at 15,000K. I was told with weather they sometimes get rusty do too the conditons. Humm we do live in CANADA!


    Did some searches on the internet. Seems to be a well know issue the parts they used were prone to warping and rusting.


    If you buy a 2006 get a full check on the brakes cause its not cheap too get them replaced.

  3. I aready got the boat, paid the money, and then got another bill for $1000...

    I was planning to ignore the invoice, but then they sent me another bill this month, with 2% interest (an extra $200) and they said they'll keep charging 2% every month.


    I spoke to the manager of the marina, this whole billing me and charging me interest is his idea, and he says he plans to take me to small claims court to get the money.


    LOL, I would send him a bill back for 1200 for harrasment.. or every bill the send too you put return too sender on it.


    If your paper work does not include the 1000. his loss.


    wait till you see the court papers form the marina if they lose it cost you nothing.

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