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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. gooooo GG. Good on her for showing how to be a good guest. I would have wimped out :)


    American bashing is easy. cheap but easy and it goes both way's Whats the USA song.. Blame Canada. (but we are still all friends and we have better beer)


    East coast fisheries were missmanged for too long on all sides. When it collapsed it cost tax payers lots of money that we are getting back now from Oil. Fair is fair


    Seals are over popullated becuase we don't have the sharks, the killer whales, the human hunters we once did. if you got too controll them might as well eat them.


    Killing seal pups was a public relation's nightmare. If the pup was ugly would there be the same out cry? White snow / red blood..


    Darfur, Serbia, .... brown land red blood not so much.



    Its a world we live in. If we could only solve the world issues by talking :)


    Peace all

  2. I would have to agree, People should get there radio licence and people who think they are jokers should remember they can triangulate your position in about 1 second.


    Last year on the water there were a couple of jokers who were piping through music on one of the channels.

    VERY annoying !!!


    Good thing is the coast guard is very aggressive about keeping 16 free

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