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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. LeXXington,

    I had a similar problem once where there is an inlet screen on the bottom of the tube that is in the tank. The screen was a cylinder type of set up with mesh all around and a closed off bottom. It somehow got pushed on too far. The open end of the hose was up against the blanked off bottom of the screen fitting and it allowed enough fuel at part throttle, but whenever I opened it up, it choked off and sputtered.


    Easy to pull of the fitting on the tank and take a look. My tank was a plastic one as well.


    Thank that looks almost possitive what the issue is, when I took it out the hose was a little lower than it should have been and filter look good but did not let gas escape.


    I used the air hose to clear up the entire assembly too see if that does it. When I put it all back it felt a lot better when I squeesed the bulb.


    Now just too get fishing and go too WOT

  2. Well all I am finally getting some time to post some of the fishing that I have been doing over the past couple of weeks and wanted to post about our family week at barrysbaycottages for our Family reunion. Prior to going I searched high and low for notes about this lake resort. Now its here


    First off I can not say enough about the quality of the cottages.. All top notch, clean, fully equipped and with all modern appliances.

    Our cottage did not have a hot tub "coming this fall" but other family members did and wow such a nice set up. We knew ours did not have one but boy it would have been nice. :thumbsup_anim:


    There was a fire pit with a starter pack of wood to get you started.


    Each one of the cottages my family rented also had a gas fireplace for those cold wet nights :(


    Barrysbaycottages is located on Carson lake, it’s a small deep lake but apparently full of baitfish and lake trout. Sometimes there were so many bait balls my sounder thought we were going shallow in 140 foot of water going up too 15 feet because the bait was so thick,


    There were trout everywhere. We did manage to hook into 2 nice ones 4-5 lbs but it was tough going very likely to the terrible weather.


    Bass fishing was a "BUST" no matter what we tried we could only get a few super small bass. All under 1 pound and boy did we try.

    As a bass fishery there just was not enough structure for them. Most of the ground was flat leading to deep water they might have been there but you needed to check with a local on the location.


    Trout is what that lake is and that’s what you have too fish for if you want fish :)








    Now the "BIG" notes of caution for those who are thinking of trying this resort in the summer.


    1st off the web site is very mis-leading :angry:


    A quote from the website says under facilities..

    "The private docks provide good access to the lake and are ideal for fishing, sunbathing, boat parking and for dangling feet in the water." :wallbash:


    Well here are the gotcha's for people like myself.


    We arrived with my boat only too be told by the resort operations sorry you can't launch your boat there is not a boat launch on this lake.. SAY WHAT>>


    You can see other boat's on the lake.. OH they are locals they wont let you launch your boat.

    Took me a full day asking around till I found someone who excepted some $$$ and lots of thank you's to put my boat in.


    You can rent boat from a great guy that I will speak about later but these are all 12 foot boats with small outboards not bad but still lots of extra costs.


    So you think ok I can fish off the docks they show pictures of people doing this and they said that in the notes.. Well again its all on perspective. :dunno:


    From the docks its only about 3 feet deep for about 100 feet too the deep water. When I would come in with my boat I had too trim right up and sitting at the doc I had 1 foot below…. Your only hope of a fish would be something coming by in the 3 foot water., As there was no weeds or any place to hid fishing there was next too impossible for your youngsters too be entertained. :asshat:

    I tried casting as far as I could too the deep water for my kids but still only got too the 5 foot range.

    If you want a fire each night you are responsible for finding all the wood yourself., They give you a starter pack for a night and then its up too you too find more. Great if you are new too the area


    We checked in town and they were out or sorry.. Finally the boat delivery guy was picking up some boats and we ask him where too get wood. He was not sure but he knows someone,, A call etc, the boat guy arrived dropped off a load of wood for all our family, said he would come back mid week and check on our status and even left a hatchet too make kindling.. Super nice guy but did not work for the cottage resort.


    Would I recommend this cottage to friends, ICE fishing maybe. Summer maybe too people looking for a cottage but not fishing or boating.


    If your looking for a boating lake, with mutiple fish too try for nope!!

  3. I use the angle of my "balls" too get the correct speed. Ok after the jokes .. no really I like my cables at a 20-30 degree angle that tells me they are about right. If the cable is straight down speed up over 30 degree slow down.


    If the current is going one way you may need too speed up too get the correct spoon movement.


    Speed on a GPS or even boat does not mean the balls are going the same speed. You can be sitting in the current on the niagra river going 10 knots does that mean you can troll at 2.5 knots?

  4. I know that NO one that is on this board would go fishing without a licence but, Just a FYI.


    I was out at Port Maitland over the weekend.. (a sheepshead does not count for a report) and when I was packing up my boat a plain clothed gentleman came over too me "flashed" a badge and say "I'm a co" can I see your fishing licence.


    After asking to see the badge again and confirming it was a nice CO. We chatted a bit then off he went checking otheres, First time I have been approched by an undercover CO.


    Apparently there were 11 people on Bying Island fishing without the licence and not too sure if they found anymore on the peir.


    Save yourself the $$$ and just go get the licence, nice too see them out there checking

  5. I really don't want too change the tank unless I need too.. Hate too buy a new tank only too find out the issue is the engine.


    A "bulb" for $10 is a quick change before I go too the next stage I will ask too borrow someone else outboard tank too test


    One step at a time :) its a pain in the $ss but I can't think of a easier way of going through this.

  6. Great advice,


    Couple things I would add.. chasing fish is finding what works everyday is different, what worked yesterday might have changed over night..


    I do a 30 min rule. If one line does not work in 30 min I change it up. Once I get one hit you have an idea what too use, try duplicating.. 30 min no hit change again


    it makes a busy day, but I heard people go too the "hot" bait troll all day with nothing.


    Use you finder look what depth you see fish hanging at.. You will not not normaly catch the fish you see but you get an idea of the depth.


    Have fun, stay safe, and be polite on the water..

  7. Well, changed the "bulb" last night and everything looks the same. Going to try thrusday or Sat too take it out and open it up too WOT.


    The reason its not going back too the dealer yet is the Engine does have a 3 year warranty but that does not include the gas hose, "bulb" or tank.


    I need to exclude these before taking it in. :(

  8. Hey All:


    Well my new 2008 engine is giving me grief, well it could be the engine.


    Its a 40-hp 4st merc. When I say its brand new its a 2008 model put on this year. Now made in china :( but I don't think its the cause


    Basically when I go too WOT I stall out, not enough too stop the engine but it sputters then when I go back too mid range it works fine. I can go all the way upto WOT for a few seconds then putters. Its not bad fuel as I thought it might be too and replaced it with all fresh fuel.


    I think it has something too do with the fuel running out. Where in the chain that occurs is my issue.




    I changed and cleared everthing I could think off.. Again Fresh fuel, Cleared all the lines with an Air Hose, Cleared the intake screen.. Everthing I could think of.


    Still no fix.. Of to Bass Pro where I purchased et.. $200.00 later I am told it was gas filters apparently there are 2 and they needed changing. After only running for say 60 hours ok., I give maybe bad fuel something got in there.. So I pay the cash and walk out happy the boat is fixed.


    Prior to going out again, I empty all the gas vacume out the tank, clear all the screens with air, do it all again.


    First try out Same thing, Here is a video what its doing




    The Engine will run at WOT if I take my time getting there and I mean really taking my time run at full for a bit then slowly and I mean slowly click the trim until I am up too full speed...


    Please help!!

  9. If you head to kincardine, couple things about the big lake.


    If you wake up at 6 and the wind is 20k stay home.. Not worth it.


    If you wake up and there is a light breeze you can head down and watch the water/wind low rollers are safe its the chop you avoid.


    While out there keep around the pack, if the wind picks up time too leave. North and east Wind is best as you can tuck in close to shore if it gets rough.


    South and West are the worst as there is no hiding.


    I always did well near the hump at the green patch. Stay safe and make sure you have a VHF if your going out.



  10. Ahhh Fishing show bashing.. Right, host should not promote the sponsors,, go too lodges for fishing.. next you want them too start working for free cause they love the sport.


    How about you also stop watching all the movies and televison shows that have product placements,, After thats done stop listening to the radio for advertizement.


    Your next cable bill or Sat bill will be how much??


    Darryl is not always correct but he tell's it like it is. He has done more for this province than most


    love him or hate him its a fishing show made in Canada, with an Ontario host.


    Dave, Bob, Darry and the rest should be promoted not bashed.


    And yes I agree they should show more how too's

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