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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. Well, since people from Innisfil Beach Park might read this, I don't have an issue with the $10 but I hope this means that you will open the washrooms, and empty the garbage bin's.


    No to say some people are not slobs, but I have seen it up there with the garbage piled around the one bin just on the off chance someone might clean it.. along comes a big wind and its everywhere.


    Wonder how this would effect the fishing for tyler event?

  2. Wow what a great weekend.. Well at least the weather was the fishing was ok.


    For me this years GTG was great the first year in a long time I did not have the heater on or froze my English but off.


    Thanks to all the gang for the great time and laughter.


    The fishing for me was great but no eater walleye yet again. :(


    Can't really say too much about the trip that has not already been said.. here is some pictures for ya


    This little guy came from jigging 6lbs















    And how did I do :)


    Winner of the 2008 GTG



    2009 GTG --- oh so close at beating my record



    Take care all

  3. I don't have an issue with union's they demand money, company can decide if they want to pay or not. I can choose to go somewhere else if the strike.


    Any Goverment employee should not have the right to get an union unless they agree to competition. Funny how they won't allow this.


    Couple more years the only people employed will be the goverement union guys. Wait is that not what happend in Russia?

  4. Me and Bassmaster will be at the http://pec.on.ca/pictonharbourinn/


    We were booked at the vu, but wanted to be closer to picton.


    Well looks like Bassmaster had to cancell..


    I will have room on board for (1) hardcore fisherperson :) got too keep up with the charter boat leaving out of D dock :whistling: (hopefully they won't cut the rope till we get on station)


    If anyone has room to bunk please ping me.. Sorry Headhunter I was at your cabin last year :stretcher: unfortuantly I am a non-smoker :)

  5. HST, can't stop it why try. First they said its coming nothing can stop it, the wrote the rules so you can't change it even after a couple years.


    The ran up 22 billion in debt -- got too pay that off.


    Ok that being said what can you do..


    Stop wasting money!! on pay rasies for goverment employee's that make too much SUNSHINE LIST ring a bell.

    Stop stupid projects, Wasted a billion on a software program with nothing to show for it.

    Start firing people at the top make not the workers s at the bottom

    Do more with less.

    There is no need to fire anyone worker, just stop hiring more


    When the debt is paid off do you really think they will give it back to the people the took it from. NO they will just find some other way to pibble it away then take more.


    I understand taxes are needed to run a country BUT since when does my taxes need to fund a stupid ass STUFF


    Vote, Vote, Vote, TAX REVOLT is coming

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