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About Markystang

  • Birthday 04/29/1977

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    Wellesley, ON

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  1. 77 and 95
  2. Dude that's awesome! Thanks!
  3. I've used it quite a bit over the last couple seasons on some spinning reels. Mostly 14lb. I'm a big fan. It may fray a bit, but it is STRONG. It's sensitive, has no memory, doesn't twist and will NOT break. Last summer I accidentally casted a spinner into a tree(it was windy...honest ) and even with the rod tip pointed at the lure, the drag cranked down all the way, and my hand stopping the spool from turning, it straightened the hook on the lure. Use a palomar knot and it absolutely will not break. It's great line imo.
  4. 2 years ago on the Pike opener, I was throwing a big colorado bladed spinner bait that was open like that. About 3 casts in, I lost the lure. Of course it was brand new too...lol. Apparently, the snap on my titanium leader was so big that the blade and all slipped through it. Ever since then, I use a small split ring on all my open spinner baits. Personally, I don't believe it has a great effect on the lures action. Not anymore than using a snap would anyway.
  5. Even if you could glue it, would you trust it on a once in a lifetime fish? Try to exchange it where you bought it, but even if they won't, I'd get a new one regardless. Keep this one for parts if you must.
  6. I had a pair of the Cocoons(til I left them on the bumper of my truck and drove off ). They were great imo. After a full day of wearing them, they tended to get heavy on my face and hurt the backs of my ears, but it's to be expected when wearing 2 pairs of glasses... Other than wearing regular polarized glasses with contact lenses, it's the only way to go as far as I'm concerned.
  7. Check out those little Pelican boats too. I looked into one of them for a bit and thought they looked pretty good. BTW, the 12'er was about $800 I think.
  8. I have a 96 Chev with 278000km on the original trans. It has towed ALOT, often in excess or 10000lbs. Always in OD. ...but it is a turbo diesel. Transmission heat is a result of friction. Frequent hunting in and out of OD, or converter lock and unlock results in a lot of friction. If you're pulling fairly light with a truck and on level ground at highway speeds, I would think you should be ok in OD. As soon as you slow down, or come to hills and it starts hunting, pull it into drive. I think most of the time when your manual tells you to pull in drive, the manufacturer is worried about warranty issues caused by the guy who wants to pull a 5th wheel at 80kmh through the mountains. Sure death for a trans in OD.
  9. I'd be lying if I said I'm not jealous....
  10. I saw that one before. Pretty sweet watching a Canadian boy whoop up on Roland's son. IIFC, Bob Izumi beat him pretty good too.
  11. Thanks! I'll check that out too.
  12. Thanks for the link!
  13. This is the new round Abu reel. They're marketing it for big fish like pike and cats. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with it yet? Would it make a decent muskie reel for someone who wanted a cheap one to use only a couple times a year? Thanks!
  14. I've used and like the stand out hooks, but they're all I've used for dropshotting, so i can't compare.
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