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Posts posted by blaque

  1. As said above.........from the events mentioned here............i would have told the guy to call the police, made sure i was in plain view of other witnesses, and called his bluff. Or at least just pull anchor and move, WITH the legal fish that ive harvested. The guy was in a rowboat.........may have been fun to see how long you could make him row around the lake after ya

  2. Some may have read my "inland browns" report from a week or so ago.......where me and the nephew were seekin out little inland browns..........as that day ended, we saw some bigger fish (bigger for inland trout anyway) and couldnt get a sniff outta them. Well i went back this weekend and found them willing to not only sniff..... but literally attack, unfortunately my nephew couldnt make it this time. Just as unfortunate.........i didnt bring the camera and had to rely on what i hate most.........a cell phone camera lol..........and even MORE unfortunate........i relaized i had the camera set to black and white on the brown pic. Anyway, heres a couple marginal pics of two of the bigger "handfuls" yesterday.........


    This guy picked me up 3 drifts in a row before i finally got a hookset on him lol




    And this lunatic came out from under a downed tree and did his best impression of a flying fish as he jumped eye level with me


  3. which stream is this? seems kinda small, I am surprise there are any fish in it at all.


    As you may or may not know, im down in western new york, We have many of these little streams that meander thru the area that hold these guys


    Like MJL said, theres alot there that helps sustain these fish in such small waters. Every now and again there are deep, slow flowing holding pools, lots of gravel and rubble for hatching insects, undercut banks for hiding, down trees etc.

  4. which stream is this? seems kinda small, I am surprise there are any fish in it at all.


    As you may or may not know, im down in western new york...............we have a number of these "little streams" down here that meander thru the area and hold these guys. Like MJL said, its great habitat............there are deeper, flowing pools every so often that hold more fish than the shallow runs, lots of gravel and rubble, undercut banks, downed trees (not necassarily all in my pics)

  5. I know, I know. I work full-time and my wife and I have a home based business that occupies every second that our 22 month old son and 7 week old son doesn't. Promised her we would just hang around the cottage. May throw a line in from shore, but no real fishing.


    I booked myself a trip to Rice lake for Bass opener for 3 days...no wife, no kids.....ahhhhhhhhhhhh.



    lol, may throw a line? Oh, youll be fishing, be sure of it lol

  6. wow, you can totally see both breeds in her. Big shepard ears and that lab nose.


    cool little doggie, and she looks like shell be loads of fun.


    My uncle breeds german shepards, and you wouldnt believe how timid those "police" dogs can be lol. One of his own is actually named "sissy" lol

  7. decent fish? your head could fit inside that guys mouth!! Id say thats an exceptional fish.


    To respond to your trying situations........my condolences..................ive been going thru much of the same lately, ive lost two aunts in about a months time., one VERY unexpectedly and one who has been battling cancer. Both very young........low 50's. Also lost a pet within this timeframe, and another pet who is not doing well. You said it, when it rains it downpours. A fishing trip away will do you good, and will give you an even better connection with your lost loved ones in order to look up while floating around in the serenity in rememberance of them. Sorry to hear of all your bad news

  8. Promise Land Camp............im going to be missing out on my spring trip this year unfortunately and was looking forward to maybe going back to promise land on nippissing later in the year. Worst case, next spring. But was curious if anyone has been to Promise Land since it was taken over by new ownership. Just sititng here daydreaming, and thought id see if theres been any experiences with the camp and see how it was doing. I miss that place

  9. why because they are mechanical and here is the big dollar word they are not inherintally bouyant do you want to rely on a little trigger mech when you go over the side of a boat. Oh gee i hope this works. or you are unconcious when you are going over the side not a good time for it not to work.


    Thats kinda my feeling on them..........kinda like a parachute,..............i will never skydive, mainly..............because of that margin for error. Oops, pulled the chord, chute didnt open..........splat

  10. Thanks guys, theres a ton of oppurtunity for these guys around here and its usually a good way to get a bend in the nephews rod, hes ready for a step up as hes getting bored of the sunfish, bluegill, mini largemouth ponds lol. So getting him into a new species is another way to peak his interest, not that he needs it lol..........that kid will pretend fish in the marsh behind the house even though ive told him time and again, "there are no fish in there.........its just wet back there in the spring and dries up by August every year. lol He dont care. As a side note, hes also caught some quality fish, his first walleye last year, numerous monster lake erie smallies, has yet to put a steelhead notch in his belt though.

  11. Oh I don't know 'bout that, I think the brown is right up there with speckies and those are some fine examples! Good on you for taking the nephew out, he'll be anxiously awaiting for next Sunday. :thumbsup_anim:


    oh the browns are pretty, but a spek being one of my unattained species, gives it an edge in my eyes lol

  12. i dunno, i understand the gripe here, nothing worse than arriving somewhere to find it locked up, thinkin your on your way to take care of something and get shot down. Oh.............its aggrivating. lol i just think ousting them is a bit harsh. I say the same thing all the time about gander mountain, when i drive all the way there and the shelves are bare, i say every time............thats it, im never coming here again, ...............lol only to find myself back in a couple weeks shopping for something else. Id say, lesson learned, just call next time before drivin out to make sure theyll be there for you. Chances are the guy doing the sign didnt feel like being wordy enough to break down what sections were and werent open. Or he ran out of letters...........lol. I know i used to use that suction cup thingy to change the sign at a restaurant i used to work for, it wasnt fun :)

  13. Thought id post a quick report on a day my nephew and I spent in search of inland brownies this past sunday.


    He asked if Id take him fishing, which is a no brainer.........he knows im always up for that, but the question was......for what?


    I knew it was going to be monsoon winds anywhere near Ontario or Erie.........so that was out of the question. And i also knew he would prefer, as most kids do, quantity over size.........so we decided to pack up the ultra light gear and head inland for some small stream browns.


    And it went a little somethin like this........


























    Not as pretty as the specks ive been seeing on here from up north, but still a handsome little fish and lots of fun for the little nephew. (oh and me ;) )We were just about to leave when we spotted a two year old brown under a log at the far end of one of the deeper pools................needless to say we couldnt leave lol.........he never did get that monster to gain interest, but he didnt stop talking about it the whole way home, i think i know where ill be this coming sunday :D

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