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Posts posted by blaque

  1. this is insanity, i found the cheat and still cant get past the button sequence. I flip the grid to show the fish, bear, wolf, swan sequence, and it says to hit those buttons in order, but cant find the button in the swan reflecting on the wall?????????

  2. I had a friend that was scheduled to be on that flight but due to delays he decieded to spend the night in NYC.


    now thats the mother of all humbling experiences......i had one similiar to that once, one of those......."that would have been me moments". It'll make ya wake up different the next day

  3. It was a somber ride into work this morning, as i drive right by clarence center road (just west of the crash site) I live just 5 miles from where the plane went down and its really just a shame........the only blessing is that more people on the ground werent hurt. I watch these planes go over my backyard in a constant fashion and have always worried about something like this........it is now a reality. A very saddening reality. Im very anxious to hear what it was that caused this plane to go down, they were descending and just minutes away from the runway......if not less. So sad.......this one really hits home.

  4. When I first started dating my wife she was really into it, I used to go skiing with her all the time.

    Never had any lessons but I was a natural and managed quite well, 'till one day when my overconfidence got the best of me.


    We were at Ellicotville (or Alcoholville as I liked to call it :) ) and I somehow ended up at the brink of their black diamond trying to decide yay or nay.


    It was pure ice, no powder and peppered with nasty little humps and bumps. Not even the experienced skiers were attempting it.

    I figured....why not?


    Anyone remember the opening shots on Wide World Of Sports where they show that clip of Todd Brooker (or was it Podborski?) crashing at Kitzbuhel where he goes cartwheeling end over end?

    Well that was me :P .

    That was the last time I ever went downhill skiing LOL!


    (No relevance whatsoever to your question, but just thought I'd throw that in there :) )


    Man, you fish some of the same steelhead waters as I (the kitty,18) and ski the same slopes (holiday valley) and ive never run into you lol. Small world i guess.


    Skiin is my second hobby after fishing,........well snowboarding now. I skiied for about 10 years and once they started getting rid of all the mogul runs around here (kissing bridge, holiday valley.......in ny) i switched to snowboarding. We used to ski the moguls non stop almost every run. But for some reason, they have diminished over the years. THat was really the only real fun i had on skiis........around here anywya. Killington VT. was another story.......much more challenging terrain. So i dunno, i got bored i guess you could say and switched to the board and havent looked back. I actualy found snowboarding easier to learn than skiing. Its tough to get the body language down, but once it clicks, its clicks. Its alot more fun in my opinion, and its not just for the young guys who can pull Wicked (the good wicked) phat (the good phat) sick (the good sick) tight moves out in the board park..........theres a ton of old guys out there carvin it up nowadays. Id strap the board on and go for it.

  5. Love the guy who brought his little daughter in with him.......poster boy for idiocy running rampant


    Gotta love battling day to day trying to raise a 13 year old girl in this world and try and teach her that she doesnt have to be a victoria secret model or show skin to get a guys attention or to feel good about herself. Funny how the mind works once children enter your world.

  6. It's certainly not for everyone.


    What a lot of people dont understand is that at the professional level, its a sport. There is so much technical work involved in the game that most people dont get. MMA incorporates wrestling, jiu jitsu, boxing, kickboxing, judo, karate, muay thai and god knows what else. If you're not skilled in any area, your opponent will exploit that. You make a single mistake and you're going down. Rich Franklin put it best, its "working your way through a physical chess match."


    The brawlers and thugs dont last long in this sport because they dont have the discipline or mentality to succeed, they let their emotions take over. I for one, enjoy the sport, but am the first to try and break up a streetfight.


    Its like most things, to an outsider like myself it looks like two guys beatin the snot out of each other.......and in one paragraph, youve explained a whole lot that i had no idea about. Makes a little more sense anywya........like i said no disrespect.

  7. Lamb Of God - Killadelphia and


    Not a big fan of the band, But youtube any of Godsmacks live drum battles.......i can watch it over and over

    (sully the lead singer gets behind a drumset and goes back and forth with the actual durmmer of the band)

    Drum battle


    Coincidentally, they incorporate a little Rush/Aerosmith/ and Led Zepellin in the battle lol all bands that were mentioned in this thread

  8. What youve seen of Obama to date, like any political campaign........is nothing different than a few first dates. You act like the person you think your date wants you to be to get in the door. You know, the honeymoon stage. Once your locked in, and feeling secure.........you start lounging around the house in your sweatpants and spilling food on your shirt!

  9. Never been, i went to the NHL awards once at the Air Canada Center........the awards were boring as heck, the only exciting part was sitting out front and watching all the big names walk past on the red carpet as they got out of there limos and entered the building. I think the actual all star game is about as exciting as the awards ceremony lol Only draw there for me would again be just seeing the stars. Maybe the skills comp. But the game......blah. Only other excitement at the awards was when all us Buffalo fans boo'ed bettman when he was at the podium (twas the year of Brett Hulls' NO GOAL against buffalo that ripped away our stanley cup.........)

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