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Posts posted by fishnsled

  1. Tell you what...if you are around this weekend, get in touch with me via private message and I will give you a starter fishing rod and reel and some basic terminal tackle...and no....not a kids barbie setup!!! It's hard to know what's comfortable until you have one to start with. I am in Whitby as well.


    Well there's an offer you can't refuse! Very nice Cliff!! :good:

  2. How many OFC'ers does it take to look for a light bulb? :whistling:

    Well after 41 replies and 634 views, I'm not sure how many it would take. :lol:


    Check these out at only $15.




    Reviews are good.


    • These things are great. I've had one outside for 2 years now in my gazebo and it keeps on working
    • I use these lights for my indoor lighting at night and as night lights for my kids. Have helped reduce my hydro bill by 25 percent. I have 13 that I am using total and they work great for this purpose. My only complaint would be that the last 5 that I bought the wiring to the switch is not perfect . I have to push a couple of times to get them to work. Even with this I would buy more of these if I needed.
  3. remember you get what you pay for. I deal with many LED bulbs and have seen my fair share of "cheap" aka affordable LED bulbs. Many of them will not last the 30,000 hours they are rated for. I have imported enough samples to fill half my warehouse and believe me, manufacturers that want you to place a big order their CRAPmanship is pretty half ass.


    If you have any questions on LED's please feel free to send me a PM. I can always help you out.




    That is certainly a better reply than mine. :good:

  4. Fair enough, but is there any difference in who will be elected? These guys all grew up amongst the middle to upper classes and took political science in university. Who do they really represent? Not me. Not Joe Plumber, not your Brother who got laid off last month, and certainly not the First Nations. If not Harper it will be another fool running away with the Countries assets with no consequence or recourse to them personally. The politicians need to fear the public. They do not. That's what protests are for, or walk up Parliament and drag them out. Good luck Canada!


    Absolutely no difference between any politician. One pisses us off and we vote another in until they do the same. They are certainly not in it for us but in it for themselves and the great pay increases. :rolleyes::angry: The worst part is they don't fear the people that put them in power until the next election. At that point they hope we have forgotten how they screwed us over, make some promises that if we are elected we will :blahblah1::blahblah1::blahblah1:. It is time for a wake up call.


    I'm all for occupying MEC... :lol:

  5. And with another 15 to almost 30cm's in the forecast this week for ya Dan, I'd say you're safe to keep the shovel handy and not worry about the lawnmower anytime soon. :whistling: Nice pictures, looks like Christmas. :santa::rofl2:


    Simon - It has certainly been a good winter for your new toy. :canadian: Reminds me of my first winter with my sled. Got out the first weekend in December and finished up at the last weekend of March before the trails were closed. I have not been able to that since in southern Ontario.

  6. So, I think I have this right though I am sure that someone here will correct me if I am wrong!LOL

    So, ultimately we will either have the status quote, where the Ontario Government continues to run the park or we will have First Nations running the park.

    Myself, as much as I have little to no respect for our elected officials, atleast we can vote them out of office... same can't be said for First Nations.

    The devil you know, vs the devil you don't.



    I don't think we know either devil that well but you are correct, at least we can vote them out in the next election.

  7. Gerrit the Algonquins arent staking claim to the park to rape it of its resource...they are staking claim to protect it from Harpers agenda to rape it...Mr Winters does a fairly decent job of walking a non bias line...but the bottom line is....its ALL of ours and there for everyone to share regardless of skin colour...not for corporate Canada to accommodate the 1 percents bank accounts


    Just another government I don't trust. The finacial mismanagement of Attawapiskat is a recent example of this with “An average of 81 per cent of files did not have adequate supporting documents and over 60 per cent had no documentation of the reason for payment,” in the recent audit. Perhaps they would do a better job of governing these lands then the present government. I have no confidence that this will happen. Just words out of another politcians mouth to get a "vote" imo.


    The public in general don't care or even know about this. Few if any, including most here on this site will do much more than complain or sign a meaningless online petition.you can bet if the govt was proposing to take land away from the FN's that they would be organized into protests and riots. This will go through with little organized opposition. Its unfortunate.

    How many non natives here would actually join in on a march, a rally, a sit in, or a protest?


    We all need to stand for something and as a community shouldn't we be taking a stand for what we love to do (fish and hunt), to protect what we have.

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