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Posts posted by kennyman

  1. Glad to hear everything is looking up. My mom had her first heart attack last Christmas. Thankfully,she only needed a stint and is doing fine now (it was still really scarey). It was a real eye opener and it changed the way I live my life. I quit smoking and even though I'm eating better I've put on a few pounds (part and parcel. I think). I started doing the outdoors thing,camping and fishing etc. It made me put things in perspective and see what really is important. Kind of sucks at Christmas,but just think, you've already got the best present you can get. Hope the next couple weeks is a little calmer for you. Sounds like a good reason to take it easy and go fishing. :Gonefishing: . Take care.

  2. Anyone fished Shades Mills in Cambridge this (or any) time of year. How'd you do? I was thinking about venturing over there tomorrow? Apparently there's a healthy pike population? If you think it's a good or bad idea let me know. If you have a better alternative that'd be appreciated as well. Thanks in advance guys.

  3. Love to swim. Took lots of lessons growing up and my kids are doing the same. My parents have had a pool for the last fifteen years (my kids pretty much learned to swim there). I've always loved the water. I've been canoeing for the past couple years and always wanted a (real) boat but have never had one. I guess it only makes sense that I eventually started to fish, I just can't believe it took me this long to find this hobby. There's just something about the water that is undescribable. It's very calming.There's something inherantly right about being near it, almost like you belong there. Man that was a longwinded answer. Sorry..... yes I swim (LOL).

  4. Here's the deal. My parents live outside of town and there is no hi-speed internet out there. My mom wants to buy my dad satellite internet for Christmas (sometimes it's also called portable internet). Is anyone here using it? How's it working for you? What service are you using (Bell,Rogers etc.). I don't want to do this wrong and end up stuck in a two year contract for something that's useless or unreliable. Thanks in advance.

  5. I looked into this myself before. It ends up that there is a fee coming across (I can't remember for sure but I think around a couple hundred bucks), you have to pay the taxes coming across and then there is a government inspection that has to be done at a later date. You have to bring the boat to them and there are only certain areas and dates available. Then there is the trailer. Canada has tougher laws on trailer safety than the U.S. and usually there are lighting changes, reflective tape etc. so that it will pass here. I talked to a car salesman who brought a boat and trailer back and he said the trailer was harder to get through than the boat. He told me that if he ever brings one back again, that he'd use his own trailer or borrow a Canadian one. Either that or he'd get it delivered (although there could be headaches there too) I guess what it boils down to is if the deal is incredible (or you use your own trailer) maybe it's worth it. I hear there are some good deals on boats from New Orleans :w00t::w00t::w00t: . YIKES!

  6. Sounds like you had a ball. What an experience that would have been. I am humbled by your mere presence LOL. I'm not worthy. All hail king Stein .:worthy::worthy::worthy::worthy::worthy: Thanks for sharing the story and making us all completely jealous.

  7. Man, I guess I'm not the only one. Two batteries (two vehicles) and a starter in the last couple weeks. Sorry to hear about everyones pet problems. I can't believe the the person didn't stop to check the dog after they hit it. Unbelievable! Anyway about the deisel. Okay, 99.9% says this isn't your issue (not sure what yours is doing) ,but I had to mention it just incase. I didn't want to read a week down the road that this was the issue and I hadn't mentioned it I would have felt terrible. Had a buddy with a Golf who was having fuel delivery problems. Turned out the intake manifold was almost completely plugged. I'd never even heard of this happening,but apparently it's not totally uncommon with Vdub deisels. He ripped it apart himself,unplugged the manifold and the car came right back to life. His mileage etc. increased from really good to phenominal again and all is well. He said he'll have to do it after another couple hundred thousand k's. Could be worse, most cars don't even last this long.

  8. Hey, looks good with the Pathfinder. I have a 95 Pathfinder myself. My friends call it a "Mallfinder" LOL. Yours looks mint. I towed a Rockwood Premier tent trailer to Bon Echo,Murphy's Point, Arrowhead and the Pinery this year. I bet loaded with all the supplies and canoe on top, etc. it's getting close to 3000lbs. Worked pretty good but I found that if I use it in "power" mode it works alot better. It holds the shift alot longer and keeps it in the power range. I also don't use overdrive when towing. The poor truck just lugs if I do. Maybe you have a 5-speed and none of this matters (wish mine was). It's been a good little truck for me. I'm sure yours will be too. P.S. The alternators (on the 95's anyways) are located on the very bottom, drivers side. I'm not sure how many times you'd want to submerse it. I haven't tried backing down a boat ramp yet as I haven't got a boat LOL. The canoe may have to do again, this year,but I'm hoping to get a tinny with a small outboard. That's a sweet looking boat you have there Bill.

  9. Wow, I don't live too far from Dover and like many I'm sure we grew up spending at least a few days of the summer down there. I don't think a year has ever gone by where I haven't been for an Arbor dog at least once or twice (I think you can still see them around my waistline LOL). Anyway, all I'm saying is that it really hit home when I watched the video. I guess because I recognized everything it was different. I couldn't believe the pier was covered. Yikes! Normally the water is WAY down. I had no idea this happened every few years. I guess I just never thought about it. Thanks for posting the video. I'm looking forward to seeing the next one. Also thanks for the lesson on the "Lake Erie seiche" Rick.

  10. That sure is a beauty gator,congrats. What did you catch it on and where? We need the rest of the story (or at least I do). PLEASE LOL.

    Why is everything top secret????? Only a few guys actually say where or how they caught the fish. It'd be nice if people expanded on their story (at least when asked). I'm not looking for GPS coordinates. Maybe what lake or area and especially conditions,water clarity and what you used to catch them (equipment ,live bait or crankbait,spinner etc.). If it was lure,what type,colour,pattern etc. ? How's a guy supposed to learn? I'm not looking to steal "your fish", just learn how to catch my own.

  11. Pretty much the dumbest poll, as in all of sport; not just hockey, the Montreal Canadiens are the greatest dynasty of any sports team with more cups/trophies and final round wins than anyone.


    Ignore that, you ingnore fact, which makes you ignorant. :P

    Okay now,no doubt they are the most storied franchise in hockey. In the sixties the Leafs were right there with them. The seventies belonged to Montreal,no question. BUT, in non pre-historic times they haven't exactly been ruling the league. Since the eighties the Islanders,Oilers,Devils and Wings have ruled. Had Mario stayed healthy the Pens would have probably gotten a couple more and been added to that of those franchises labelled "dynasties". In more recent years (say the last dozen or so) one would have to agree although the cup has alluded Toronto they have had more success,playoff appearances,conference finals, etc. than the Canadiens. Neither has exactly been breaking any records mind you. That said, Leaf fans have been treated to a few good runs in the playoffs (thanks"Killer"). Sadly it was just enough to give us a glimmer of hope,but man was it entertaining. I was on the edge of my seat alot of times. Can you imagine the streets of Toronto had the Leafs won ? It'll happen again guys. Just let me be alive to see it dear lord.

  12. Wow,that is awesome. Even better with the pics darsky. What a great way to go out. Wish my last couple times out would have been one quarter that successful. I would have been grinning ear to ear. Thanks for the location. What tubes were you using (make, colour,weight of jig,scented, etc.)? Technique? Sorry for all the questions but I'm like a sponge. I love learning and you definetely have a formula for success that someday would come in handy for a newbie like myself (and I'm sure others).

  13. I'm a Leaf fan until death. The teams will decide for themselves who is better on Saturday. Let's face it, neither of the teams is playing great right now. Both have a bunch of young players and hopefully are headed in the right direction (they both should get decent draft picks this year LOL). Both teams are really entertaining to watch and the Leafs are quicker and younger than they've been in a while. If both teams stick to their (rebuilding) guns they both should be good in a couple (or maybe a few) years. One thing for sure, it is special when these two teams clash. It's a rivalry that goes back long before most of us were born and will continue long after we're gone. It's emotional, it's exciting and it's great for hockey. It's especially great for Canadian hockey. So,being that it's good for hockey for me to say this. I hate those "stinkin" habs :P LOL. Here's a little something for you.



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